Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 179 See If I Prick You Or Not

"How can the pain be so real?!"

Zhang Xibao turned his head to look at Zhan Nian beside the bed.

Zhan Nian smiled slightly: "The game I made binds your book spirit, as long as you are hit in the game, the fresh air corresponding to the body part will stimulate your pain, the more severe the injury, the more painful it will be, but as long as you If you are not dead, the dream will not wake up."

"Won't it be harmful to my body?" Zhang Xibao touched his chest with lingering fear: "That sword energy you just pierced made me very hurt?"

"That's not true. Clear Qi is your own product, and this stimulation can also help hit the acupuncture points. How about it, isn't it great?" Zhan Nian looked smug.

Zhang Xibao grasped the details of Zhan Nian's words: "It's pretty good...that means I can become stronger even if I get beaten in the game?"

"That's right, but it's okay to be beaten, and the number of deaths should not be too many, otherwise it will be harmful to the spirit."

Zhan Nian shook Zhang Xibao's mobile phone: "This thing is amazing, all my ideas come from here, today you have to buy me a new one, it's inconvenient to use yours all the time."

"Well, I didn't expect you to adapt to the new world quite quickly..."

Zhang Xibao got up, planned to wash up, and took Zhan Nian out for a walk.

"Well... what kind of mobile phone do you want, do you have any requirements for the brand and style?" Zhang Xibao asked Zhan Nian while brushing his teeth.

"The configuration needs the largest memory, the fastest processor, and the smoothest game play. I think the portable computer in the advertisement is good..." Zhan Nian looked at the phone and replied without looking up.

Zhang Xibao always felt that something was weird, but thinking about it, he was not short of money, so he just bought a new equipment for himself, and bought all the things he needed for the start of school.

"Oh, by the way, can you change your clothes, Zhan Nian?" Zhang Xibao poked his head out from the bathroom and explained: "Your magic robe will attract the attention of interested people, although it is not uncommon to have wings now, but It's better to keep a low profile."

"Yes." Zhan Nian snapped his fingers, and he didn't know who he learned from online.

Zhan Nian changed into a white shirt and black trousers, and asked Zhang Xibao, "Is this okay? I always wear that when I watch TV."

"Hey, it's too formal. We're going to the shopping mall, not to a banquet. Just relax." Zhang Xibao waved his hand.

Zhan Nian swayed, changed into a pair of big underpants and a white vest, and asked, "How about this?"

"Are you going to collect rent... I'm afraid it will be more conspicuous if you dress like this." Zhang Xibao raised his forehead.

Zhan Nian's figure was not much different from Zhang Xibao's, but his skin was as crystal clear as jade, and it was so revealing that people couldn't help but look at it. Walking on the street in this suit, there might not be a bunch of people who want to add their contact information.

Zhang Xibao rummaged through his mobile phone, pointed to a picture and said, "Just dress like this."

According to the picture, Zhan Nian changed the white T-shirt and black trousers, concealed the red sword-shaped vertical lines on his forehead, and turned into a refreshing young man.

"Wow, it's obviously a spirit body, why is it more like a real person than a real person!" Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining.

Zhang Xibao changed into a black T-shirt and jeans, and the two guys left the community, took a taxi, and went straight to the mall.

"Why don't you fly with the sword?" Zhan Nian asked looking at the dense traffic.

Zhang Xibao explained: "Actually, it hasn't been many years since the spiritual energy recovered, and there are only a handful of people who can fly with a sword, and the Black Dragon Association prohibits people with supernatural abilities from flying at will."

Zhan Nian found out about the existence of the Five Dragons Club on the Internet, and nodded: "There are not many people who control the sword. It seems that you are quite strong in this world."

"You're praising me..."

Zhang Xibao thought for a while, then looked expectantly at Zhan Nian: "Why don't you teach me how to fly with the sword?"

Zhan Nian slowly opened his mouth: "Yujian is actually a branch of Yuwu. If you want to learn Yujian, you must first know Yuwu. If you want to step on the sword and fly, you must first use Qingqi to cultivate the connection with the sword. If you want to ride a sword The hammer is flying, then cultivate the connection with the hammer, and slowly get in touch with your big black stick!"


