Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 177 Adding One Family Member And The Beginning Of The Sword Embryo

"Come out, did you find any treasure?"

The administrator of Jianzhong looked at Zhang Xibao with a smile, and saw that his hands were empty, thinking that this kid must have nothing to gain, and he didn't think about the space treasure.

Where can ordinary people afford the space treasure? !

Zhang Xibao took back his mobile phone at the registration office and waved his hand: "I didn't get anything!"

So I just picked up a Dragon Tongue Bow of Mysterious Grade A, a Heavenly Grade C Tribulus Rod, and a Heavenly Grade-high thick-legged Sword Spirit...

The administrator was quite nice, and comforted and encouraged Zhang Xibao: "Hey, it's nothing. After you learn more skills, you will definitely be able to catch treasures in the sword mound in the future. I believe in you!"

"Yeah, what you said is right!" Zhang Xibao accepted the instruction humbly.

After leaving the eastern suburbs, Zhang Xibao went straight to the rented house.

After less than three days of tossing in the sword mound, no one at home watered the flame sycamore seeds.

Once the rare treasure seeds are planted, it is not easy to keep them in the Tongtianbao Curry. Zhang Xibao replaced it with a large porcelain basin like the one used to raise fish, which is very strong.

"It seems to have sprouted..."

There was no sign of uplift at all on the surface of the soil, but Zhang Xibao clearly felt that the seeds in the red terracotta soil had germinated. It may be the soil ability that made Zhang Xibao perceive the abnormality of the seeds in the soil.

Zhang Xibao was overjoyed, took a bottle of mineral water and poured it on the flame sycamore seeds, and Zhan Nian flew out again, standing aside curiously watching his movements.


Zhan Nian also said the same thing, Zhang Xibao had more confidence in his heart.

"Is this the world outside Jianzhong?"

Zhan Nian's attention shifted away from the flowerpot, and he began to look at the furnishings of Zhang Xibao's house.

"Yes, this is the world I live in!"

Zhang Xibao walked to the balcony of the living room and opened the window to let the sunlight in.

"The outside world is much better than the sword mound, right? The sword mound is full of dark clouds and lightning, it scares me to death."

Zhang Xibao sat on the sofa, and Zhan Nian also sat down tentatively.

"You are considered to be a real entity, right? Then do you have a sense of taste? I will show off at noon and let you have a taste of my craft!"

There are dozens of catties of different kinds of exotic animal meat in the refrigerator. Zhang Xibao ate it once and found the taste and texture to be good.

He thought that the avatar of Old Man Tongtian could eat, and the level of Sword Spirit should also be able to eat.

Zhan Nian replied: "Mortal food, you can try it..."

"No, no, it's the meat of the alien beast that is cooked in a different way. Make sure you bite off your tongue!"

Zhang Xibao jumped up from the sofa, pointed to the remote control on the table: "I'll cook, you can watch TV for a while, and learn more about the world."

"TV? How do you watch it?" Zhan Nian picked up the remote control, wondering what is so magical about this thing.

"Little mouse, turn on the TV for Zhan Nian!" Zhang Xibao's voice came from the kitchen.

Zhan Nian saw a little mouse with a few golden hairs jumping up to the coffee table, flipped the switch, and the TV on the wall started playing.

The animal instincts of Chinchilla and Fungus told them that Zhannian was very scary, so Chinchilla, who usually occupied the TV set, changed his temper, turned on the TV, pushed the remote control to Zhannian, and honestly went to the bedroom with Fungus to stay .


Zhan Nian just has no memory, but he is not stupid. He is full of curiosity about new things. He starts to pick up the remote control, press the buttons with different patterns, and the TV starts to change channels.

Soon, the smell came out from the kitchen, and Zhan Nian looked at the kitchen curiously. It was the first time he felt this novel smell after staying in Jianzhong for too long.

"Ready to eat!"

When Zhang Xibao shouted, the fungus and Chinchilla could not resist their greed and came out of the bedroom, waiting for the cooking.

Zhang Xibao opened the kitchen door, brought out a large pot of white rice, and then served dishes one by one on the table.

"Stewed chicken with mushrooms, braised beef in brown sauce, sweet and sour pork ribs, spicy rabbit meat, pickled pork with preserved vegetables, and a big meatball. They are all hard dishes. Today is a big meal!"

Although the names of the dishes are so called, the raw materials of these dishes are exotic animal meat. Zhang Xibao cooks them according to the texture and taste of these dishes.

"Oh, by the way, you probably don't know how to use chopsticks yet, so I brought you a spoon."

