Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 160 The Old Fox And The Hairless Monkey

The sky is high and the clouds are light.

A huge gourd boat was galloping north. Zhang Laodao was sitting on the gourd, holding a Xuanyi plate, chanting words, he was looking for the trace of that [Bao Ye].

"Bai He'er, don't worry, I'll find that kid in a while, and I'll teach him a lesson!"

On the side of the Nanshi Foreign Land Management Bureau, Vermilion Bird was worried about Zhang Laodao and Comrade Xiaobao. After all, it would not be good for both sides to hurt either side.

She used the Vermilion Bird order to transfer a helicopter, boarded the plane with Zhen Shuizhu, and chased in the direction where Zhang Laodao left.

Zhang Xibao's side.

Fang Rui still wore it on his face, and didn't let it turn into a phoenix, mainly because Zhang Xibao violated the ban of the Black Dragon Society by riding a phoenix the day before yesterday.

Although Zhang Laodao didn't recognize him, wouldn't he be exposed as soon as the phoenix came out? Originally, Zhang Laodao wanted to find him bad luck, and in addition to violating the ban of the Black Dragon Society, the old Taoist had a legitimate excuse to mess with himself. Will not give him a chance.

The Flaming Crow brothers didn't clean up their hands and tails, and they were caught by others, so they had to be punished.

Zhang Xibao found a blanket, tied the four corners with dragon carp's whiskers, and tied the other end to the Flaming Crow's feet, letting the crows take him flying.

Zhang Xibao sat cross-legged on the blanket, as if riding an Indian flying carpet.

The Flaming Crow of Xuan Tier A is one meter high, and four Flaming Crows can completely carry him.

"Okay, just lie down wherever you fall, and fly to the junction of the northern and southern cities!"

Zhang Xibao chose the location in the field where the Flaming Crows robbed the white crane, and planned to settle with Zhang Laodao.

"It's so boring, what show have you arranged recently?"

Zhang Xibao yawned out of boredom. In order to curb the gambling behavior of the Flame Crows, after accepting Zhang Xibao's order, Crow King Xiaoni planned to hold a party in the Flame Crow Banner.

The flame crows in each group have to put on a show, so that the little crows can turn their attention to other entertainment, and completely correct the crookedness of gambling.

"Quack, I can sing! 』

"Quack, I can dance! 』

With the gradual development of the spiritual wisdom of the little crows, many flame crows have learned the human language.

"Hey, that's a good relationship, perform a song for me!"

The crow boys cleared their throats under the instruction of the supreme officer Zhang Xibao.

"It's good to be in a daze, really good!" 』

"Shao Leng's kung fu is great, it's awesome! 』

"I am the Iron Head Kungfu, it is the Vajra Leg!" 』

Zhang Xibao covered his ears as the crows roared from above his head: "Change one, change one!"

The crow brothers looked at each other, nodded, and planned to use their trump card.

"Knife, angrily slash Xueyi Diaoga!" 』

"Mountain, boldly soaring into the sky!" 』

"Fire, churning and burning!" 』

"Wave, set off a wave!" 』


Zhang Xibao had black lines on his face, what kind of taste does Crow King Xiaoni have, and what kind of taste did he teach the crows to be.

He really couldn't imagine what it would be like to have a thousand flame crows shouting mic and singing DJ, forget it, as long as they are happy, the party will let them toss in the flame crow flag, anyway, Zhang Xibao doesn't plan to watch it, hot eyes !

Time passed by, and under the guidance of Xuan Yipan, Zhang Laodao and Zhang Xibao gradually shortened the distance.

Above the border between the North and South cities.

I saw an old man riding a gourd from the south, holding a plate in his hand, and Zhang Xibao riding a blanket from the north, shouting Mai on his head.

The two looked at each other, and there seemed to be sparks.


As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous. When Bai He'er saw the group of flame crows, he uttered angrily.

"Quack, hahaha, isn't this a naked crane? quack! 』

Zhang Xibao covered his face, it seems that the emotional intelligence of these crows still needs to be improved, they started to mock in front of Zhang Laodao, this is not self-inflicted!

"Ahem... It's all a misunderstanding!" Zhang Xibao winked at the crow boys who were laughing wildly.

When Bai He heard the ridicule of the crow brothers, he almost jumped off the gourd boat in shame and indignation.

"I misunderstood you a hammer. It's nothing more than a robbing of treasures and elixir. Bai He'er's buttocks were all stripped off, and I misunderstood you!"

Zhang Laodao put away the Xuanyi plate and narrowed his eyes.

"Boy, I heard that you are working for the Beishi Appreciation Bureau, and the veterans don't bully you. Wendou or Wudou?"

Zhang Xibao tilted his head: "What about Wendou, and what about Wudou?"

Zhang Laodao was a little surprised, the guy in front of him didn't even know about the literary and martial fights between supernatural beings.

