Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 176 Use Magic To Fight Magic

"Shu Ling, Chinchilla, Fungus, Crow King Xiaoni, and more than a thousand crows, the plate is getting bigger and bigger, and a new weapon spirit without intelligence, and a sword spirit with intelligence have been recruited."

"It's okay to say Qi Ling, this sword spirit is not easy to mess with at first glance. My intuition tells me that this guy is the same kind of person as Old Man Tongtian. What if I can't beat him?"

"Hey, since he has lost his memory, why don't I fool him into forming a bond with me..."

On the Jianzhong mountain road, Zhang Xibao retrieved his backpack and muttered as he went down the mountain.

"What are you talking about?" the man in black tilted his head and asked Zhang Xibao.

"Hey, I knock!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost, and he pointed at the man in black: "You, you, why did you come out?"

"Because I want to come out." The man in black replied.

"No, I mean how do you get out of there?"

Zhang Xibao was very shocked. The man in black was able to come out of the Tongtianbao Curry. Isn't this something only Shuling can do?

"You mean a place with a lot of things? I'll come out as soon as I think about it." The man in black said calmly, not understanding why Zhang Xibao looked like this.

Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows: "The place you mentioned is called Tongtian Treasure House, what's in it?"

The man in black thought about it: "There are a few gadgets that look good, and the rest are things that don't look very good."

"Is there Dan?"

Zhang Xibao made a gesture: "The round pills are packed in bottles or boxes."

Since the man in black can come out of the Tongtianbao Curry, he should be able to get things from the Tongtianbao Curry.

"The things inside are too messy, why don't you find them yourself?" The man in black frowned.

If only I could find it myself, Shu Ling didn't give me permission!

Zhang Xibao asked patiently: "I can't find anything in there, I can only use my own things, how about you teach me?"

"I understand."

Zhang Xibao didn't know what the black-clothed man understood, but saw him pinch a sword formula with one hand.

The man in black said to Zhang Xibao: "As the owner of the treasure house, you can't enter the treasure house. You can only stand at the door to place and take things, but you can't take out the things deeper in the treasure house. Just cut it off."

"Cut the restriction? Cut what restriction?"

A sharp sword energy condensed on the fingertips of the man in black, Zhang Xibao couldn't help but squint his eyes at that power.

beep beep...

The golden book spirit showed up and hid behind Zhang Xibao, feeling aggrieved like a child.

Zhang Xibao asked with a dark face: "Shu Ling, the restriction he mentioned to prevent me from entering the treasury must be you, right?"

Shu Ling passed a consciousness to Zhang Xibao and admitted the matter.

"Shu Ling, your uncle!"

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand to stop the man in black before continuing to gather his sword energy: "Brother, wait a minute, this restriction is my book spirit, don't cut it first, don't cut it first!"

The book spirit is the spiritual wisdom that sprouted from the Tongtian Dabaojian. It can help Zhang Xibao turn the pages of the book, appraise the treasure, and so on. It is very important.

Moreover, Baojian is the brainchild of Old Man Tong Tian, ​​if Shu Ling is beheaded, Zhang Xibao will probably be beheaded the next time he meets Old Man Tong Tian's avatar.


The man in black dissipated his sword energy and looked at Zhang Xibao and Shu Ling quietly.

"Okay, if you don't have anything to say, you don't answer, but if you have something to do, you have no conscience!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to Shuling's lesson and successfully obtained the full authority of the Tongtian Treasure House from Shuling. Zhang Xibao felt the inside of the treasure house casually.

Although the previous Tongtianshu ate a lot of treasure Curry's treasures, after careful searching, there are still some things in treasure Curry, such as those refining Qi pills, but they are worth a lot of money...

"Go, go, don't be naughty anymore!" Zhang Xibao waved his hand, and Shu Ling took the initiative to disperse.

Shu Ling faltered in the face of Sword Spirit. Could it be that he wanted to use magic to fight magic?

"The matter has been resolved, thank you!" Zhang Xibao cupped his hands at the man in black.

The man in black was puzzled: "Thank me for what, and I didn't do anything?"

Zhang Xibao murmured in his heart, you are already deterrent enough if you don't do anything, and if you condense a sword energy casually, you will kill the book spirit of the old man Tongtian, you are a big boss, you can't afford to be provoked.

It seems that the sword spirit must be fooled into forming a bond with him...

Seeing that the man in black showed no signs of returning to the treasure house, Zhang Xibao began to make friends with him.

"Sword Spirit, is it okay for me to call you that?"

The man in black shook his head: "Unpleasant, you can call me Zhan Nian, I only remember these two words."

"Zen Nian..."

Zhang Xibao was stunned for a moment, and searched for a few words of "Zhan Nian" in the treasure book.

In the end, Zhang Xibao only found these few words: "Taiyi Zhannian Sword: It is suspected to be a rare treasure of immortal rank, it is very old, and its whereabouts are unknown. 』

"Tai Yi Zhan Nian Jue: Suspected to be a fairy-level skill, it has been lost. 』

Suspicious, that is, do not know the real rank.

The age is long, what age can be called ancient by the old man Tongtian who has lived for tens of thousands of years?

"Zhan Nian, what grade are you probably?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

Although Zhan Nian has no memory, he must know his own strength!

Zhan Nian asked: "What is a rank?"

Zhang Xibao supported his forehead, and then made an analogy: "Look, how many can you hit like me?"

Zhan Nian stretched out a finger.

"Ten? One hundred?" Zhang Xibao's eyebrows twitched.

Zhan Nian replied: "One finger."

"Another finger?!"

The old man Tongtian just stretched out a finger last time, and this time Zhan Nian stretched out another finger.

Not to mention who is stronger, Zhan Nian or Old Man Tong Tian, ​​but both of them can deal with Zhang Xibao with one finger!

"Wow, my mentality has collapsed!"

Zhang Xibao became even more determined to form a pact with the sword spirit. With the sword spirit around, wouldn't he walk sideways in the future?

Zhang Xibao looked at Zhan Nian with burning eyes: "Do you want to form a contract?"

Sure enough, Zhan Nian asked again: "What is a contract?"

Zhang Xibao began to fool around: "Do you know the stick you live in? The contract is that you have the right to live in the stick, and I have the ownership of the stick. You live in the stick, and occasionally come out to help me beat people as rent." ..."

Then Zhang Xibao explained to Zhan Nian the modern vocabulary of "residency", "ownership" and "rent", and Zhan Nian nodded his head.

Zhan Nian responded: "Sounds good."

"Then shall we form a bond?"

Zhang Xibao took out the black stick and the hilt of his sword, and wanted to bite his finger to form a bond with blood.


Zhan Nian looked at Zhang Xibao: "You will kill yourself if you do this."

Zhang Xibao was full of doubts.

"Now you are too weak to bear the consequences of forming a bond. Wait until you become stronger."

Zhan Nian pointed to the black stick: "What you have to do now is to repair my house and make it stronger."

"Call me again if there is a situation!"

After all, Zhan Nian flew back into the black stick.

"There is such a thing..."

Zhang Xibao was silent for a while, then figured it out.

"Anyway, there is still a heaven-ranked tribulus stick that can be used, just hug Zhan Nian's thigh, you can chew too much..."

Zhang Xibao carried his schoolbag and walked towards the exit of the foreign land.

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