Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 144 Barbecue Buffet And The Birth Of The Crow King


"Go, take the two of you to have supper!"

Zhang Xibao patted Chinchilla's head.

Both the chrysanthemum and the fungus are very excited, especially the fungus. After eating the meat of the blackwater crocodile last time, it has already experienced the fun of a picnic.

Zhang Xibao got up and got out of the pink tent.

Tail Fire Tiger was sitting cross-legged in front of the bonfire on duty at night, when he saw Zhang Xibao coming out of the tent, he asked suspiciously, "Comrade Xiaobao, why are you going?"

"Uh, pee..."

Zhang Xibao walked straight to the depths of the forest, Tail Fire Tiger did not doubt that he was there, but just reminded him: "Don't go too far, lest you run into danger."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand.

He didn't stop until he couldn't see the tent at all, took Fang Rui off his face, and dripped a few drops of blood on it.


Fang Rui fell to the ground and turned into Lord Bao, with a mask of a great sage on his face, and then walked towards the tent step by step.

"Leaving for too long, Tail Fire Tiger and the others will become suspicious, let Fang Rui go and sleep instead of me..."

Master Bao, Fang Rui's illusion, walked slowly towards the tent.

"Kidneys are fine, so long to urinate?"

Seeing Comrade "Little Treasure" return, Tail Fire Tiger said something with a smile.

Master Bao, who Fang Rui turned into, waved his hands, got into the tent without saying a word, lay down, and fell asleep soundly.

Comrade "Little Treasure" didn't speak, he just thought he was sleepy, and continued to add firewood to the campfire and keep watch.

And Zhang Xibao himself, under the guidance of Chinchilla, walked towards the place where the Phoenix Bloodstone was.

After running for about an hour, a bare mountain valley appeared in front of Zhang Xibao, with a huge chicken coop in the middle of the valley.

"What stupid chicken builds its nest on the ground?"

It was too dark to see clearly, so Zhang Xibao slowly leaned over and stared at the scene.

In the center of the chicken coop lay a group of strange chickens, counting them in total, there were six of them, and each strange chicken had an egg the size of a basketball under its buttocks.

『Three-headed Haoyang Chicken: A mysterious Class-A beast with three heads, a frog mouth, a snake neck, a giant body, and a bald tail. Because of its short wings, it cannot fly. Its claws are strong and powerful, and its destructive power is amazing. 』

The Haoyang chickens are three meters high when lying in the nest. Among the three chicken heads, two are resting, and the other is staring at the surroundings.

"So many Phoenix bloodstones!"

The diameter of the chicken coop is ten meters. The outermost circle is an outer wall carefully built by tree branches. The height of the outer wall is two meters. The innermost circle is actually paved with phoenix blood stones.

The outer wall shields the enemy from the wind, and the inner wall uses the temperature of the Phoenix blood stone to catalyze eggs.

"Wow, such a big chicken, and there are six more, how long will it take to eat?"

Suck, suck...

Zhang Xibao, Chinchilla and Fungus swallowed wildly.

In Zhang Xibao's eyes, isn't the outer wall of the chicken coop full of branches just a barbecue grill?

Aren't the Haoyang chickens squatting in the nest just delicious chicken legs and wings?

Now there are firewood and chicken, what else is there?

Just short of a fire!

What Zhang Xibao has to do is add fuel to the flames.


A bright light suddenly appeared in the dark night sky, and Haoyang Chicken looked up suspiciously.

A huge fire phoenix rose into the sky and flew towards the chicken coop of the Haoyang chickens.

cluck cluck!

The waking Haoyang chicken issued an early warning, but the fire phoenix arrived in no time, and ignited the outer wall of the chicken coop with a puff.

The huge chicken coop instantly burst into flames, and the fire phoenix circled around the outer wall of the chicken coop, blowing up a fire tornado purely made of different fires!

The round mountain depression is like a hood, and the temperature of the different fire is not wasted at all, and the high temperature and the fragrance of Haoyang chicken are tightly locked.

