Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 155 This Side Effect Is Wonderful

Gulu Gulu~

Steam was rising from the copper pot.

Red soup and clear soup are distinct, red soup is spicy and clear soup is delicious.

Liu Dapeng and Bao Guyan sat opposite each other, while Zhang Xibao was pouring wine and serving food.

The red soup has a lot of oil and heats up quickly. Liu Dapeng hurriedly picked up a chopsticks of meat rolls and threw them into the pot, while Lao Bao put vegetables into the clear soup leisurely.

"Come on, come on..."

Liu Dapeng took the time to push the two wine glasses.

Taking advantage of his inattention, Zhang Xibao unscrewed the lid of the medicinal wine, but neither of them noticed that the bottle had been opened.

Liu Dapeng drinks strong, Lao Bao drinks thin...

"Hiss~ woo woo woo, this meat is so delicious, so bright!"

Can the rolls cut from Yan Mohu meat be delicious...

Lao Bao also picked up his chopsticks, and nodded approvingly: "It's really good, very strong."

"Why is this wine this color?" Liu Dapeng picked up the wine glass and looked at Zhang Xibao suspiciously.

The color of the wine is like Amber, and the texture is thicker than ordinary white wine.

"Ah, this is ginseng wine..."

Zhang Xibao teased: "Your big dark circles show kidney deficiency, so I specially bought ginseng wine to replenish energy and blood."

"The young man is interested, but my dark circles are caused by staying up late recently, okay?"

Liu Dapeng picked up the wine glass and smelled it, and felt that the taste was quite fragrant, so he stuffed the wine in the wine glass with one gulp.

"Well, it tastes good, let's have another cup!"

"Okay!" Zhang Xibao refills another cup for him.

The concentration of the medicinal wine is not easy to control. Since Liu Dapeng can become the leader of the Black Dragon Association in Beishi, it means that he is not a low-ranking supernatural being. If he can't stand the medicinal power of the liquor, Zhang Xibao will blend the special liquor for supernatural beings even more thinner...

In this case, a bottle of medicinal wine with 8888 points can be diluted into several bottles, and the price will remain the same.

I, Zhang Xibao, am really a business genius...

Liu Dapeng and Lao Bao ate and drank, while Zhang Xibao sat next to him and observed Liu Dapeng's state while eating vegetables.

Seeing that the two bottles of wine had bottomed out, the two guys were drunk, and Liu Dapeng was still spitting and bragging, Zhang Xibao suddenly widened his eyes.

"Group Leader Liu, you... seem to have a nosebleed?"

Hearing this, Lao Bao raised his head and laughed loudly: "Old Liu, you also said that you don't have kidney deficiency, and you don't need to replenish your deficiency, right?!"

Liu Dapeng supported the table and stood up, turned around and went to the sofa, pulled a ball of toilet paper and stuffed it into his nostrils, and said in a low voice, "It must be that the weather is too dry recently!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened suddenly again, Liu Dapeng's Niuniu stood up!

Liu Dapeng didn't know it yet, seeing Zhang Xibao's expression of seeing the devil, he hiccupped: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a peerless face?"

Zhang Xibao pointed in that direction with his index finger, and Liu Dapeng looked down.

"Ouch, I knock!"

Liu Dapeng hastily covered it with his hands, trying to sit down to cover it up, but his feet slipped and his head slammed on the table.


Seeing that Liu Dapeng had a big bump on his forehead, he covered his head with one hand and his crotch with the other.

"What, you want to spacewalk?"

Lao Bao didn't see the scene just now, and asked Liu Dapeng with a strange face. When he saw Liu Dapeng's weird situation, he suddenly burst into laughter.

"Pfft ha ha ha!"

Lao Bao picked up his phone, pointed at Liu Dapeng, and took a photo with a click.

"Delete it, delete it for me!" Liu Dapeng couldn't care about anything else, and rushed over to grab the phone.

"Don't even think about it, hahahaha, I want to keep this picture as a souvenir!"

Lao Bao held the phone in one hand, and blocked Liu Dapeng with the other.

The two guys almost turned the table over, but in the end Liu Dapeng was defeated.

"Ah, there are ice cubes in the refrigerator, I'll go get them and apply them to Team Leader Liu..."

Zhang Xibao turned his head to get ice cubes from the refrigerator.

After Team Leader Liu's personal experimentation, this medicinal wine is still too strong, and it needs to be diluted twice or twice...

Zhang Xibao fetched ice cubes, Liu Dapeng used the excuse of going to the toilet to put on his head, but he didn't know which head...

"Pfft ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Xibao and Lao Bao looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

After laughing enough, Lao Bao put away his phone and asked Zhang Xibao, "Have you decided which school to go to?"

"The imperial capital!" Zhang Xibao replied.

Lao Bao nodded: "Well, that's right. In fact, Group Leader Liu and I stayed here, just wanting to be lobbyists and persuade you to go to the imperial capital. Since you have already made your choice, we don't need to say anything."


Zhang Xibao asked curiously: "If I didn't choose well, how would you two try to convince me?"

Lao Bao thought for a while: "The headquarters of the Five Dragons Club is in the imperial capital. This is a very good reason. You go to the imperial capital to study. With your qualifications, you have a promising future. In addition, Team Leader Liu is actually interested in you. He I have the idea of ​​absorbing you into the Black Dragon Club of Beishi."

"What do you think, Lao Bao?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

Old Bao didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "I think the temple of the Black Dragon Club in Beishi is too small, and it's still not enough for you to use it. You can go to the headquarters of the Five Dragon Club, where there are the most secret things in Daxia. Maybe the future team leader Liu I still call you a leader!"

"Hmm...the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club." Zhang Xibao muttered to himself.

Liu Dapeng came out of the toilet, looking embarrassed, and was ridiculed by Lao Bao again.

"There must be something wrong with this wine!" As expected of being the leader of the Black Dragon Society, Liu Dapeng pointed out the crux immediately.

"Then why am I okay? You just don't want to make up for it, so stop making excuses!" Lao Bao pointed at the two identical bottles.

Anyway, the wine had already been drunk, no matter how suspicious Liu Dapeng was, he had no evidence, and Zhang Xibao spread his hands innocently.

"Okay, one last thing..."

Just as Liu Dapeng was about to speak, Lao Bao interrupted him and waved his hand: "Okay, this kid has already decided to go to the imperial capital, so you don't need to waste your saliva and say it again."

"That's it!"

Liu Dapeng nodded and said to Zhang Xibao: "Boy, work hard, the future belongs to you young people!"

Liu Dapeng and Lao Bao were about to leave, and Zhang Xibao sent them to the gate of the community.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Xibao took out his mobile phone, clicked on "Different", and sent a message to the group of 30 customers who placed orders for wine last night:

"This medicinal wine has side effects, I have to tell you in advance, the specific side effects are after drinking..."

Zhang Xibao edited a message and sent it to the group.

After a while, someone replied:

"really? And such a good thing? ! 』

"Don't worry, Master Bao, I came for this side effect..."

"This side effect is really good! 』

"Let's make the side effects more intense!" 』

Zhang Xibao curled his lips and put away his phone, it seems that he was acting affectionate...

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