Zhang Xibao handed a spoon to Zhan Nian to put rice and vegetables for the fungus and the little mouse.

The Flaming Crows had been hungry for three days, but Zhang Xibao's freshness hadn't fully recovered, so he couldn't release it to the Crow King, so he could give him more Qi and Blood Pill later.

"Go for it!"

With Zhang Xibao's order, the fungus and chrysanthemum began to attack the vegetables in the rice bowl, and Zhang Xibao's chopsticks also attacked with precision, fighting against the ribs and meatballs.

Zhan Nian didn't use a spoon, but followed Zhang Xibao's example and picked up a pair of chopsticks, clumsily picking up a rib.

At the entrance of the ribs, Zhan Nian's eyes lit up, and he nodded: "It's interesting..."

Zhang Xibao ate so much for a meal, Zhan Nian also tried different dishes.

After the meal, Zhang Xibao took out the black stick and sword hilt, and sat in front of Zhan Nian.

"Zhan Nian, this sword... how do you want to practice it?"

Zhan Nian took a look at the big black stick, gathered a sword energy and hit it, the big black stick was not damaged at all.

Zhan Nian nodded: "The material of this sword embryo is good, it is very strong and sharp, the first step you need to do is to completely fuse the sword embryo with the hilt."

"Oh, just practice..."

What is the material of the sword embryo? The avatar of the old man Tongtian said, Zhang Xibao looked at the hilt curiously, and asked: "What material is this hilt? It's not gold or wood. The blade is rotten, and the hilt is still there." Very good."

Zhan Nian replied casually: "Dragon Horn."


Zhang Xibao's eyes glowed with gold, and he checked over and over again.

He raised his head when the hilt of the sword was almost covered by Zhang Xibao's plate, "I refine the sword embryo and hilt, won't it affect you?"

"No problem..."

Zhan Nian picked up the remote control and continued watching TV.

Zhang Xibao took out the Tongtian Cauldron, intending to refine the sword embryo and hilt.

Zhan Nian glanced at the big black cauldron, and came to a conclusion: "This cauldron is also interesting..."

Thousand-year lotus fire, phoenix fire, samadhi true fire, three fires combined into one, Zhang Xibao's different fire has already made a qualitative leap.

Zhang Xibao threw the sword embryo and hilt into the tripod, and released a strange fire to start refining.

Zhan Nian asked with a strange face: "Is this how you usually refine weapons?"

While heating the big black cauldron, Zhang Xibao replied, "Yes! Is there a problem?"

"There is no problem, but I have to sigh, the master who made this cauldron is really a genius, and the magic circle inside the cauldron can assist you in refining the weapon, otherwise you will not be able to refine a single treasure after a hundred years of refining."

Zhan Nian continued to watch TV, and Zhang Xibao started the boring life of making weapons.

After practicing for a whole day, there was no reaction in the cauldron, Zhang Xibao wondered, "Why not?"

After watching the TV, Zhan Nian began to fiddle with Zhang Xibao's mobile phone. He found that the knowledge on the Internet was more useful than that on TV. Through the Internet, Zhan Nian was frantically absorbing the nutrition of modern knowledge.

Hearing Zhang Xibao's question, Zhan Nian raised his head: "It takes years or even decades to refine a mortal weapon that blows hair and hair, so where are you going?"

Zhang Xibao asked back: "But my fire and cauldron are very powerful. Normally, it takes only a while to refine strange treasures. How can it take several years!"

"You are right, your fire is not extraordinary, and the black cauldron is also a rare treasure, but the material of the sword embryo and the hilt is not simple, and it is not so easy to be refined together, let's continue!" Zhan Nian waved his hand.

Zhang Xibao practiced swords, read books or surfed the Internet, and the two of them stayed at home for two weeks!

Zhang Xibao doesn't rest during the day and doesn't sleep at night, except for eating and going to the bathroom, there is only one word: practice!

Finally, on the night of the 15th day, the lid of Tongtian Cauldron popped open, and the sword embryo and hilt flew out as one.

At this time, Zhang Xibao's face was pale, with two thick dark circles under his eyes, even a little hair could be regarded as a national treasure.

"'s done!"

"It can be regarded as refining them together!"

Zhang Xibao held the sword embryo in his hand, feeling good in the hand.

Zhan Nian does not need to rest, absorbs modern knowledge day and night, and feels that his knowledge reserve is almost complete. He smiles mysteriously at Zhang Xibao: "I have researched a fun one, which can improve your combat power..."

"Let me be healthy!" Zhang Xibao joked with Zhan Nian taking advantage of his excitement.

"It's late at night, you go to bed first..."

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