When the branches on the outer wall were burned out, all the six Haoyang chickens became roasted chickens.

Zhang Xibao ran over with a wild laugh, and first threw all the phoenix bloodstones with residual warmth into Tongtianbao Curry.

Now Zhang Xibao's strange fire can be completely transformed, because there are thousands of phoenix blood stones on the inner wall!

After loading the phoenix blood stone, Zhang Xibao selected the fattest Haoyang chicken and began to feast on it.

In addition to chicken and hard-boiled eggs...

The three guys rolled their eyes after eating so much that they killed three eggs and one Haoyang chicken.

For the remaining eggs and Haoyang chicken, Zhang Xibao waved his hand and deposited them all in Tongtianbao Curry.

Zhang Xibao thought for a while, and took out another huge Haoyang chicken.

He also took out the flame crow flag, and shot a consciousness into the flag, and found that the two hundred flame crows were all starved and wilted.

"Hey, the little head is finally hungry and dizzy!"

Zhang Xibao gave a smirk, tore off a chicken wing from the Haoyang Chicken, raised his hand and threw it into the Flame Crow Flag.

Inside the Flame Crow Banner was a space the size of a palace, and the two hundred Flame Crows were all sickly squatting on the ground, curling their necks and feigning sleep.

The delicious chicken wings suddenly fell on the ground of the space, and the eyes of two hundred flame crows widened instantly. They looked at each other and began to communicate in crow language.

quack quack!

"Conspiracy, conspiracy! 』

"Even if my flame crow is starved to death, if I jump from a high place, I don't want to eat that guy's food!" 』


"Yes, yes, everyone, don't act rashly! 』

quack quack!

"You told everyone not to move, why did you move first?" 』


"I'll test it for everyone to see if it's poisonous... Emma, ​​it smells so good! 』

Two hundred flame crows rushed towards the chicken wings in an instant, quickly took a bite of the meat and ate it, and the slower ones didn't even see the bones.

quack quack!

"Which soul has chewed even the bones? ! 』

The Haoyang chicken's wings are extremely small, not enough for ten flame crows to fit between their teeth, let alone two hundred flame crows.

"Are you convinced?"

Zhang Xibao's voice suddenly sounded in the space.

The crows were silent.

"What can you do in the forest? Catch bugs and drink dew? What kind of behavior is this? Old hat! Follow Ben Bao, and we will have a good meal in the future!"

Afterwards, a whole Haoyang chicken was thrown into the space.

Two hundred hungry flame crows with green eyes swarmed over and ate up the huge Haoyang chicken in an instant.


Two hundred flame crows squatted on the ground belching.


"The taste of this meat is really good..."


"exactly! 』

Zhang Xibao's voice echoed in the space again.

"What is your dream?"

The crows looked at each other.

"Catch bugs, drink dew, and make little flame crows?"

"Do not!"

"Your dream is to become bigger, stronger and to create a little flame crow!"

"Follow Master Bao, the first Flame Crow that takes the initiative to form a pact with the Flame Crow Banner will get a drop of Phoenix blood!"

The Flaming Ravens fell into deep thought, and finally, the first Flaming Raven that ate pancakes appeared. It took the initiative to connect with the Flaming Raven Banner, and a rune was generated out of thin air and merged into the body of the Flaming Raven.

The remaining flame crows stared straight at this companion.

Zhang Xibao took out a phoenix blood stone on the spot, and used the Tongtian tripod to refine a drop of phoenix blood.

The phoenix blood floated into the flag of the flame crow, and flew into the mouth of the flame crow under the eyes of everyone.


The flame crow screamed, and the feathers on its body began to turn red, and its size became completely larger.

"Okay, from now on you will be the Crow King!"


The crow king screamed, and the crows were frightened, and they all began to form a pact with the flame crow flag.

Zhang Xibao nodded in satisfaction.

"The flag of the Flaming Crow Flag has been completed, and now the flagpole is left. Well, I think the Flaming Indus is pretty good..."

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