"After the supernatural person becomes enmity, Wendou is just a wrongdoer who accepts the other party's three moves. After carrying out all three moves, the grievance is over. That is to say, if you carry out my three moves, the matter of pills, strange treasures, and plucking the tail feathers of the white crane will be over. , I will not pursue it any further.”

"Martial arts, it's much simpler. The two of us Eight Immortals cross the sea, each show their magical powers, and fight with real knives and guns!"

Zhang Xibao thought about it, Wen Dou is good, Wen Dou can take three moves, and he can piao a square inch ring worth two small targets for nothing, but for Wudou, there are more than three moves.

After all, the little crows have been arrested, so we are right, aren't we?

Before Zhang Xibao could answer, a helicopter flew up behind Zhang Laodao, and Zhen Shuichen held up a loudspeaker and shouted: "Grandpa, stop quickly, or Master Vermilion Bird will use the Vermilion Bird order!"

"Boy, turn your elbows out!" Zhang Laodao glanced at the helicopter angrily, and then looked at Zhang Xibao: "Boy, choose quickly, the agreement is 100%, and no one else can break it."

"I choose Wendou, Lord Bao respects the old and loves the young, how about following your three moves?" Zhang Xibao hooked his fingers towards Zhang Laodao.

"it is good!"

Zhang Laodao turned his head and shouted at the helicopter: "It's too late, this kid has accepted my Wendou, and the Vermilion Bird order can't interfere!"

These words are mainly for Li Ting.

Li nodded: "Since the agreement has been made, it can only be carried out according to the agreement. Senior Zhang, please be merciful. The supernatural beings in the Five Dragons Club can't stand internal friction..."

Xibaihu sacrificed a star, this matter is known to the Five Dragons Association, Zhang Laodao was silent, and then waved his hand: "Don't worry, the old Dao knows it well..."

Zhang Xibao stood on the flying carpet, loosened his muscles and bones, and was ready to take three moves from the old Taoist priest.

"Boy, you're ready!"

"Try your fineness first!"

Zhang Laodao made the formula with one hand, his beard and hair were automatic in the absence of wind, and the surrounding fresh air gathered to form a huge talisman in midair.


There was no wind, and a huge whirlwind formed in front of the old man.


Without fire, a fire dragon hovers with the help of the wind.



The dark clouds are rolling, and there are gods beating drums inside, and thunder snakes dancing wildly.

"Hey? Hey? Hey?"

As soon as this old man comes up, he will amplify his moves? !

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened: "Do you count three tricks or one trick?"

Old Daoist Zhang grinned: "This is just a trick of the old Daoist..."

"You old lamp doesn't talk about martial arts, you!" Zhang Xibao cursed.

The old Taoist automatically blocked Zhang Xibao's greetings, and pressed forward the hand formula: "Hmph, break it for me!"

"You are the only one who has the wind and the only one who has electricity, right?"

Zhang Xibao took out the flag of the Flame Crows, waved it violently, and all the Flame Crows rushed out.

"I want wind!"

The flame crows danced in circles and flapped their wings, forming a tornado on the spot, flying sand and rocks for a while.

The cyclone collided with the tornado, and the two phases were canceled out.

"I want fire!"

A fire bird flew out of Zhang Xibao's palm, and the fire bird flew into the air, its body size kept growing, and in the blink of an eye it became the same size as the opposite fire dragon.

The fire dragon and the fire phoenix competed for supremacy, and the golden crow king also came to cheer, opening his mouth wide and devouring the fire dragon's torso.

"I want lightning!"

"Give me a break!"

Zhang Xibao took out the Suppressing Evils and Expelling Evils card, and continuously hit the dark clouds in the mid-air with the five thunders on the sun face.

With a loud bang, the dark clouds receded, and the golden sun shone on the ground.

Zhang Xibao followed the old Taoist's first move.

And it was so beautifully received that it surprised everyone.

On the helicopter, Zhen Shuichen opened his mouth wide, and shook his head: "I am a mysterious rank-A, and so is my grandfather, but my wind, fire, thunder and lightning are not as powerful as my grandfather's, and my grandfather's wind, fire, thunder and lightning can't restrain Xiaobao." Comrade, to sum up the above, Comrade Xiaobao's rank is undoubtedly!"

"Isn't that a coincidence? He used that flag." Winged Fire Serpent answered from the side.

"It's just a style of wind, it doesn't matter, why would a tiger of the mysterious level dare to fight the Yan Mohu of the lower level, it is because the supernatural beings can use the strange treasures!"

Zhen Shuichen pointed to the Flaming Crow Flag in Zhang Xibao's hand.

"Don't forget, the crow king in his flag is the ground rank, and the other flame crows are all black rank armor. If we really want to fight, if we don't take the Qizi fairy gourd, my grandfather will definitely not be able to fight!"

"However, I have confidence in my grandfather. I noticed that he has been rubbing the Qizixian gourd with his hands! This old man is very cunning, hehehe..."

The Winged Fire Snake rolled his eyes, it turns out that the character of the Waterworm is really hereditary!

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