Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 171 The World Is Big And Small

Some people said that they were leaving the imperial capital, but in fact they just turned around and changed their size, such as Zhang Xibao.

After the earthquake, the imperial capital returned to normal. Ninety-nine percent of the people were placed in shelters before the prisoners of supernatural beings ran out of the ground, so they didn't know what happened. They just thought it was an ordinary natural disaster. And that's what's been reported in the media.

Zhang Xibao rented a house near Tsingbei University. The rent was not low, but for the cash in his card, it was like beating an old cow with the money in his card—it didn’t hurt or itch!

There is still more than half a month before Zhang Xibao starts school and participates in the special training for outstanding freshmen. Zhang Xibao is in a panic when he first comes to the Imperial Capital. He visits Panzi Garden during the day and chats with his friends on live broadcast at night.

The fight between [Bao Ye] and [Autumn Wind] has become a legend in Pan Ziyuan, mainly because the amount of money they competed with is huge, which makes people staggering.

Zhang Xibao visited Panzi Garden in his real identity, and he couldn't help but feel a little proud when he heard the stall owners talking about it.

The old man who called out for pulling his wrists disappeared. I don’t know if he was arrested by the administrator of Pan Ziyuan because of the messy stall. The stall owner who was cheated by Zhang Xibao for the appraisal fee for pulling his wrists made a windfall because of Bodhi seeds. Linlangzhai's Yibaozhai is still operating normally.

Usually, the old man who looks after the store in "Lin Lang Zhai" always likes to take a nap on the recliner, but how can he stand at the door to attract customers today? Modified?

Zhang Xibao's curiosity arose, and he strolled towards Yibaozhai.

"Hey, young master, come in and have a look, we have all kinds of treasures!"

The old man's smiling face was as bright as a chrysanthemum, in sharp contrast to his usual indifferent expression, Zhang Xibao was even more curious now.

Walking into the store, behind the solid wood counter lay the little Lolita Linlang, scratching something with a carving knife.

Zhang Xibao suddenly realized, no wonder the old man has changed his sex, the boss of Emotional Yibaozhai is here today!

Seeing Zhang Xibao come in, Xiao Linlang didn't even lift her eyelids, focusing on the statue in her hand.

Zhang Xibao knocked on the counter, and asked with a smile: "Boss, the door is open for business. Don't you entertain the guests when they come?"

"Old Hou, see off the guests!" Little Lolita said.

Zhang Xibao:? ? ?

The old man rubbed his hands and looked at Zhang Xibao with a troubled expression on his face. Zhang Xibao waved his hands and said to Little Lolita, "What do you mean by that sentence, the customer is a god?!"

Xiao Linlang finally raised her eyelids, glanced at God, raised her eyebrows, and Zhang Xibao smiled slightly.

Xiao Linlang wanted to get angry, but when she saw Zhang Xibao, she showed a thoughtful expression.


Xiao Linlang pointed to Zhang Xibao's face: "I know you, you are the bird rider!"

Zhang Xibao:? ? ?

"God rides a bird!"

Zhang Xibao retorted embarrassingly: "That's a crane, a white crane, an auspicious beast!"

At the beginning, I thought that riding on the back of a white crane would make everyone happy, but who knew that those scenes in the stadium were broadcast live in Daxia!

Almost everyone in Daxia saw Zhang Xibao riding a bird over the stadium on TV, and Zhang Xibao smiled like a der.

What a dark history!

The degree of embarrassment of this incident definitely surpassed the one when Zhang Xibao was chased by the iron-winged eagle, and it ranked first in Zhang Xibao's black history list!

Whenever he thinks of this incident or hears someone say, "Look, isn't this the champion riding a bird?", Zhang Xibao's embarrassing toes can pick out a villa.

"The white crane is also a bird!" Xiao Linlang pouted.

Zhang Xibao shrugged: "Oh, what you said is so reasonable, I'm speechless to refute it!"

"Why did you come here?" Xiao Linlang put down the carving knife and asked Zhang Xibao while holding her chin.

