Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 146 Helpless Nan Vermilion Bird

"Sword embryo?"

Li looked at the black stick in Zhang Xibao's hand, and found that it couldn't see the shape of a sword at all, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a sword embryo.

"Can I see it?"

Li felt that her request was a little too much, but she was really curious about the sharp sword energy on the stick.

"Yes, I would also like to see your saber."

Zhang Xibao handed the black stick to Li, and reminded: "Be careful, don't cut your fingers!"

The Winged Fire Serpent next to him felt a little disdainful. It's just a broken stick, can it cut the hand of Lord Vermilion Bird? This person is sleepy after returning to the cage, right?

He wanted to see someone else's sword embryo, and the other party's request to see the Vermilion Bird sword was not too much, so Li hesitated for a while, and handed the Vermilion Bird sword to Zhang Xibao.

"Remember not to inject fresh air into the sword." Li Ye reminded.

Zhang Xibao handed the handle of the black stick to Li, and took the Vermilion Bird sword.

This is the first time he has touched a sword-style treasure of the first class of the earth class.

The Vermilion Bird sword is not light to start with. This sword is only three fingers wide and more than one meter long, but it has a weight that does not fit the body shape.

Maybe it's the sword spirit sinking? Who knows!

The blade, body, and hilt of the sword are all red, and the body of the sword is engraved with dark red patterns full of rhythmic beauty, the patterns are like flowing blood.

The appearance of this Vermilion Bird sword is much higher than that of the big black stick!

Zhang Xibao slightly brushed the blade of the sword with his fingers, and felt a tingling pain on his skin.

"Good sword, good sword!"

Zhang Xibao couldn't help admiring.


Perhaps because Vermilion Bird was dissatisfied with Zhang Xibao's words and deeds, Zhang Xibao suddenly heard a bird cry.

According to Baojian records, there is a remnant soul of Vermilion Bird in the sword of Vermilion Bird. What is the power of the remnant soul of Vermilion Bird?

Zhang Xibao's consciousness was instantly pulled to a strange space, a fire was burning in the space, and a wine-red bird fluttered its wings in the flames.

"What do you mean, you are not happy to praise you?"

Zhang Xibao spread out his palm, and puffed out a burst of strange fire. The strange fire took a lotus flower as its base, and a small phoenix fluttered its wings inside the fire lotus.

"Don't compare too much when you are a bird, how about comparing the laser rain?"

Zhang Xibao's strange fire comes from the millennium fire lotus, and it has been tempered by the phoenix fire. Although neither of them is as famous as Vermilion Bird, one of the holy spirits, but in front of him is just a remnant soul of Vermilion Bird, and I don't know how many people are trapped in the sword. It's been a year, and its power has long since declined.


There was some joy in the cry of Vermilion Bird's remnant soul.


Only then did Zhang Xibao understand that the remnant soul of Vermilion Bird did not emerge because he praised it, but because he felt the fire element in his body.

"This is……"

The remnant soul of Vermilion Bird was flying around Zhang Xibao, feeling the fire element in his body, showing joy and intimacy.

"Don't you want to recognize me as master?! This sword belongs to the Four Saints Vermilion Bird..."

"No, no, Daba!"

Zhang Xibao folded his arms across his chest, resisting the approach of the remnant soul of Vermilion Bird.


Li suddenly let out an exclamation, and Zhang Xibao's consciousness broke away from the space.

He saw a drop of blood on Li's lotus root-like finger. It turned out that Li tentatively touched the body of the black stick, and the sword energy cut her hand.

"It's really cut! Master Vermilion Bird, are you alright?" Zhen Shuichen exclaimed.

The Winged Fire Serpent's eyes widened instantly, and the eyes behind the mask were full of disbelief.

Li put his fingers in his mouth, looked at the black stick in surprise, and then looked at Zhang Xibao: "This stick... this sword embryo clearly has no blade, why is it so sharp?"

Zhang Xibao took the black stick and said casually, "Maybe it's a sword blade at 360 degrees?"

"Three hundred and sixty degrees are sword blades?"

Zhenshuiworm and Winged Fire Snake looked at each other, thinking that it was still a stick?