I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and Zhang Xibao doesn't have to fly with Yujian. Now Fang Rui or the flame crows can take him to fly, and the speed is not slow.

When the two arrived at the place, they got out of the car and started to wander around the mall, which was very eye-catching along the way.

Zhan Nian has short white hair, a stern face, and an aura that is not close to strangers, like an iceberg. Zhang Xibao has short black hair and a big dark circle under his eyes. He is a national treasure...

The two guys looked at the two latest mobile phones on the counter. When paying, the female shopping guides kept looking at them.

"Hey, why are you always looking at you, my treasure master is not bad looking!"

Zhang Xibao complained to himself through the glass: "It must have been two weeks of sword practice, and I am not handsome anymore."

"Mortal eyes, why do you care about those?" Zhan Nian just looked down at his phone.

"After all, I'm also a mortal, so it's hard not to care about it!" Zhang Xibao sighed.

"No, you are no longer a mortal. You are completely different from these people. Your lifespan and combat power are hundreds or thousands of times longer than theirs."

Zhan Nian raised his head and looked at Zhang Xibao: "I remembered a sentence, if you want to become a god, you must first Zhan Nian!"

"What good is God?"

Zhang Xibao shrugged: "If the premise of living thousands or ten thousand years is to be cold wood and stone, I would rather burn in a limited lifespan!"

"You're too... How do you say that word, Secondary School!" Zhan Nian snorted softly.

Suddenly, a scene flashed before Zhan Nian's eyes.

According to the game, the scene is a first-person bird's-eye view. Stars with flames fall to the earth. Under the bloody setting sun, the huge body tramples everything, and the earth is torn apart.

Flying swords reflected the streamer of the setting sun, harassing the huge body like fireflies, occasionally bringing a splash of blood, and angry roars would come from the clouds...

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xibao turned around and asked, he saw that Zhan Nian had fallen into a daze.

Time seemed to have passed for a long time, but in fact it was only for a moment. Zhan Nian's eyes recovered and he shook his head: "It's nothing..."

Zhan Nian asked Zhang Xibao a strange question: "Do you think mortals can kill gods?"


Zhang Xibao gave the answer without hesitation: "As long as the firepower is enough, the gods can beat them! We Daxia people respect the gods and don't fear the gods. We are afraid that the firepower is not enough!"

"Zhang Xibao!" A joyful female voice came.

Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian were chatting, when he heard someone calling him suddenly, he turned his head to look at the escalator in the mall.

"Yo, acquaintance!"

Tang Huaniu led Tang Linlang to the mall!

"Isn't that Zhang Xibao, the No. 1 scholar in the Xia Dynasty who identified Yingnv for me!"

Tang Linlang turned her head to remind her brother Tang Huaniu, "The one riding the bird!"

Zhang Xibao raised his forehead: "Can't we not mention this?!"



Tang Huaniu stretched out his hand, and Zhang Xibao tentatively shook hands with him. Fortunately, this guy didn't have such small hands that like to pinch people like Ye Changan.

"What are you doing here?" Tang Linlang stared at Zhan Nian with curious eyes.

"I'll buy some things for school." Zhang Xibao shook the new phone in his hand.

"Oh, I asked my brother to take me to buy the latest game console!"

Tang Linlang asked Zhang Xibao: "Do you want to go shopping together? You seem to have made new friends?"

"Ah, that, let me introduce, this name is Zhan Nian." Zhang Xibao introduced to the two of them, Zhan Nian nodded, and Zhan Nian returned to his iceberg shape in front of strangers.

Tang Linlang also introduced: "This is my brother Tang Huaniu!"

"Oh oh oh!" Seeing Zhan Nian, Tang Huaniu's eyes lit up, and he wanted to shake hands with Zhan Nian.

Zhan Nian glanced at Tang Huaniu, Tang Huaniu suddenly paused, took half a step back, and took Tang Linlang's hand: "Hurry up and buy your game console, your brother and I have a lot of things to do!"

"See you by fate, see you by fate!" Tang Huaniu waved to Zhang Xibao, and fled with his sister Tang Linlang.

"What's going on?" Zhang Xibao turned his head and asked.

Zhan Nian said: "I didn't want to shake hands with him, so I stabbed him with sword energy..."

"Where is it stuck?"



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