
"As soon as the music is played and the cloth is covered, the whole village waits for the food to be served..."

The moment the suona sounded in the hands of the local 9, Zhang Xibao's scalp felt numb, and the song rang out in his head for no reason, as if he had seen seven people carrying coffins waving to him.

Weihuohu and the others froze, while Xinyuehu let out a muffled snort, and immediately shed two lines of nosebleeds.

Xinyuehu is a person with spiritual abilities, and her spirit is particularly sensitive, and the sound of suona hurts her the most.

Ka Ka Ka!

The ground of the cemetery collapsed, and a huge crack blocked the six people, and puffs of black smoke came out of the gap.

As if the gate of hell had been opened, the black smoke was like a blowout, covering the cemetery in the blink of an eye.

The glaring sunlight disappeared, and there was an indelible haze above everyone's heads.


In the black mist came the howling of ghosts and wolves.

This is the strength of the top level, directly changing the environment of the cemetery with Yin Qi!

Puff puff!

The five stars took out miasma-breaking talismans and ignited them to disperse the black smoke around them, while Zhang Xibao took out a shiny walking stick and pointed it at the boulder.

woo la la

woo la la

Di 9 made himself cry, two lines of blood and tears ran across his pale face, but he was grinning loudly.

"It's too ugly, it's too ugly, my Lord Bao can't stand it!"

Just as Zhang Xibao was about to move, Kang Jinlong's flying sword stabbed at the ground on the stone.

Earth 9 really lost weight like a paper doll, leaped back slightly, and floated up in the black smoke, like a big pale kite.


The gap in the ground widened, and something emerged from the black smoke.


Black humanoid monsters emerged from the black smoke. There were about twenty of them. These monsters were two meters tall and covered in armor, like black mummy without skin.

"It's Yin soldiers!" Kang Jinlong reminded, and retracted the flying sword.

Jiaomujiao added: "Everyone, be careful, summoning Yin soldiers is this guy's forte. He has sucked enough Yin Qi from the cemetery, and each of the Yin soldiers he summons has the strength of a black rank armor!"

"This guy is a summoner with supernatural powers. You guys restrain the Yin soldiers. Comrade Xiaobao and I get close to him!"

The tail fire tiger's big gun ignited a layer of flames, the fire suppressed the Yin Qi, and the Yan Mo Gun Tian suppressed these Yin soldiers.

Jiao Mujiao, Kang Jinlong and the other three glanced at Zhang Xibao. They had never seen Master Bao's abilities, so they seemed a little uneasy.

"Comrade Xiaobao, are you okay?"


A Yin soldier crawled out from Zhang Xibao's feet, and slammed down with his shiny cane, knocking its helmet and the skull inside into fly ash.

"Oh? It feels quite crisp!"

Zhang Xibao blew on his cane, turned to Taihuohu and said, "I'm fine!"

Kang Jinlong and the others looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes. Comrade Xiaobao's combat power is not to mention high or low, but his strength is really great. Knocking melon seeds on the head of a Yin soldier is like smashing a walnut!

"Then let's go together!"

The Tail Fire Tiger took a step forward and smashed the torso of a Yin soldier with one shot. The flame of the Yan Mo gun instantly burned all over the Yin soldier's body, turning it into fly ash.

"Actually... there's no need to be so troublesome!"

Zhang Xibao took out the Flame Crow Flag and waved it twice: "He will call you little brother, I also have a little brother, his little brother is Xuan-rank A, and my little brothers are also Xuan-rank A, his little brother is only in his twenties Only, my little brother has a thousand... oh, no, there are one hundred and eight newborn crows."

quack quack!

The Flaming Crows screamed and came out of the Flaming Crows Banner, woo la la gathered in a large crowd above everyone's heads.

"Tear them apart!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the Yin soldiers in front of him, the little crows moved their fingers like arms, opened their mouths slightly, and rockets were brewing in their throats.

Puff puff puff puff!

Thousands of rockets flew towards the yin soldier team, more than 20 yin soldiers were like straw figures on a straw boat borrowing arrows, the key is that the arrows were still flaming, and the torsos of all the yin soldiers that touched the flames turned into rustling fly ash.

"Little Ni!"

Zhang Xibao called out.

The golden crow king flew over, waiting to be sent: "I am quack!" 』

"Did you see that ghost thing floating in the black smoke?" Zhang Xibao asked, pointing to Floor 9.

