Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 174 The Stick Of Rebirth, Thick And Long

"Hiss... it hurts!"

Zhang Xibao was bored and wanted to pick up a rock outside the mountain path and throw it into the clouds, but as soon as he poked his hand out of the mountain path, his fingertips seemed to be pricked by something.

Ordinary people gain wisdom by eating a ditch, knowing that there is something weird outside the mountain path, so they don't touch it, but Zhang Xibao didn't, he stretched his hand out of the mountain path again, this time the palm of his hand hurt like being scratched by a knife.

"What's going on? The more you go up, the stronger the evil spirit and sword energy?"

Zhang Xibao lowered his head and stroked the patterns on the mountain path, muttering to himself: "On the mountain path, the body is heavy and the fresh air stagnates, but it will not be attacked by the sword energy. It is smooth, but it will be attacked by sword energy, could it be that the function of this mountain path is to seal the clean energy in the climber's body and assist the climber to go up the mountain?"

This is just a suspicion and speculation. It is impossible for Zhang Xibao to remove the bricks and rocks on the mountain path. Not to mention the huge and tightly-fitting bricks, even if Zhang Xibao removes one piece, what if the entire mountain path will be useless...

He bite the bullet and climbed up. He didn't know how long he climbed, but the mountain path came to an end, but the location of the black spot was still far away from the end of the mountain path!

Zhang Xibao tentatively stretched his arm out of the mountain path, his arm really hurt like a knife cut, but the skin was not broken, he could bear the pain by gritting his teeth.

Today, not to mention how much Zhang Xibao's combat strength surpasses that of ordinary supernatural beings, it is estimated that no one can compare to his rough skin and thick flesh. Ordinary swords can't break his defense at all!

"Eh? That's right!"

Zhang Xibao tapped his head: "Shu Ling, Shu Ling?"

The golden book spirit flew out and quietly floated in mid-air.

"Do you still have the discouraged pill you gave me before? Give me another one!"

As expected, there were still stocks of the pessimistic pill, Shuling spit out one, Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand to grab the pill, and Shuling disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"The Discouragement Pill can dissipate the pure Qi in the body of the supernatural being, so if I take it, can I avoid the punishment of Jianzhong? I'm such a little genius!"

Zhang Xibao ate the discouragement pill, brewed it for a while, vented his anger well, took off his schoolbag, and stepped out of the mountain path.

"After venting the pure energy, the influence of evil energy and sword energy is reduced. Is the law of the sword mound really like this..."

Zhang Xibao leaned on Tongtian Tong and walked towards the black spot in his vision.

In the database of the Wulonghui, there is an SS-level confidential document, the general content of which is: the Great Xia Alien Land is opened, the international situation is becoming more and more critical, the materials on the Jianzhong Mountain Road are insufficient, and the supernatural being Qinglong braves the sword and evil spirits to fight on the cliffs. After retrieving the Four Holy Swords, the surface of the body is like a thousand knives...

Zhang Xibao walked for a long time, and finally saw the strange treasure that appeared black in Tongtian Tong's field of vision.

It was a black gold stick, like the Black Iron Dragon Tongue Bow, half on the ground and half in the gravel, the surface of the stick was coiled with golden patterns.

But the difference is that the Wujin stick is surrounded by a vacuum, and one pillar is inserted on a small hill, while other decaying weapons can only be inserted at the foot of the hill like Mobai believers.

Like a proud queen, Wujin Bangzi enjoys the glory of the stars and the moon, and at the same time tastes the bitter wine of loneliness and loneliness.

"The Tribulus of Rebirth: A C-level heavenly treasure, refined from the Rebirth Stone, the ultimate treasure of the wilderness ghost clan. 』

"I'm knocking, heaven-ranked treasure? Although it is C-level, the sky-rank is the sky-rank. If this thing is taken out, the four holy swords will be eclipsed!"

"What is the stone of rebirth?"

Baojian beeped, and gave the answer thoughtfully.

"The stone of rebirth: there is a strange stone under the Nine Netherworld, called the stone of rebirth. Those who get this stone can remember their past and present lives. There are immortal soldiers who can rely on this stone to live a new life. Only ghost fire can be refined." 』


Zhang Xibao didn't approach rashly, but picked up a stone and threw it over.


The stone hit it, and Wujin's stick made a crisp sound, but nothing unusual happened.

"Could it be that I'm thinking too much?"

Zhang Xibao stepped forward and tentatively walked towards Wu Jincang.

When Zhang Xibao reached the bottom of the hill, the tattered weapons under the hill began to tremble in unison.

That looks like a warning to Zhang Xibao, "I advise you to be careful"

Zhang Xibao took a step back, and the tattered weapon returned to calm.

Zhang Xibao took a step forward, and the tattered weapons began to tremble again.

Zhang Xibao took a step back.

Zhang Xibao took another step forward.

"Tango is wading and wading?"

Zhang Xibao backed away again.

Zhang Xibao stepped forward again.

Ugin Stick: ...

"Hey, I don't believe in evil anymore!"

Zhang Xibao strode forward and reached out to grab Wu Jinbangzi.


With a loud explosion, the Wujin stick was automatically pulled out from the gravel, and only then did Zhang Xibao see the whole picture of the stick.

The upper part of the Wujin Cudgel is 1.5 meters long and the thickness of a wrist, while the lower part is half a meter long, as thick as the mouth of a bowl, and covered with sharp iron thorns!

"Emotion is the real tribulus stick?!"

Tribulus sticks are similar to maces, but the thorns of the mace are shaped like spikes and are more blunt, while the thorns of the thorns are sharper, like sharpened nails!

What really surprised Zhang Xibao was not the shape of the terrestris stick, but the magic spirit inside this strange treasure!

"It's normal for a heavenly treasure to have a weapon spirit, but it's not normal if it doesn't have a weapon spirit..."

Zhang Xibao observed this weapon spirit intently, it was very strange, the weapon spirit was not a divine beast, nor a human being, but a human beast... oh no, it was a beastman.

Qi Ling is in the shape of a human being, with a red body, disheveled hair, pointed ears, and two slender and curved horns protruding from both sides of the forehead. muscle.

But the height of this spirit is only about 1.5 meters, and it only reaches Zhang Xibao's chest...

The child-like Qi Ling held a nearly two-meter-long thorn stick, which was ridiculous no matter how you looked at it.


As soon as Zhang Xibao opened his mouth, the thorn stick flew over Zhang Xibao's nose, and the air wave created by the stick made Zhang Xibao's face ache.

"I'll knock, come up and hit the vital point!"

Zhang Xibao sprinted backwards, temporarily leaving the battlefield.

Qi Ling's stick was clearly aimed at Zhang Xibao's head!

"My shit? My shit!"

With death so close at hand, Zhang Xibao couldn't help but swear.

Qi Ling charged up again with the thorn stick, Zhang Xibao reached into his pocket, but suddenly stopped.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that he had swallowed a discouragement pill earlier, no matter whether it was the Suppressing Evil and Exorcism Card, the Abnormal Fire or the Flame Crow Banner, it was useless!

"I'm lifting a rock to shoot myself in the foot!"

Zhang Xibao had no choice but to keep retreating to avoid Qi Ling's attack.

bang bang bang!

Zhang Xibao retreated sharply, Qi Ling dragged the thorn stick and smashed one big hole after another on the ground.

The thorns on this thorn stick are full of sharp thorns, it will kill you if you touch it, and you will hurt if you rub it.

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