Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 145 I Suspect This Kid Is Eating

quack quack!

"Baby Lord, always be God!" 』

Flame Crow, who was bestowed the title of Crow King, was extremely excited.

Ordinary flame crows only have a red feather on top of their head, but under the catalysis of phoenix blood, it has grown a whole body of red feathers!

Covered in red feathers, the crow king is invulnerable to swords and guns, and overwhelms the crows, becoming the most beautiful boy among the crows, and winning the favor of the female crows.

Seeing that their companions have benefited, other Flame Crows formed contracts with the Flame Crow Banner one after another. So far, two hundred Flame Crows have been completely tamed.

Zhang Xibao unsealed the flame crow flag, and two hundred flame crows flew out, squatting on the ground to listen to the new master's lecture.

"Follow Master Bao and eat nine meals in two days!"

"As long as you perform well, you will benefit greatly in the future!"

The Crow King responded excitedly. Seeing that the other flame crows were not rewarded with the blood of the phoenix, their emotions were relatively flat.

"Not strong enough! Do you still want Phoenix blood?"

Zhang Xibao took out a phoenix bloodstone and waved it around.

quack quack!

The crows suddenly became excited.

"Very good, very energetic!"

"When the Flame Crow Flag is completely completed, let's go to your hometown again to promote and encourage more Flame Crows to join our big family!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the phoenix blood stone in his hand and said, "You have to work hard to recruit your companions into the group. The more you recruit, the more rewards you will get. I announce that the first place will reward one drop of Phoenix blood, and the second place will reward ten blood energy pills! Three prizes will be rewarded with five Blood Energy Pills! In addition, there will be a consolation prize..."

Zhang Xibao held a competition for the Flame Crows called [Calling for more Flame Crows to join the Flame Crow Banner family].

"Okay, now you go back to the Flame Crow Banner and think about how to play it!"

Zhang Xibao waved the flag, and two hundred flame crows flew into the space inside the flame crow flag.

While Tongtiandingding was still warm, Zhang Xibao poured out a pile of Phoenix blood stones.

Start training!

As the saying goes, gather sand to form a tower, gather armpits to form fur, although the amount of phoenix blood in a phoenix blood stone is small, it cannot support many stones.

Zhang Xibao directly threw hundreds of stones into the Tongtian Cauldron, refining out a drop of phoenix blood the size of a longan.


Zhang Xibao opened his mouth and swallowed the Phoenix's blood.


As if swallowing a burning briquette, Zhang Xibao was so hot that he jumped on the ground.

After finally subduing the Phoenix blood, his whole body seemed to have been soaked in water.


Zhang Xibao's strange fire has completely turned yellow, and the temperature has skyrocketed!

"Well, the transformation from red-orange to yellow has been completed, and the temperature should be around 4000c."

The temperature of the flame can be seen from the color of the flame.

The temperature of the red-orange flame is 3000c

The temperature of the yellow and white flame is 4000c

The temperature of the blue flame is 6000c

The temperature of the purple flame is above 7000c!

"It's done, call it a day!"

Zhang Xibao took the Tongtian Ding back into the Tongtian Treasure House.

"I'm so tired, I'm so tired, I just want to sleep well..."

Zhang Xibao returned to the vicinity of the Flaming Indus, and sent a signal to Fang Rui. Fang Rui's changed Master Bao sat up, climbed out of the tent and burrowed into the woods.


Tail Huohu was changing shifts with Zhen Shuichu, and Bao Ye, who saw Fang Rui's change, came out of the tent.

He asked curiously: "Didn't you pee just now, why did you go again?"

"Open it up..."

Master Bao, who changed Fang Rui, answered dully.

"Uh, then you go a little farther away, don't let the smell drift over..." Zhen Shuichen couldn't help reminding.

In the woods, Fang Rui turned into a mask and put it back on Zhang Xibao's face. Zhang Xibao walked back to the camp in a big way, hiccupping as he walked, Haoyang Chicken was too stuffed...

Zhen Shuichen watched Zhang Xibao go back into the tent in shock.

Didn't you go big? Why are you hiccupping back...

