
As soon as Zhang Xibao stepped onto the mountain path, he withdrew his feet and rubbed them on the ground.

The moment his toes touched the mountain road, he felt a stagnation of Qi in his body, and a numb and itchy feeling came from the soles of his feet.

"There's something wrong with Jianzhongshan, it can seal the pure energy in the body of the supernatural being..."

Zhang Xibao once again stepped on the mountain road, his chest suddenly felt tight, as if a mountain was pressed on his shoulders, and the numbness under his feet reappeared.

"Is this the test of Jianzhongshan..."

Zhang Xibao looked at the endless mountain road and muttered to himself.

It's like walking in a quagmire, the more you climb up, the heavier the pressure your body will feel.

No wonder the sword mound does not accept tickets, but there are so few people there. It turns out that just climbing the mountain is already extremely difficult, let alone looking for strange treasures among countless decaying weapons?

Fortunately, Zhang Xibao has Tongtian Tong by his side, so the search for strange treasures is targeted. He only needs to overcome the physical pressure.

And his physical fitness can't be said to be the strongest, but it is much better than ordinary ground steps. The pressure at the foot of the mountain is not a big problem for him.

It took about two hours to walk, which was estimated by Zhang Xibao in his heart, because the electronic components in the sword mound would be damaged, so Zhang Xibao stored the mobile phone at the registration office.

"Ho Ho, I have climbed such a long distance!"

Zhang Xibao sat on the steep steps and looked down. The entrance to the alien world had become the size of a palm, but when he looked up, he found that the clouds were still pressing high above his head.



The chrysanthemum and the fungus were lying in the schoolbag. These two guys were not too heavy. Zhang Xibao could carry them on his back, so there was no need to let them suffer on the mountain road.

"There is a baby!"

"There is really a baby!"

The Tongtian Pupil technique is fully opened, and Fang Yin indistinctly shows three or two small glowing dots above the mountainside.

As if a thirsty traveler in the desert saw a clear spring from a distance, Zhang Xibao shouted excitedly.

"Well, it's exciting!"

"I don't want any ground or sky ranks, as long as I can get some mysterious weapons like Yingnv's dagger!"

"No matter what difficulties you encounter, don't be afraid, face it with a smile, Ollie!!!"

Zhang Xibao got up from the ground and continued to climb.

Once a person has a definite goal, he will have the ruthless energy not to give up until the goal is reached.

If you want to ask what is the strength that supports Zhang Xibao's desperate mountain climbing, is it love, is it responsibility, his answer must be points and treasures.

As the mountainside got closer and closer, the glowing dots became more and more conspicuous, and Zhang Xibao had a general understanding of the dot's location.

The distance was too far before, which made him have a visual error. Not all the points were on the mountainside.

There are three points in the field of view, and the colors are red, black, and white.

The red dot is the smallest because it is the furthest away and seems to be at the top of the mountain, the black next, is located closer to the top of the mountain, and the white is next, on the mountainside.

"Bai Dian is the closest, get Bai Dian's baby first!"

Zhang Xibao wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled.

The white dot was not next to the mountain path, but among the broken weapons. Zhang Xibao left the mountain path and ran towards the target.

The moment he left the mountain path, a wave of evil spirit rushed towards his face, making Zhang Xibao shiver uncontrollably.

"So this mountain path still has the function of protecting climbers?"

Zhang Xibao didn't rush to go deep, but squatted down to observe the bricks and stones laying the mountain path.

"It's true that the material of the mountain road is produced in a foreign land, but the pattern on it... feels like it was ground by a machine!"

The introduction to the Sword Tomb in the textbook only said that the Sword Tomb was the number one foreign land in Da Xia and one of the earliest foreign lands developed in Da Xia, but it didn't say that the winding mountain road was laid by the Wulonghui.

"Could it be that when Daxia developed Jianzhong, a narrow mountain road was laid on Jianzhong Mountain? How much financial and material resources will be spent!"

Zhang Xibao was shocked in his heart, but he thought about it. Back then when a foreign land appeared in this world and all countries were staring at him, the top management of Daxia must have endured unimaginable pressure.

The Four Sacred Swords were drawn by Qinglong from Jianzhong Mountain. He may have climbed to the top of the mountain by relying on the mountain road laid by the Five Dragons Association...

Zhang Xibao stood up, took a deep breath, and began to walk out of the mountain path against the fierce aura that hit his face.

All kinds of weapons were inserted irregularly into the stones. Zhang Xibao drew a sword randomly, and the sword body broke into the stones, and the hilt also shattered into pieces.

"It's decayed, only weapons of the level of the Four Holy Swords can withstand the ravages of time..."

The white dot was getting closer and closer, when Zhang Xibao crossed a ridge, a large silver bow appeared in his field of vision.

"Mysterious Iron Dragon Tongue Bow: Mysterious Grade A rare treasure, the bow is six feet long and the arrow is three feet long. It is made of ten thousand-year-old black iron, with dragon tendons as strings. 』

Half of the big silver bow is on the ground and half is buried in the gravel. The bow strings on it have long been decayed, but the big bow is still brand new.

Zhang Xibao dug out the Dragon Tongue Bow and wiped off the stains, the surface of the big bow shone with dazzling light.

"A good bow, there is only one line between the Mysterious Rank A and the Earth Rank, not bad!"

Zhang Xibao tried the weight of the Dragon Tongue Bow with one hand, and found that the bow was extremely heavy, with a weight that didn't fit his body shape. As expected of Wannian black iron, it was very dense!

"The bowstring is rotten, you can try it with the dragon's carps, it's just right!"

Zhang Xibao looked at the Dragon Tongue Bow fondly for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and began to squat down to check the gravel under his feet.

"Since the bow is here, the arrow should also be nearby. The shaft of the arrow will rot, but the arrowhead will not..."

Zhang Xibao pulled out the gravel and found a shiny arrow.

"Sure enough!"

One, two...

Zhang Xibao turned more and more, excited like a child picking up shells by the sea.

In the end, Zhang Xibao found eighteen shiny black iron arrowheads.

"Hey, that's right. When I go back and repair my bow and arrow, I also have a long-range attack treasure, which makes up for my shortcomings!"

Zhang Xibao put the Black Iron Dragon Tongue Bow and eighteen arrows into the Tongtian Treasure House, his mood was already jumping up.

The white dot is a Mysterious Class A rare treasure. Aren't the black dots and red dots of higher rank? !

"The Black Iron Dragon Tongue Bow is on the mountainside, and the black dots and red dots are close to the top of the mountain. Aren't they ground steps? No, the red dots are higher, and they may also be sky steps!"

"Mom, I want to send it!"

Zhang Xibao ran back to the mountain path and continued to climb up.


Zhang Xibao's ankle made a crisp sound, and he sat down to rest for a while, panting deeply.

"The higher you climb, the greater the gravity!"

Zhang Xibao climbed the mountainside, and the sea of ​​clouds was already under his feet.

As he got closer, he realized that those wildly dancing thunder snakes had turned into brontosaurs the size of buckets, and the flashes of lightning were enough to make one's heart palpitate.

At the foot of the mountain, the clouds were as thick as ink that could not be melted. When the clouds were at the foot, it suddenly turned into a thunder pool, filled with scorching plasma!

Zhang Xibao was sitting on the narrow mountain path, compared to the endless sea of ​​clouds and mountains, he was nothing but insignificant.

"The road to cultivation is like ascending to the sky...like I am climbing a mountain?"

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered a sentence in the novel "Special Secondary Two", and the rolling sky thunder was reflected in his shining eyes.

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