Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 175 The Witty Zhang Xibao

"This weapon spirit seems to have no intelligence?"

Qi Ling rampaged like a rhinoceros, smashed for a while, Zhang Xibao gradually saw some ways.

"Its attack method is very monotonous, either sweeping or smashing. Is it because the thorn stick is too long? I seem to be able to use the height difference to win!"

Taking advantage of Qi Ling's smashing attack, Zhang Xibao no longer retreated, but rushed towards Qi Ling instead.

"There is a flaw!"

Zhang Xibao clapped his hands on the handle of the thorn stick, picked up the stick with his toes, and pried up the Qi Ling who was holding the end of the stick.

Although the Qi is exhausted and the strange treasure cannot be used, Zhang Xibao's strength is real.

Although the stick lifted Qi Ling high, Qi Ling never let go, hanging like a flag on a flagpole.

Qi Ling's feet were off the ground, and his hair was flying. Zhang Xibao was taken aback when he saw that face. Qi Ling seemed to be a female orc?

Qi Ling's eyes were blank, then he bent his knees and ruthlessly pushed towards Zhang Xibao's heart.

"I'm knocking, it's all dead hands! Is this really so bad that the sternum is broken?"

Zhang Xibao crossed his arms and padded his chest, then kicked down the tribulus stick, bringing Qi Ling with him to the ground.

"Hey, that's true, no matter whether you are swinging the stick with your left hand or your right hand, your hand has never been out of the thorn stick. This stick is not only your weapon, but also the shackles that trap you..."

Zhang Xibao firmly stepped on the thorn stick with his foot, and the arm of Qi Ling seemed to be glued to it.

Her arms were not long enough, her fingers couldn't even touch the corners of Zhang Xibao's clothes, so she could only kneel on the ground and scream in vain, like a leopard caught in a trap.

"Let me see how to form a bond with a strange treasure with a weapon spirit!"

Zhang Xibao looked up the "Tiantian Dabaojian" while stepping on the thorn stick.


"Either defeat the Artifact Spirit, get the Artifact Spirit's approval, or form a bond with blood?"

Zhang Xibao scratched his head and looked at Qi Ling.

"I can't use my Qing Qi, or I can beat her in minutes!"

"Warrior spirits seem to be spirit bodies. Is it okay to defeat them at the physical level?"

Zhang Xibao squatted down to pick up a small stone, and threw it on Qi Ling's body. The small stone was bounced off, and there seemed to be a barrier on Qi Ling's body.

"Huh? It seems to be touchable!"

Stepping on the thorn stick, Zhang Xibao slowly moved towards Qi Ling, his fists clenched.

"Let me beat you physically! Offended..."

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath, and punched Qi Ling with the momentum of Wu Song hitting a tiger, this punch exhausted all his strength.


A punch fell, and the surrounding gravel was blown away!

Zhang Xibao's fist landed on the barrier on Qi Ling's body, and the huge force instantly knocked Qi Ling apart.

"Is this considered to be recognized by the spirit..."

Zhang Xibao picked up the tribulus stick and held it in his hand. The stick was very heavy, but it was very powerful for Zhang Xibao!

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Zhang Xibao knocked on the tribulus stick, the stick made a crisp sound, but the spirit of the weapon didn't respond.

"Shouldn't he be killed?"

"Are you angry?"

"Hey, let's try to form a bond with blood..."

Zhang Xibao bit his fingertips and dripped blood on the thorn stick, and the blood was successfully absorbed by the stick.

In an instant, Zhang Xibao felt a force!

There is a buzzing sound in the ears, the thick darkness, burning flames, weird songs, crazy dances, mysterious sacrifices, and the vast wilderness seem to flash in my mind.

Zhang Xibao gripped the thorn stick tightly, the muscles in his arms stretched, a bloody light flashed in his eyes, and a phantom with long horns flashed behind him.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

During the mountain climbing, the evil spirit from Jianzhong continued to invade Zhang Xibao's body, but the moment the force entered his body just now, the evil spirit from Jianzhong scattered!