Feeling drowsy after eating and drinking, Zhang Xibao lay in the tent and began to sleep soundly.

Early the next morning, Tail Huohu came over and called Zhang Xibao to get up.

"Comrade Xiaobao, it's time to get up!"

Zhang Xibao slowly got up and poked his head out. He saw that the four of them had already started to eat breakfast, which was still hard to swallow compressed food.

"Comrade Xiaobao, come over and have something to eat!" Tail Fire Tiger waved.

Zhang Xibao waved his hand and refused: "I... am not hungry!"

Such a big Haoyang chicken was eaten by Zhang Xibao, Chinchilla, and fungus, and it only slept for a few hours, how could it digest it.

"When will I pick the rare treasure seeds, can I sleep for a while? It's a bit uncomfortable..."

Zhang Xibao couldn't bear it.

After speaking, he lay down again, with his head exposed to watch everyone eat.

"Is he sick?" Li looked at Tail Fire Tiger.

Wei Huohu spread his hands and said that he didn't know either.

"It will take some time for the strange treasure seeds to mature. If you are not feeling well, you can sleep for a while." Li waved his hand.

After all, this [Bao Ye] was recruited temporarily, so it's not good to be harsh.

"Okay!" Zhang Xibao retracted his head and continued to sleep back into the cage.

Zhenshuiworm mysteriously said to the Winged Fire Snake: "I suspect this kid ate it..."

"What do you mean?" Winged Fire Snake was stunned for a moment.

"Last night, he said to go to the tuba, but he came back with hiccups..." Zhen Shuichen said with affirmation.

The Winged Fire Snake looked at the dry food in his hand, and felt that the food was too much to eat.

When the sun rose, Zhang Xibao, who was full of sleep, climbed out of the tent.

The four of them, Li and Wei Huohu, practiced kung fu, and meditated.

Zhang Xibao took out an egg from a Haoyang chicken, buried it in the embers of the campfire, heated the egg, and after sleeping, he was hungry again.

Zhenshuiworm swallowed hard and motioned for the Winged Fire Snake to look.

"Look, what am I talking about, this kid ate it secretly, look at the bird egg, it's bigger than a dinosaur egg, it must be an alien animal egg!"

The Winged Fire Snake looked up for a moment, then continued to close his eyes and exhale, and two words popped out of his mouth: "Whatever..."

The eggs of Haoyang chicken were heated up, Zhang Xibao peeled off the skin of the eggs, and gnawed them in his hands like gnawing steamed buns.

The egg yolk choked in panic, and he even took out the drunk fairy gourd to drink from time to time.

"Huh? Is it raining?"

Zhang Xibao raised his head, Qiqi was squatting in front of him and drooling, his saliva was almost converging into a river.

People can hold back their greed, but dogs can't...

Zhang Xibao took out a big bone from Tongtianbao Curry and threw it to Qiqi. This chicken leg bone was left over from his gnawing last night.

"Go, eat and play!"

Qiqi ran away after the big bone, and Zhang Xibao ate the eggs in his hand in twos and twos.

The South Vermilion Bird is not far from the flame plane tree sitting cross-legged, and seems to be tempering the sword intent with the fire element of the sacred tree.

Zhang Xibao ignored the killing gaze of the Winged Fire Snake, and slowly moved towards Li.

"The sword is good!"

Seeing the Scarlet Flying Sword, Baojian in Zhang Xibao's consciousness space had already given an introduction.

『 Vermilion Bird Sword: An earth-level Grade A rare treasure, one of the four holy spirit swords, containing the remnant soul of Vermilion Bird. 』

Li closed his eyes and didn't respond to Zhang Xibao's words until Zhang Xibao took out a black fire stick and came out.

The Vermilion Bird sword trembled slightly, and Li felt a sharp sword intent.

She opened her eyes, saw the black stick in Zhang Xibao's hand, and asked, "Is this also a sword?"

"Do not!"

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "This is the sword embryo..."

With a puff, Zhen Shuichen almost laughed out loud, and the Winged Fire Snake glanced at Zhang Xibao, thinking that I think you look like a swordsman.


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