Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 157 Have You Never Seen The Black Hand?

"'s nothing, just exercise."

Zhang Xibao put the stone bench back to its original place, and Bai He stared at Zhang Xibao with squinted eyes.

"Okay, the event is about to start."

Zhao Ba led Zhang Xibao and Bai He to the square.

The square was crowded with people, and because it was Sunday, many people from Beishi came to watch the excitement, forming a grand scene of empty streets.

The leader of the two teams had just finished speaking, and the host held the microphone and said, "I invite Zhang Xibao, the champion of the summer, to come on stage!"

Zhang Xibao trotted onto the stage, Director Li put a golden laurel crown on his head, and under the eyes of everyone, Zhang Xibao climbed onto the saddle on the white crane's back.

"Let's take off, my Daxia boy!"

Amidst the cheers like a tsunami, the white crane spread its wings, Zhang Xibao only felt his body sink, and the white crane carried him into the sky.

The white crane danced nimbly, first circled around people's heads, and then flew out of the square.

Zhao Ba squinted his eyes, looked at the flying white crane, and muttered to himself: "According to the plan, the flying height of the white crane is kept below 500 meters. Why is it flying higher and higher? Don't make any fools..."

The atmosphere at the scene was very exciting, and Zhang Xibao was excited, but after flying out of the square, Zhang Xibao didn't feel it, because the white crane flew slowly and low, not as vigorous as Fang Rui's phoenix, and it also had colorful special effects that blinded people's eyes.


The white crane suddenly screamed, accelerated suddenly, and climbed to a higher altitude.

Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows, wondering if this thief is trying to scare me?

The white crane rose to a certain height and suddenly swooped down. Zhang Xibao felt a strong sense of weightlessness. He was sure that the stinky bird really wanted to take revenge on him!

Zhang Xibao mocked: "You didn't eat, did you? Is this the speed?"

Bai He turned his head and glanced at Zhang Xibao. Seeing Zhang Xibao provoking him, he felt that the shock had no effect, so he did a 360-degree Thomas spin after climbing up.

Bai He was not afraid that Zhang Xibao would fall, anyway, there was a saddle fixed on him, so what was he afraid of?

Does this scare you? !

Bai He looked back, and Zhang Xibao said provocatively: "Just these two times, you still want to scare me?!"


Damn it!

The white crane let out a cry, and began to roll dead in the sky.

Zhang Xibao held on to the saddle tightly, feeling his world spinning, he was ascended to heaven at one moment, and then knocked down to hell at another moment.

After rolling dozens of times, Bai He looked back contemptuously.


Zhang Xibao's face turned pale, and he bent over to vomit.


Bai He's eyes widened suddenly, and his pupils trembled instantly.

It has an obsession with cleanliness, and it always loves to be clean, but this guy on its back vomited all over it!

Unforgivable, unforgivable!

Bai He suddenly accelerated, wanting to continue rolling.

Zhang Xibao stretched out his arm, grabbed Bai He's neck, and said viciously: "Come on, let's hurt each other!"

"Not only will I spit on you, but I will also pluck your hair!"

Zhang Xibao grabbed the hair on Bai He's neck, and Bai He screamed in pain, flying crookedly in the air.

"Fly back, fly back, I won't grab you, after landing, we can get together and break up!"

Bai He could understand human speech. After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Bai He turned around and flew towards the square. Zhang Xibao loosened the feathers around its neck, and the two guys temporarily returned to peace.

But will Zhang Xibao let Bai He go?


Baihe is the beast pet of the old Taoist priest, doing it now will only cause unnecessary trouble, but when Zhang Xibao lands safely and Baihe returns, hum...

Young He, have you never seen a black hand? !

Bai He carried Zhang Xibao back to the square, Zhang Xibao untied the saddle, gave a speech according to the script that Zhao Ba gave him earlier, and then nothing happened to him.

"It's nothing to do with me, can I go?" Zhang Xibao asked.

Zhao Ba nodded: "Well, you can go."

Before leaving, Zhang Xibao asked curiously, "Is this white crane transported back to Nanshi by someone?"

Zhao Ba replied: "No, the white crane is very smart, it will fly back by itself."

"Then it can fly after eating a thousand blood energy pills?" Zhang Xibao was like a curious baby.

Zhao Ba smiled: "See the small black ring on the white crane's ankle? It's a space treasure equipped by its owner, and the blood energy pill can be placed in it."

"Oh, so that's the case!" Zhang Xibao got a satisfactory answer, and ran away in a hurry.

In the corner, Zhang Xibao took out the Flaming Crow Flag from the Tongtian Treasure House, summoned the Crow King, and said with a sneer, "Xiaoni, Lord Bao wants to give you something to do..."

After the event, the staff took off the saddle on Bai He's back, and put a thousand Qi and Blood Pills into the Space Treasure on Bai He's feet.

I'm so mad, I'm so mad!

The more Bai He thought about it, the more he got angry, it was so unlucky to be spit out all over his body, because of these thousand blood energy pills, he was so angry!

Bai He only cared about getting angry, not knowing that there was a large group of flame crows following in black.

At the junction of Beishi and Nanshi, the white crane had just crossed the dividing line between the two cities, and arrived within the jurisdiction of Nanshi, when a large group of flame crows blocked its way.


"stop! 』

quack quack!

"Beating, beating... robbing! 』

Bai He's expression became serious, because the strength of each of this group of strange crows was similar to it, and the fiery red crow at the head actually had the combat power of an earth-level!

The white crane suddenly accelerated, trying to overtake the group of crows, but the fiery red crow caught up with it in an instant and stood on its back.


"The crow flies! 』

Crow King Xiaoni looked at Bai He coldly, his expression seemed to say that if you run again, your leg will be broken...

The white crane landed in a field under the pressure of the crow king, and the flame crows landed with a whimper and surrounded the white crane.


"I opened this mountain!" 』


"I planted this tree!" 』

quack quack!

"If you want to pass by here, stay and buy money!" 』

Oh, dare you meet a robbery?

Bai He squinted his eyes, actively activated the space treasure, and left a few bottles of Qi and Blood Pill on the ground.


Crow King Xiaoni let out a cry of dissatisfaction, the white crane took it for a fool and sent the beggar away!

A few bottles of qi and blood pills are not enough?

Bai He left all the Qi and Blood Pills on the ground, and the Crow King shook his head again.

Even a thousand qi and blood pills won't work?


Bai He screamed, wondering if the strange crow in front of him wanted a space treasure? !


The Crow King stared at the small black ring on the white crane's leg and smiled, yes, it wants them all!

Blame it on you for offending someone who shouldn't be offended!


"Get it! 』

The crow king gave an order, and the flame crows swarmed up, and the scream of the white crane came from the center of the crow group.

A minute later, the Crow King left with the little black ring in his mouth with satisfaction.


Bai He screamed and flew towards the Nanshi Foreign Affairs Bureau.

A thousand Qi and Blood Pills have been robbed!

The space treasure that Zhang Laodao gave it was also robbed!

Even its most proud tail hair was picked up by the crows!

The white crane flew into the air with a large capitalized word tragic.

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