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath, and sprayed two pillars of white mist from his nostrils, making him look like an angry bull.

"This is power!"

"This is the power of the heavenly treasure!"

"Hahahaha, cough cough cough..."

Zhang Xibao choked on his saliva because he was too excited.

"Oh, oh, heavenly rank, heavenly rank!"

Zhang Xibao carried the tribulus stick on his shoulder and climbed towards a higher place.

There is also a strange treasure emitting red light waiting for him.

"The Tribulus terrestris sticks are all C-level heavenly ranks, so it's not too much to have a first-level heavenly rank on the top one?"

Zhang Xibao smiled and climbed towards the top of Jianzhong Mountain.

Wangshan ran like a dead horse, and the peak of the mountain seemed to be very close, but Zhang Xibao climbed for a long time without shortening the distance between him and the red dot.

Carrying a tribulus stick is not conducive to mountaineering, and it is good to be handsome, but it would be foolish to suffer for being handsome. Zhang Xibao reluctantly put the stick into the Tongtian Treasure House and began to climb in earnest.

The mountain road of Jianzhong was broken from the bottom of the thorn stick, so it became more and more difficult to walk up, because the top of the mountain was very steep.

Moreover, Zhang Xibao gradually felt something was wrong...

"It's been less than a day and a half since I took the Discouragement Pill, why did I start to feel the sword qi being targeted?"

Zhang Xibao touched his cheek, feeling a little pain.

"But the freshness hasn't recovered yet?"

The evil spirit from the sword mound dissipated because of the power transmitted to Zhang Xibao by the thorn stick, but the closer he got to the top of the mountain, the more fierce the sword spirit became, and that power couldn't be resisted.

Zhang Xibao is still gritting his teeth and climbing up, it's not that he's greedy, after all, he's here...

Zhang Xibao kept climbing, kept climbing...

When the top of the mountain was close at hand, he felt like a fish whose scales were being scraped off, and the sword was so sharp that it hurt his flesh.

Although Zhang Xibao's skin is rough and fleshy, but it's true that he can't bear it...

Back then, when Qinglong pulled out the Four Holy Swords with the sword energy, it was only at the height of a thorn stick, and was cut into a blood gourd by the sword energy.

Now Zhang Xibao is about to climb to the top of the mountain, but it is a miracle that his body hurts without being disfigured...

"It's all here, it's all here..." Zhang Xibao muttered to himself.


Zhang Xibao put his palms on the top of the mountain, dragging his heavy body up.

He couldn't wait to look towards the position of the red light, and saw a stone platform on the top of the mountain, with a corroded sword stuck in the center of the stone platform.

"I'm knocking, the top of the mountain is such a broken thing?!"

Zhang Xibao's roar echoed on the top of the mountain.

"No, it's too weird!"

"Tiantian pupil shows that this sword is a treasure!"

"But why didn't Baojian respond?"

"Could it be that this sword has never been seen by the old man, so it has not been recorded?"

Zhang Xibao was like a stroke patient, with six in his left hand and seven in his right hand, dragging his heavy body, carrying the strong sword energy, tremblingly walked towards the sword.

"Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, take it back and talk about it, after all, it's coming... I want the broken ones too!"

That sword was really broken, half of it was inserted into the stone platform, half of it was exposed outside, and the exposed blade was covered with black stains, like coagulated blood...

"It's so broken, there won't be a weapon spirit?"

Zhang Xibao tentatively walked towards Po Jian, ten meters, five meters, three meters, but Po Jian didn't respond...


Zhang Xibao's palm was clenched on the hilt of the sword, but the broken sword still didn't respond.

"It looks like a broken sword!"

"Take back the broken sword!"

Zhang Xibao held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and pulled out the broken sword like pulling a carrot.

"Ah ah ah ah!"

Zhang Xibao exhausted all his strength, and the broken sword didn't even move.

