Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 172: The Great Xia’S No. 1 Foreign Land Does Not Charge

"Put away the rare treasures, and you won't be afraid that others will snatch them from you!"

Seeing Tang Linlang casually throwing the valuable treasure aside, Zhang Xibao couldn't help but remind him.

Tang Linlang put Yingnv back into the square-inch bracelet, and muttered, "Who dares to snatch me, treat me like dough?"

"Yo, are you also a supernatural being?"

Zhang Xibao just asked casually, but Tang Linlang said proudly, "Hmph, of course!"

"It's okay, it's not easy at such a young age, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Zhang Xibao clasped his hands and fisted.

Tang Linlang also clasped her fists pretendingly: "Your Excellency, the number one student in the college entrance examination, I have admired you for a long time!"

"How about I take you to play with my brother?"

Tang Linlang pointed to the Liulige Building not far from Panziyuan: "My brother praised you when he saw the photo of you riding a bird, saying that you look good, and you are indeed the best boy in Daxia!"

Thinking of Tang Hua's niuqiao orchid fingers, Zhang Xibao's goosebumps sprang up, and he repeatedly refused: "No, no, I have important things to do, so I won't go!"

"OK then!"

Tang Linlang picked up the carving knife, planning to continue Gan's sculpture.

The little girl's family background is not simple!

Zhang Xibao didn't leave in a hurry, and asked Tang Linlang, "Are you familiar with Jianzhong? Tell me about it!"

"What's there to say about the sword mound? The dagger just now came from the sword mound!" Tang Linlang gestured with a carving knife, thinking about how to cut the knife.

Zhang Xibao clicked his tongue: "I thought the Sword Tomb was full of swords?"

"Sword Tomb is just a name. Apart from swords, knives, guns, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, sticks, whips, maces, and hammers, everything is there, even meteor hammers!"

Tang Linlang blinked mischievously, as if to say look at how well I recite!

Zhang Xibao blew rainbow farts at the right time, and Tang Linlang became interested in continuing.

"Jianzhong, it's not a tomb, but a mountain, a big, big, big mountain, how big is it, my brother said it's so big that you can't see the edge, it's so big that it splits the sky! "

Tang Linlang opened his arms and gestured.

"The big mountain in the Sword Tomb is full of weapons, but those at the foot of the mountain are rotten. My brother said that the higher the level of the weapon, the higher the level of the weapon! Do you know the four holy swords? That's Master Qinglong pulling it from the cliff. Yo!"

Zhang Xibao nodded, kept all these words in his heart, and finally asked the most important question.

"How much is the ticket for the Sword Tomb? Is there a fee for animal pets?"

Tang Linlang was stunned for a moment, then shook her head blankly: "There is no charge, Jianzhong is the only alien realm in Daxia that does not charge fees, Wulong will encourage people with supernatural abilities to enter the alien realm to find weapons, and all the weapons found will be returned to you." All the supernatural beings own it!"

"So good?!" Zhang Xibao rubbed his hands excitedly.

This is going to be sent...

Tang Linlang didn't know why Zhang Xibao was so excited.

"I should go, see you later!" Zhang Xibao waved his hands, ready to leave Linlangzhai.

"Wait a minute, do you have an account of "Different", add a friend, and I will give you a 20% discount on the items of Yibaozhai in the future." Tang Linlang took out his phone and shook it.

"It's only a 20% discount? It's fate to meet you, so you have to get a 50% discount!"

"I don't have an account yet, add a number!"

While talking, Zhang Xibao left his cell phone number.

"I'll pay 50% off, but I can give you a broken bone!" Tang Linlang smiled slightly.


Zhang Xibao waved his hand, left Linlangzhai, and strode towards the Sword Tomb in the eastern suburbs.

Tang Linlang added the word Zhang Xibao to the phone number, hummed twice, and continued to carve with her head down.

This time she changed the material and used rotten wood to carve her brother Tang Huaniu and Zhang Xibao.

Tang Linlang stretched out two fingers and tapped on the statues, and the two statues started to move. She began to control the statues of Zhang Xibao and Tang Huaniu to fight with her breath.

Zhang Xibao went back to his place of residence, called Jinmaoshu and fungus, and went straight to Jianzhong in the eastern suburbs.

"It's okay if you don't charge for the entrance fee. As expected of the imperial capital, it's so grand!"

Thinking of Nanshi where the fee was 1000 points, and even animal pets were counted as a head fee, Zhang Xibao couldn't help giving Didu a thumbs up.

The entrance to the foreign land in the eastern suburbs.

The archway at the entrance of Jianzhong is several times larger than that of Haocang Island, and it looks very domineering from a distance.

Zhang Xibao came to register at the entrance of the foreign land.

The administrator recognized him, and excitedly took out his mobile phone: "You are the number one student in the college entrance examination in Daxia this year, right? The one riding a bird, come and take a photo! I'll show it to my daughter when I go back!"

Zhang Xibao made a helpless comparison, and the camera clicked to record the two of them.

Looking at the photo with satisfaction, the administrator reminded: "You want to enter the Sword Tomb? The evil spirit inside is too heavy, are you sure you want to enter?"

Zhang Xibao nodded, making up his mind to enter, but the administrator didn't try to persuade him any more.

After registering, Zhang Xibao walked towards the archway, and the fungus and the little mouse peeked out from their schoolbags, and they felt the evil spirit that the administrator said through the door of the foreign world.

Not only the evil spirit from the weapon, but also the sword spirit like a needle...

Zhang Xibao held back his excitement, and stepped into the gate of Jianzhong.

The sky instantly became dark.

The sun was shining brightly outside the foreign land gate, but the scene inside the gate became extremely dark.

"It really is a huge mountain!" Zhang Xibao's eyes widened in shock.

Zhang Xibao looked up along the foot of the mountain, kept raising his head, kept raising his head, and when he was about to break his neck, he barely saw the mountainside!

Because the scene above the mountainside was covered by thick clouds.

"Dark clouds overwhelm the city to destroy it!" Zhang Xibao's mind suddenly popped out this sentence.

The sky is thick with dark clouds, as thick as ink, and these clouds are not calm and static, but are constantly tumbling, as if a spoon is stirring and stirring in the clouds.

Occasionally, there is a flash of light, which is the lightning in the clouds piercing through the thick clouds. It is estimated that those snake-like lightnings can be seen more clearly when they climb halfway up the mountain.

After the lightning, there was a dull thunder, which was not crisp, but an extremely depressing muffled sound, but it was undeniable that the huge power was hidden in the muffled sound.

"Sure enough, there are many swords in the sword mound! But they are all dead..."

As soon as Zhang Xibao entered the door, densely packed swords were planted under his feet, but these swords were already tattered and corroded.

He looked up along the narrow mountain path. There were all kinds of weapons on both sides of the mountain path, but they were all scrap copper and rotten iron. They were more decorative than practical, and no one wanted them even if they were taken out.

"Tiantian Pupils open!"

Zhang Xibao scanned the area as far as he could see, and there was no light at the foot of the mountain under the clouds, which meant that the treasures were all on the mountainside.

Thinking about it, the sword mound has been open for so many years, even if there are treasures at the foot of the mountain, they are picked up by people, and only the top of the mountain that is inaccessible is the most likely to have rare treasures!

"Xiao Linlang said that the higher the level, the higher the level of weapons, let's climb the mountain happily!"

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