Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 143: The Phoenix Perched On The Parasol Tree


"Different treasure seeds?"

Zhang Xibao thought the information was wrong, he was here to find the Phoenix Bloodstone, and Vermilion Bird led the team to find the strange treasure seeds?


Tail Fire Tiger lowered his voice: "When Yan Mo Valley was just opened, the Black Dragon would explore this forest and find that there is a sacred tree here, and the seeds of the sacred tree are about to mature."

"So it's like this..." Zhang Xibao nodded.

A single treasure seed can easily produce a high-level ability user, which is an important strategic resource. No wonder Vermilion Bird, one of the four saints, is required to play.

Although Zhang Xibao was temporarily recruited by Vermilion Bird, he did not give up looking for the Phoenix Bloodstone. If the missions did not conflict, he continued to follow the team.

The five walked for a while, and it was completely dark.

The red light of flames suddenly appeared not far ahead, accompanied by scalding heat waves.

The soil under his feet turned black, and there was a burning smell.

Is it on fire?

Zhang Xibao observed that Weihuohu and the others had normal expressions, so he walked forward calmly.

Passing through the dense woods, a clearing appeared in front of everyone.

Although it was already night, there was a lot of light in the open space, and the light source came from a huge tree!

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened in shock.

The diameter of the giant tree is at least 20 meters, but the height is only 100 meters. It looks very strange from a distance, as if a good tree was broken from it.

The most shocking thing is not the shape of the giant tree, but that it is a fire tree!

The trunk, branches, and leaves were all in bright red flames, and the whole tree was on fire, but there was no sign of scorching.

Then there is only one explanation, the flame on the tree was produced by the giant tree itself.

Among the five elements, fire overcomes wood, but this big tree actually produced flames...

There is no record of this tree in Tongtian Dabaojian, that is to say, the species of this tree is very common, not a rare plant, and its flame is an acquired mutation.

Zhang Xibao carefully observed the characteristics of the giant tree with wide eyes, and found that the species of this tree seemed to be a sycamore tree.

"I seem to understand that the phoenix lives in the phoenix tree. This is a mutant phoenix tree watered by the blood of the phoenix. No wonder Baojian didn't respond..." Zhang Xibao muttered to himself.

"Ah, every time I stand under the sacred tree, I will be shocked!"

Zhen Shuichen put away the Xuanyi plate and sighed.

Li squinted his eyes and looked towards the crown of the fire tree. There was a large bunch of bright red sycamore fruits there. Counting them carefully, there were as many as thirty fruits!

Thirty strange treasure seeds mean that Daxia can have another thirty high-level supernatural beings.

"After tonight, the sycamore fruit will be ripe."

Li turned around and gave an order to everyone: "Camp in place and rest overnight."

Vermilion Bird gave the order, and everyone began to set up the tents.

Li, Zhenshui Worm, Winged Fire Snake, and Tailed Fire Tiger all have space treasures. They took out the special tents made by the Black Dragon Society from the treasures and set them up.

Tail Fire Tiger set up the fastest. After setting up the tent, he began to take out the pots and bowls to set up the campfire.

Seeing that Zhang Xibao was still staring at the flaming sycamore tree in a daze, Wei Huohu asked him: "Comrade Xiaobao, did you not bring a tent, we can take turns to keep watch and rest."

The Four Sages and the Twenty-Eight Constellations are the ministers of the humerus of Daxia, and of course they are all equipped with space treasures. Wei Huohu thought that Comrade Xiaobao is just an anchor, so there should be no space treasures, right?

Who knew that Zhang Xibao waved his hand and said, "No, I have a tent..."

Seeing Zhang Xibao take out a tent bag from the Tongtianbao Curry, Wei Huohu raised his eyebrows a little unexpectedly. It turns out that Comrade Xiaobao has been pretending to be low-key?


Zhang Xibao opened the tent bag and took out a fan tent with hellokitty printed on it, feeling a little dazed.

I have to say, Han Meimei has really good taste!


Tail Huohu gasped when he saw Zhang Xibao's tent.

Zhenshuichu also widened his eyes when he saw the pink tent.

Li twitched the corner of his mouth, and the Winged Fire Snake looked at Zhang Xibao with complicated eyes.

Zhang Xibao bit the bullet and set up the pink tent.

In the open space, a pink mushroom grew out of four black mushrooms...

After simply eating some compressed food, Vermilion Bird returned to the tent. Tail Fire Tiger, Zhen Water Worm, Wing Fire Snake, and Zhang Xibao discussed the order of the night watch.

Zhang Xibao offered to be the first to watch the night, and the other three returned to their tents to rest.

Inside the tent, Vermilion Bird sat cross-legged on a mat.


A vermilion flying sword flew out from Li's spatial treasure, Li put the flying sword across his knees, stretched out his hand and stroked the blade gently.

In this mission, apart from retrieving the rare treasure seeds, Li also has a private matter to do. She needs to take a branch of the sacred tree to make a scabbard.

Li's sword is called the Vermilion Bird sword, which comes from the sword mound in the first foreign land of Daxia, and is one of the four holy spirit swords.

The sacred tree is born with different fires, and the scabbard made of its branches can continuously temper the Vermilion Bird sword, and the attributes of the scabbard and the flying sword are compatible, which is of great benefit to the Vermilion Bird sword.

outside the tent.

Zhang Xibao faintly heard a sword cry, Tongtianbao Curry's black stick actually resonated.

"Is it Vermilion Bird's tent..."

Zhang Xibao pricked up his ears and continued to listen, but he couldn't hear anything anymore.

Li was speechless looking at Zhang Xibao's shadow cast on the tent...

"If you dare to peep, I will poke your eyes blind."

A crisp sound came from the tent.

Zhang Xibao looked back, well, no wonder there was no sound, it turned out that he had exposed himself by eavesdropping.

Zhang Xibao quickly explained, and replied politely: "Ahem... just now I heard a sword cry, I was curious, and I didn't intend to peep!"

Hearing what Zhang Xibao said, Li didn't make a sound.

Zhenshuiworm, who was lying on the tent and eavesdropping, lay back down again.

The Winged Fire Serpent's clenched fist also loosened.

Tailed Huohu sighed, turned over and pushed Qiqi down, and blocked his ears with a pillow...

All was silent except for the crackling of the campfire.

Zhang Xibao sat cross-legged on the ground, holding the fungus in his hand, and Chinchilla came out of his pocket to breathe.

"Little mouse, fungus, I can't leave for the time being, you two go look around to see if there are any Phoenix blood stones, and bring them all back to me."

creak creak...

The Chinchilla uttered a soft cry, climbed up the back of the fungus, walked lightly, and the two of them walked into the darkness.

In the middle of the night, the fungus and Chinchilla came back, and the tail fire tiger came out to change shifts. Zhang Xibao got into the pink tent with the fungus in his arms.

"Did you find out?" Zhang Xibao asked.

Chinchilla took out a pen and paper and wrote:

"Yes, but there are strange beasts! 』

"It really isn't that simple..."

Zhang Xibao asked Chinchilla: "What kind of strange beast?"

Chinchilla wrote:

"It looks like a chicken, a chicken with three heads..."


Zhang Xibao subconsciously swallowed his saliva, his mind was full of thoughts about whether this chicken is edible, is it delicious.

It's time to eat meat again...

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