Zhang Xibao returned the Vermilion Bird sword to Li, and muttered, "Give the child something good to eat, or anyone who is caught will recognize the master..."

"Does your sword embryo have a name?" Li asked again.

I always feel like you're scolding me!

Zhang Xibao was silent for a moment and replied: "You can call it chicken soup."

"Chicken Soup Sword? The name is rather strange. Is there anything special about it?" Li's eyes were full of curiosity.

"It's nothing special, it's just that the sword embryo smells like chicken soup..."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, this sword embryo was turned into soup bowls and spoons by Old Man Tongtian to drink boiled cabbage soup, after use it always smelled like chicken soup, which couldn't be washed off!

He sniffed it close and nodded, "It's true."

This child is too innocent, he just stretched out his head and sniffed it like a puppy!

Zhenshuiworm and Winged Fire Snake were shocked, and Tail Fire Tiger mourned Comrade Xiaobao in his heart. If Lord Xuanwu knows about it, Comrade Xiaobao will take iron pills.

"It's almost time."

Li looked up at the fruit on the sycamore tree, and ordered to everyone: "Get ready to pick the rare treasure seeds!"

The strange treasure seeds are 100 meters high, and it is difficult to pick them up, but it is not a problem for Li at all.

"Climb up?"

Zhang Xibao couldn't help asking when he saw that the crowd didn't move.

"No, let me pick it!"

Li flipped out the Vermilion Bird sword, and the Vermilion Bird sword was suspended in the air steadily, and Li jumped onto the sword body.

"Royal Sword Flying!"

Zhang Xibao exclaimed: "So there is really Yujian flying?"

The tailed fire tiger, the water worm, and the winged fire snake worship Wang Li, Master Vermilion Bird is the youngest supernatural power user in Daxia!

Looking at the entire Great Xia, apart from Lord Qinglong and a certain old Taoist priest, only Lord Vermilion Bird can fly with a sword.

"Well, I'm not very skilled yet."

The Vermilion Bird sword carried Li and slowly flew towards the fruit.

Flying hundreds of meters above the sky, the red fruit above the head is within easy reach.

Thirty rare treasure seeds, the Black Dragon Society can add another thirty powerful generals.

Li took a deep breath and reached out to pick the fruit.

"Wait, don't pick it yet!"

Zhang Xibao on the ground suddenly shouted.

Li frowned, and she saw a gap in the red fruit.


A fireball drilled out of the red fruit, and it flew towards Li's face, Li Yujian dodged, and the fireball turned back and continued to attack.

Li squinted his eyes, and found that it was not a fireball, but a small bug with a whole body on fire.

On the ground, Zhang Xibao opened his Tongtian pupil. He didn't notice the sycamore fruit at first, but he was thinking about which branch to fold to make the flagpole of the flame crow flag better.

When Tongtiantong swept towards the Wutong fruit, Baojian reacted.

"Fire Armor Planthopper: An earth-level C-level alien beast with pointed head, sawtooth, six wings, eight legs, wearing fire armor, and a fire-attributed pest that specializes in hunting exotic treasure seeds. 』

The little bug turned out to be a ground floor!

And there was not only one firefly planthopper, but the red fruits were cracked one by one, and small fiery bugs kept coming out.

Every time a fruit cracks, Li feels a little heavy. I didn't expect these rare treasure seeds to be taken by pests first. I don't know how many intact seeds are left?

"Fire armor planthopper on the ground floor, avoid the sharp edge for now!"

Zhang Xibao folded his palms into a trumpet shape, and shouted towards Li in mid-air.

It can be seen that Li is not very proficient at flying with the sword, and he is already a bit overwhelmed by the siege of dozens of earth-level bugs.

Li's figure fell rapidly, but fortunately the fire armor planthopper did not pursue, but burrowed back into the fruit to eat.

"If it weren't for the fear of hurting the fruit, I really want to wipe out all these annoying bugs!"

Leaving off the Vermilion Bird sword, the fingers holding the high-level sword talisman trembled slightly.

It was obvious that she was in a very bad mood.

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