Zhang Xibao replied: "I'm going to go to school in Qingbei. I'll come to the Imperial City ahead of time to familiarize myself with the surroundings. I'll take a stroll around Panziyuan to see if there's anything I can miss."

"You know how to appraise treasures?" Xiao Linlang was surprised.

Since the revival of spiritual energy, the most popular profession is treasure appraiser.

There is an ad that says:

"Jianbao high-tech career!

Jianbao will never be unemployed!

Marry when you meet a treasure appraiser! 』

From these few words, one can tell how high the professional status of a treasure appraiser is.

"of course!"

Zhang Xibao thought that Lord Bao is now a senior treasure appraiser!

After solving the blood curse incident for Ye Changan, Ye Weng personally recommended Zhang Xibao to the treasure appraiser association. Master Bao is now a dark horse in the treasure appraiser world, a celebrity in front of the president of the association, a top streamer in the top class, and a speaker on the forum The special effects are black and gold.

Xiao Linlang thought for a while, took out an object from the square-inch bracelet, and pushed it in front of Zhang Xibao: "You know how to appraise treasures, so help me have a look!"

Zhang Xibao looked down: "Yo, what a treasure!"

This object was a short dagger with a black leather sheath. Zhang Xibao pulled out the dagger, and a gust of cold air rushed over his face.

The dagger felt as if it had been polished by ice, and it felt chilly. Both the handle and the blade were transparent, and the blade was six inches long, very small.

The introduction given in "Tiantian Dabaojian" is:

"Yingnv: Mysterious Class A Rare Treasure, polished by thousands of years of ice, to drive away evil spirits. According to legend, there is a devil who kills mortals, and a female Xiuying approaches the devil with her beauty, and stabs the heart of the devil with this dagger, hence the name of the dagger. 』

Xiao Linlang pursed her lips and said, "I know it's a treasure, but I just want to know what level it is. My brother lied to me that it's an earth-level rare treasure, and cheated me of a lot of pocket money with this thing."

Hearing the money, Zhang Xibao became gossipy and couldn't help asking: "How much money did you cheat?"


Zhang Xibao thought that the little girl was amazing, she already had a hundred thousand yuan in pocket money.

"Points!" Xiao Linlang said casually.


Zhang Xibao's eyes widened, he pinched his fingers and calculated, 100,000 points multiplied by 100, that's 10 million? !

This girl has ten million pocket money!

No, this is not a little girl, but a little rich woman!

Hungry, hungry...

Zhang Xibao calmed down, put Yingnv back into the leather sheath and handed it back to Xiao Linlang: "This is a mysterious treasure of the first grade of the mysterious rank, named Yingnv, which can drive away evil spirits and ward off evil spirits. It's not as good as the low rank, your brother It's not like lying to you, is it?"

"Hmph, the ground level is the ground level, and the Xuan level is the Xuan level, he just lied, he just lied!"

Little Linlang turned into a little donkey.

Zhang Xibao said casually: "The scabbard of this dagger is made of high-quality exotic animal skins, which is very valuable, and the British girls of the first grade of Xuan rank are even more precious. You can't buy it with 100,000 points!"

"Oh? Really, then I made money?" Xiao Linlang no longer sulked.

"Wow, the face of a child, in June, it changes as soon as you say you've made money. You're more of a money fan than I am!" Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining.

Xiao Linlang snorted coldly: "You hate me as much as my brother!"

"Tch, your brother is as handsome as me?" Zhang Xibao also snorted coldly.

"My brother is not only more handsome than you, but also more enchanting than you, but he is changing this shortcoming by eating crocodile meat, and he has been eating it for a month." Xiao Linlang said casually.

"Crocodile meat?"

Zhang Xibao asked with a strange expression: "What's your brother's name?"

Xiao Linlang replied, "Tang Huaniu!"

Zhang Xibao: "Straighten your tongue and say it again!"

Xiao Linlang answered with a straight voice: "Tang Huaniu!"

"Then your name is Tang Linlang?"


"The world is so small?!" Zhang Xibao muttered.

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