"I'm exhausted, I can't move..."

Zhang Xibao let go of his hands and sat down on the ground.

After resting for a while, Zhang Xibao stood up and continued to draw his sword.

Zhang Xibao is full of strengths, the only shortcoming is that he is too stubborn!

He was like an old farmer pulling radishes in the field, beads of sweat smashed into eight petals on the stone platform, and he was still gnashing his teeth to grab the broken sword.

"What are you doing?" someone asked suddenly.

Zhang Xibao replied casually: "Draw your sword!"

"Why did you draw your sword?" the man asked again.

Zhang Xibao replied while exerting force: "Because I have to pull it out!"

"I knock!"

"Who are you!"

Zhang Xibao reacted suddenly, and jumped out as if he had been stepped on his tail. Looking at the man in black in front of him, he didn't know where he jumped out from.

The man in black replied, "I am who I am."

"Are you a sword spirit?" Zhang Xibao asked with staring eyes.

The man in black had white hair, Zhang Xibao thought it was another clone of the old man Tongtian, he observed it carefully several times, but found out that it was not.

The man in black was dressed in a black robe, and his eyebrows and eyes were more ruthless than the old man Tongtian. Although his hair was all white, it was short, and there was a red pattern on his forehead like a sword.

"What is a sword spirit?" the man in black asked.

Zhang Xibao replied: "The sword spirit is the spirit that lives in the sword."

"What is a spirit body?" the man in black asked again.

This sword spirit seems to have intelligence but no memory... Since he didn't sneak attack Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao answered patiently.

"A spirit is a person without a body."

The man in black looked at his hands blankly, then raised his head and said to Zhang Xibao: "Then I am the sword spirit."

Didn't expect such a broken sword to have a sword spirit?

Zhang Xibao refrained from complaining, after all, it's hard to say that the place where he lives is bad in front of him.

Seeing that the man in black was silent, Zhang Xibao asked, "I want to take this sword away, do you have any objections?"

The man in black shook his head, Zhang Xibao wiped the sweat from his hands to the corner of his clothes, and said to the man, "You said that!"

"Pull it out!" The man in black made a light gesture.

Zhang Xibao continued to pull carrots... Ah no, draw the sword!

"Ah ah ah ah!"

Zhang Xibao's roar resounded from the top of Jianzhong Mountain.

"Can't you pull it out?" the man in black asked.

"You wait!"

Zhang Xibao took a breath and continued to exert force.

"Ah ah ah ah!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Zhang Xibao's bones creaked all over his body.


The broken sword is broken!

Zhang Xibao clutched the hilt of his sword in a daze, and looked at the man in black.

The man in black also looked at Zhang Xibao blankly.

The two were relatively silent.

Suddenly, the man in black said: "You seem to have ruined the place where I live..."

Gulu, Zhang Xibao swallowed.

"I'm sorry!"

In this case, how to apologize seems a little pale.

Zhang Xibao was quick to wit, took out the black stick, put it on the hilt of his sword, and showed it to the man in black.

"Look, look, isn't there a place to live here?!"

bang dang...

The black stick fell from the hilt and fell to the ground.

The man in black: (????????????)?

"calm down!"

The intelligent sword spirit might be even more difficult to deal with than the weapon spirit just now. Zhang Xibao has not recovered his vitality yet.

Zhang Xibao inserted the black stick back and showed it to the man in black: "Look, just go back and practice it for a while. This sword is newer than the one you just had, and the color matches your clothes. You can just bring your bag and move in. Don't believe me." Do you feel it?"

The man in black closed his eyes and felt for a moment, then opened his eyes and nodded: "Well, it is indeed better than the place where I lived just now, so that's all I can do for the time being."

The figure of the man in black flashed, and got into the black stick.

Zhang Xibao carefully put the black stick and sword hilt back into Tongtian Treasure House, and patted his chest.

"Fortunately, I am a witty horse..."

"It's just abducting a wise sword spirit, how should I fool you?"


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