"I saw Quack! 』

"Go and slap him twice in the mouth, blow it so badly, it's bad luck!" Zhang Xibao impatiently picked out his ears.

"Got it! 』

The Crow King twisted his neck, and his red eyes reflected Dijiu's figure. With its wings, it flew towards Dijiu like an off-string arrow.

No, Crow King Xiaoni's speed is faster than an arrow, as fast as a golden lightning.


Di 9 watched in shock as the Yin soldiers were burned to ashes by a group of strange crows, and then he heard a crow cry, and a golden crow bigger than a dog rushed over and threw him to the ground.

Di 9 was hit so hard that his eyes stared like gold stars, and the suona in his hand turned into black smoke.

The golden crow stood on his chest and looked down at him, then suddenly stretched out its wings and swung his two big mouths.

Seeing that Di 9's pale face was swollen, he still didn't understand what happened.

"Gah! Talent show failed Ga! 』

"You can only get the lowest score in our exchange meeting for such a bad job like you, it's better to call McGah!" 』

What is this all about! Land 9 wants to cry but has no tears.

Di 9 raised his hands and shouted: "I surrender, I surrender, arrest me!"

"I've already surrendered, should I punish him?" Zhang Xibao turned his head and asked Tai Huohu.

Tail Fire Tiger narrowed his eyes: "Master Qinglong has an order, anyone who dares to escape from the prison will be killed on the spot!"

"Put!" Zhang Xibao waved his hand down, and gave Di 9 a verdict.

Crow King Xiaoni got the order and opened his mouth: "Heh tui!"

A rocket landed on Di 9, and Di 9 was instantly burned to ashes.

When the wind blows, the ashes dissipate, and it is clean and hygienic.

As soon as Di 9 died, the black smoke that shrouded the cemetery disappeared, leaving only cracks all over the ground.

Kang Jinlong and the others looked at each other.

"With such a big boss here, did you call us here to make soy sauce?" Xinyuehu rolled her eyes, she had no chance to make a move except for her nosebleed from being shocked by Suona.

"I'm in a hurry, I forgot that Comrade Xiaobao has such a rare treasure..." Wei Huohu couldn't help but touch his forehead.

"Good guy, I might not be able to beat that big crow under his hand!" Kang Jinlong retracted his flying sword and pointed at Crow Wang Xiaoni.

"Let's go, let's go to support other comrades." Jiao Mujiao shook his head and walked towards the outside of the cemetery.

Zhang Xibao waved the Flame Crow flag, causing all the Flame Crows to fly back into the flag.

"Comrade Xiaobao, the Five Dragons will honor your love this time, and will give you a credit." Wei Huohu walked side by side with Zhang Xibao, carrying the Yan Mo Spear.

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Hey, whatever, I'm going to the Imperial Capital this time as a tourist."

A group of people rushed towards the city, Di 9 was dead, Wei Huohu received the news that Xuan 3 was also executed, and Di 13 was being besieged by members of the Five Dragons Association.

When Zhang Xibao and the others returned to the city, they saw a group of Five Dragons members carrying two broken corpses, which should be Xuan 3 and Di 13.

The leader was Liu Dapeng, the leader of the Black Dragon Association of Beishi, and Lao Bao was there, probably pulled over by Liu Dapeng to be a young man, but Zhang Xibao didn't say hello, and he is still under the trumpet of Master Bao.

In the distant sky, someone stepped on a flying sword and flew in the air, and everyone paid attention to him.

Qinglong leaped down from the flying sword, threw a terrifying head on the ground, and ordered to the tail fire tiger: "Fall down on the ground, file it!"

"Yes!" Tail Fire Tiger saluted, and put the head of Di 1 and the two corpses together.

Zhang Xibao saw that Di 1's face was not like a human face, but like a dragon's head without horns. It had a horse's face, bull's eyes, sharp teeth, and thin scales around its ears. It was not like a normal human being anyway.

"Where's Land 9?" Qinglong asked again.

Tailed Huohu replied: "Back to Master Qinglong, Land 9... was broken into slag and blown away by the wind, there is no way to recover the corpse!"

"Well, let's talk about the detailed process in the report!"

"I'll leave the rest to you!"

Qinglong nodded to everyone, glanced at Zhang Xibao again, and directly flew into the sky with his sword, leaving the imperial capital.

"Congratulations to Master Qinglong!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Looking at Qinglong's back, Zhang Xibao was amazed: "How handsome!"

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