Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 161 From Samadhi Fire Cage To Baicao Garden

"Hey, old man, what tricks are there, use them all?"

Master Bao laughed loudly with his waist crossed, he easily broke Zhang Laodao's order of wind, fire, thunder and lightning just now, but he was seriously damaged.

Zhang Laodao rubbed the Qizixian gourd in his hand, and smiled: "The second trick is... I call you, do you dare to agree?!"

"What the hell?" Zhang Xibao glared.

The purple fairy gourd in the old Taoist's hand grew in the wind, and the lid of the gourd's mouth popped open, and a terrifying suction came towards Master Bao.

"Ah, ah, old lamp, do you dare to sneak attack?"

Zhang Xibao ran in the opposite direction carrying the flag of the Flame Crow, who knew that the big gourd flew behind Zhang Xibao's ass as if it had a tracker installed.

"Don't struggle anymore, my Qizixian gourd is a first-level earth-level gourd, and all targets locked by it, whether they are humans or strange beasts, will be taken away!"

Now it was Old Daoist Zhang's turn to laugh loudly: "Boy, I'm fighting with the old Daoist, you should be more tender!"

"You don't talk about Wude!"

Zhang Xibao only felt that his feet were off the ground, and his body flew into the gourd involuntarily. He clung to the mouth of the gourd with both hands, pulling with the suction of the gourd.

That suction is not only aimed at people, but also at everything on Zhang Xibao, such as pants.

Zhang Xibao only felt his pants loosen, he hurried to grab the belt, and was taken in by the Qizixian gourd with a bang.

The gourd gradually shrank, Zhang Laodao stretched out his hand, and the gourd fell into his hand.

The interior of the Qizixian Gourd formed its own world, Zhang Xibao was taken in, and a huge eye appeared in the sky.

The old man blinked, his voice was like thunder.

"Boy, reflect on it inside!"

The lid of the gourd was closed, and the sky returned to normal.

Outside the calabash.

Both Vermilion Bird Li and Zhen Shuiworm were stupefied.

"Grandpa, didn't you agree on three tricks?" Zhen Shuichen's jaw almost fell to the ground.

Zhang Laodao waved his hand: "There are three tricks, the first trick I used the housekeeping skills of the old man, the wind, fire, thunder and lightning order, but I couldn't help him, so I directly used the Qizixian gourd to attack. There is no third trick at all, haha Ha ha!"

Zhang Laodao laughed heartily, and didn't feel ashamed at all: "I used the wind, fire, thunder and lightning order to induce that kid to use Qingqi, just to let the Qizi fairy gourd lock him!"

Then the old Taoist educated the crowd with brazen words: "Will the enemy teach you martial arts? Let me tell you, on the battlefield, even if you bite your teeth, goug your eyes, poke your crotch, the enemy is dead, and you survive, you are a hero." !"

"Why did the little monkey under Xi Baihu sacrifice? Did the enemy teach him martial arts?"

Zhang Laodao shook the gourd: "I see, if the monkey in the gourd were to go to Xibaihu, such a thing would definitely not happen!"

"Taught..." Zhen Shuichen covered his face, feeling a little blushing.

Everyone also looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that Zhang Laodao, you have old qualifications and seniority, everything you say is right, as long as you are happy.

Vermilion Bird glanced at the Qizixian Gourd, and reminded Zhang Laodao: "Senior Zhang, just teach him a meal, don't hurt him..."

"I know, I know, I know it, don't worry!"

Zhang Laodao waved his hand: "My beautiful purple fairy gourd has its own world, a large part of it has been turned into a medicine field, and the remaining small area has been made into a cage with a wisp of real fire of Samadhi, so that this kid can stay in the fire. He suffered a little in the cage, and then I let him go."

Seeing everyone's suspicious eyes, the old man argued, "The fresh air in my gourd is much richer than the outside. I usually go in and live in it. If I take this kid in, he will take advantage of me!"

Zhen Shuichen thought to himself, usually, Grandpa, you live in a hut in the medicine field, Comrade Xiaobao may have to suffer in the fire cage, it’s cheap or not…

"All back, all back, can I let him go tomorrow?"

The old Taoist urged everyone to go back to the Nanshi Foreign Land Management Bureau, got on the gourd boat by himself, and flew away in a hurry.

Inside the Qizi fairy gourd.

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes as he looked at the wall of fire in front of him.

"Damn it!"

The situation was obvious, Zhang Laodao tricked him and locked him in a cage inside the gourd.

Looking around, the space inside the gourd is really not small.

"What a sweet baby!"

Zhang Xibao stopped drooling and began to examine his situation.

There was a circular fire wall with a diameter of five meters under his feet. Outside the wall was a colorful medicine field, and there was a thatched cottage not far away.

"Tiantian Pupils open!"

The pupil technique was swept away, and Zhang Xibao's eyes were about to be blinded by a variety of purples and reds in his vision.

"I knock! Is this heaven?"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened suddenly.

The pages of "Tong Tian Da Treasure Mirror" were flipping, and various descriptions of herbal medicines popped up, making Zhang Xibao dazzled.

"Ouch? That rotten piece of wood is covered with blood essence mushrooms? It's a good thing for replenishing qi and blood!"

"Hey? The purple star grass is planted next to the hut? Yes, yes, it is the necessary spiritual grass for alchemy."

"There are also a lot of fire sun fruits planted next to it, and eating them is good for people with fire attributes!"


Zhang Xibao couldn't help taking a step forward, the wall of fire in front of him slammed and burned even more vigorously.

"Oh? There's something wrong with this firewall..."

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand, and slowly approached the fire wall, feeling a burning sensation in the palm of his hand.

"Samadhi true fire: the fire of eyes, the fire of thoughts, the fire of aura, this is the true fire of samadhi!" 』

"This real fire of Samadhi feels a little bit more powerful than my strange fire..."

"It's you, Crow King Xiaoni!"

Zhang Xibao waved the Flaming Crow Flag, and the golden Crow King flew out.

"Can you swallow this Samadhi real fire?"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the firewall.

Crow King Xiaoni stared at it for a while, then tentatively opened his mouth wide, and took a breath towards the fire wall.

"Cough cough hot! 』

"Even the little nun on the ground floor can't eat the flames, Mr. Zhang has something!"

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin: "Why don't you try Shuling?"

With a call, the figure of Shu Ling appeared in midair.

"Shu Ling, have you seen the medicine field over there? Help me out, let's pick whichever you want!"

Shuling was silent for a while, and spit out a golden book page. The golden book page was broken into pieces, and turned into a strand of consciousness that entered Zhang Xibao's head.

『The art of transforming fire of the five elements: Liver wood can generate heart fire, and heart fire can make the spleen and earth flat. The spleen produces gold and turns water into gold, water can produce wood and psychics, and the five elements are biochemical and fire-fried..." (PS comes from Journey to the West.)

"Good guy, if you want to get out of the Samadhi True Fire Wall, you have to learn it on the spot!"

Zhang Xibao nodded, this is the only way to do it at the moment.

The Five Elements Transforming Fire technique is to use the five elements to create flames, wood prospers fire, fire prospers soil, soil prospers metal, gold transforms water, water zes wood, wood prospers fire...

To practice this method, Zhang Xibao needs to find objects that represent the five elements.

"For gold, the black stick should be counted, and the wood should be used to suppress evil spirits and exorcise evil spirits. Can water have drunken wine? Fire has different fires, so what about earth?"

Zhang Xibao pondered for a while, then slapped his head: "There is thiazolin in the soil!"

Since this world can grow fairy grass, the soil must come from a foreign land, and the digging is over!

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