Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 156 Luxurious Treasure Pill Gift Package

ding dong~

The doorbell rang again!

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath, and sent the Big Three and Lao Bao away on his front foot, while another family member came back on his back foot.

Opening the door, Zhao Ba, the administrator of the Beishi Appreciation Bureau, was standing at the door, holding a large box in his hand.

It turned out to be Xiao Zhao...

Zhang Xibao pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Hello, I'm Zhao Ba, administrator of Beishi Appreciation Bureau. We met this morning." Zhao Ba introduced himself.

"Hello, hello, I have an impression."

Zhang Xibao led Zhao Ba into the door.

Zhao Ba put the big box in his hand on the table, and introduced: "This is a luxurious Baodan gift package that rewards you in two rounds."

"Can I open it and have a look?" Zhang Xibao asked.

Zhao Ba nodded: "This already belongs to you, of course you can open it."

Zhang Xibao opened the box and found that there are six layers inside, each layer is a 5x6 grid, and a bottle of treasure pill is placed in each grid.

Zhao Ba began to introduce: "The first layer is 300 pills of Qi and blood, the second layer is 300 pills of Dali, the third layer is 30 pills of detoxification, the fourth layer is 30 pills of washing marrow, the fifth layer is 30 pills of Heqi, The sixth layer is Ningshen San, the effects of these things can be found on the Internet, the first two layers are for your daily needs, and the last four layers will be used when you go to school."

"It's really luxurious, thanks to Baodan from the two bureaus of Beishi!"

Zhang Xibao made a rough calculation in his heart. If he wanted to buy this big box of pills in the mall, he would need to spend hundreds of thousands of points, which is really worthy of the word luxury!

"This is an encouragement to you, and it's also considered an investment. Oh, by the way, do you have an account in "Different"? I will transfer 20,000 points to you."

Zhao Ba took out his mobile phone and looked at Zhang Xibao.

"Can I pay in cash?"

Not to mention that taking out his phone on the spot would expose him, Zhang Xibao has no shortage of points at all, he is going to live in the imperial capital soon, what he lacks is a large amount of cash.

If you go to [Jack Donkey] to exchange cash, you need to pay a commission, so it's better to exchange the 20,000 points rewarded by the Appreciation Bureau into money.

Zhao Ba was a little puzzled: "Do you not have an account of "Different"? If so, you need to register one as soon as possible. You will need it for college, and points are more precious than money. Are you sure you want money?"

"I want money." Zhang Xibao replied.

"Okay, give me the account, and I'll transfer the money to your account in the afternoon, 2 million, and there will be no handling fee within the Appreciation Bureau." Zhao Ba stopped trying to persuade Zhang Xibao.

"Finally, let's talk about tomorrow's event flow."

Zhao Ba adjusted his glasses: "We rented a crane-shaped beast from the Bureau of Appreciation of Beishi City and the Bureau of Nanshi City. Tomorrow, you will ride on the back of the beast for a circle around the city. This beast is very docile and intelligent. It's very high, you don't need to be afraid of it, and at the same time it will ensure your safety, you just need to follow the instructions, see you tomorrow at eight o'clock, and I will arrange it for you."

A crane-shaped beast?

Zhang Xibao's heart skipped a beat, thinking it couldn't be such a coincidence, right?

The one that the old Taoist rode yesterday?


Zhang Xibao sent Zhao Ba out, and when he was about to leave, he asked curiously, "How much did we spend on renting this beast from the two bureaus of Beishi?"

Zhao Ba shook his head: "There is no need to pay Nanshi points, the money is all spent on bribing this strange beast, after all, it doesn't like strangers to ride on it, and we Beishi obtained its consent with 1,000 Qi and Blood Pills .”

Zhao Ba went downstairs and left, Zhang Xibao leaned against the door frame.

"1000 qi and blood pills? This thief bird has a big appetite!"

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

The next day, Zhang Xibao woke up early and put on the school uniform representing Beishi No. 1 Middle School.

He wanted to meet Zhao Ba at the Beishi Appreciation Bureau before eight o'clock.

When he came to Beishi Baojian Bureau, Zhang Xibao touched his face and felt a little uncomfortable. After all, this time he came to Beishi Baojian Bureau with his true face, not Baoye's face.

"Student Zhang, are you here?"

Zhao Ba came out to lead the way, and while the two were walking, he introduced: "I'll take you to see that strange beast, the two of you should familiarize yourself with it first, oh, by the way, are you afraid of heights?"

After getting Zhang Xibao's negative answer, Zhao Ba said again: "Although this strange beast is docile, please remember not to touch its feathers. It has a cleanliness habit. We arranged a saddle for you on its back. The mechanism on the saddle It will hold you firmly on it, you just need to hold on to the handle of the saddle."

"I heard that strange beasts are of the same level as supernatural beings, right? What level is this strange beast?" Zhang Xibao asked sideways.

Zhao Ba replied: "Xuan Tier A."

Zhang Xibao smiled: "Oh, no wonder you have high spiritual intelligence?"

"Okay, when the director and the others put the crown of honor on your head, I will help you climb on the saddle on the back of the beast. The beast will drive you around the city for a week, and the drone will record your movements in the square." It's the moment of glory, perform well, young man!"

Zhao Ba patted Zhang Xibao on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement.

The two of them were talking, and they came to the garden of the Appreciation Bureau, where a two-meter-tall crane was pacing gracefully.

The feathers are black and white, with a little vermilion on the head, plus the long beak, slender neck and bird legs, making the crane look like a fairy.


Seeing someone coming, the crane chirped.


Xianhe looked Zhang Xibao up and down, then turned his head to look at Zhao Ba, as if asking if this kid wants to ride me?

Zhao Ba pointed to Zhang Xibao, and introduced to Xianhe: "This is Zhang Xibao, the champion of the Great Xia this year, and I have to ask Mr. He to take him flying around later."


Xianhe nodded, and then stopped talking to the two of them.

"Huh? It's quite noble!"

Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining, Zhao Ba hurriedly interrupted him.

"Keep down, the crane is very smart and can understand what we say. What if it hears you say bad things about it and loses its temper and doesn't carry your back?"

Zhang Xibao curled his lips secretly, the smelly bird is bigger than Master Bao!

If this bird wasn't the old Taoist's favorite pet, it would already be in Master Bao's bowl now!

Heh heh, according to Zhang Xibao's experience, the meat of this bird must be very good, and it must be pressed in a pressure cooker to be delicious...

Zhao Ba went down to arrange activities, leaving Zhang Xibao and Bai He staring at each other.

Bai He was pacing under the big tree like a poet, Zhang Xibao was sitting on a stone bench drooling at Bai He.


Seeing that Zhang Xibao's expression was not right, Bai He let out a cry.

"Why, if you can't eat it in your mouth, you will break the law if you think about it?" Zhang Xibao snorted coldly.

When Bai He heard it, hehe, this kid still wants to eat me, so he quit immediately, and rushed over with his five-meter-long wings, his posture was quite scary.

In fact, Baihe just wanted to scare Zhang Xibao, but it chose the wrong partner, and its opponent was Master Bao...

Zhang Xibao stood up and held the stone bench weighing several hundred kilograms with one hand, intending to give Baihe a bag of big coins when he charged over.

"What are you doing?"

Zhao Ba held a bottle of water in his hand, and looked at the two guys in a daze

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