Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 180 Let's Fight Tonight

"Why are you running so fast?"

Tang Linlang tugged on Tang Huaniu's arm like a little donkey, and snorted, "Didn't you say you had a chance to meet Zhang Xibao? This man met, why did you leave so soon!"

Tang Huaniu touched his butt, and asked Tang Linlang mysteriously, "Do you know who the white-haired young man next to him is?"

"I don't know him, didn't Zhang Xibao say his name is Zhan Nian?"

Tang Linlang tilted her head: "He's quite handsome, even more handsome than you, more masculine than you!"


Tang Huaniu looked around, and said to Tang Linlang in a low voice: "Your brother and I have no other skills, but we are very accurate at judging people. That white-haired man is a young man on the surface, maybe he is an old monster with a good face. what!"

"How is it possible, he's so young!" Tang Linlang pouted.

"He stabbed me with sword energy just now!"

Tang Huaniu's eyes widened: "The sword energy just now aroused the Liuying in the Fangcun bracelet to react!"


Tang Linlang was a big kid, so she understood the meaning of Tang Huaniu's words. It is recorded in the ancient books collected by the Tang family that the ancient overhaul can turn Qing Qi into sword Qi.


Tang Huaniu rubbed his fingers, wondering, "Why is it sticky?"

"Brother, your ass is bleeding!" Tang Linlang exclaimed.

"I knock!"

Tang Huaniu was wearing a pair of flamboyant white leggings, the blood color was very conspicuous.

"Go, go, go home, go home!"

Tang Huaniu clutched her butt, dragged Tang Linlang out, and didn't even buy a game console.

"Hey, I'll go back and ask Grandpa!"

Tang Linlang took out her mobile phone and took a close-up of Tang Huaniu's butt.

Zhang Xibao's side.

The two guys didn't know what was going on between Tang Huaniu's brother and sister, and went home after buying electronic products and daily necessities.

The first thing Zhang Xibao had to do was to water the flame phoenix seeds.

A small red bud has emerged from the soil, Zhang Xibao rubbed his hands excitedly.

Xiaoya has a strong fire-attribute aura, and there are no pests like fire-beetle planthoppers in foreign lands, so there is no need to worry about being ruined by insects.

"But when will it grow to be as big as the flame plane tree!"

Zhang Xibao scratched his head and muttered softly.

"But no matter what, at least it was planted."

Zhan Nian is not interested in the Flame Indus, and is sitting on the sofa playing with the newly bought mobile phone.

Zhan Nian looked up and saw Zhang Xibao staring at the flower pot in a daze, and reminded him: "After watering, sharpen your sword quickly, I made "Swordman 2.0", you go to the second floor tonight!"

Zhang Xibao took out the sword embryo, the sword body was a black stick, and the hilt was a black dragon horn.

"Is it necessary to sharpen the sword blade? This is something that Old Man Tongtian hasn't sharpened well..." Zhang Xibao muttered softly.

Zhan Nian didn't raise his head and said: "Grind slowly, and when the sword is finished, I guarantee that it will be a treasure beyond the heavens!"

"If you say that, I won't be sleepy!"

Zhang Xibao rushed to sharpen his sword with different fires.

"Oh, by the way, the Black Iron Dragon Tongue Bow also needs to be repaired!"

Zhang Xibao wrapped a dragon's carp's whiskers around the bow, and when he pulled it with his hand, he found that the force was a bit weak.

"It's not strong enough! Just twist the three strands of the dragon carp's whiskers to make a bowstring..."

The three dragon carp whiskers were tightly twisted together, and Zhang Xibao tied the bowstrings made of dragon carp whiskers to both ends of the bow.

"Try the bow power!"

Zhang Xibao fully drew the Dragon Tongue Bow and let go of the bowstring.


The bowstring is like a dragon singing and a tiger roaring.

Bang bang bang!

Glass products in the house exploded one after another.

"I knock, my flower pot!"

The flowerpot with the flame sycamore seeds shattered again!

Zhang Xibao used the soil ability to control the soil in the flowerpot from spreading.

"Fortunately, I have the foresight to buy several, hahaha!"

Taking out a new flowerpot from Tongtianbao Curry, and transplanting the seeds of the flame phoenix tree into it, Zhang Xibao heaved a sigh of relief.

"I have the bow, but where are the arrows?"

Zhang Xibao was a little worried looking at the eighteen shiny arrows.

"Ordinary wooden poles probably explode before they are shot? You must use wood from a different world!"

"Forget it, let's go here first today, continue to practice swords, and go to Tang Linlang's shop another day to see if there is any suitable wood, and there is a discount!"

Zhang Xibao put away the dragon tongue bow and arrows, and continued to refine his sword.

Zhan Nian held the mobile phone in his left hand, pinched his fingers in his right hand, and didn't know what he was doing. He was probably adjusting the game version and optimizing the combat power of the castle's second-tier minions.

It was night soon, and Zhang Xibao's flying sword hadn't been tempered at all, it still looked like a stick, not even a sharp point.

After the meal, Zhan Nian told Zhang Xibao: "Don't worry, you need persistence and opportunity to sharpen your blade. Try my new version first!"

"Oh, I see you can't wait to let me go to the second floor to try the water, right?"

After finishing the meal quickly, Zhang Xibao washed up and went to bed. Before going to bed, he asked Zhan Nian: "Can you tell me what the opponent's weapon is today?"

Zhan Nian smiled slightly: "Leave a surprise, won't you know right away?"

Zhan Nian tapped lightly between Zhang Xibao's eyebrows, bang, very soon, Zhang Xibao fell asleep.

Falling asleep means landing, Zhang Xibao guessed that he fell asleep so fast, it must have something to do with Zhan Nian before going to bed, it seems that Zhan Nian really can't wait to see him get beaten.

Opening his eyes, Zhang Xibao found that he was already in front of the stairs on the first floor of the Demon King Castle.

"Fortunately, I don't need to go through the previous plot again, it's too embarrassing..."

"I don't know if Zhan Nian can hear what I said?"

Zhang Xibao stepped up the stairs, the darkness disappeared in a flash, and he had already appeared on the second floor, it seemed that he didn't need to climb the stairs by himself.

The environment on the second floor is basically the same as that on the first floor, the environment is gloomy and cold, with wild will-o'-the-wisps flickering around.

Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance, and there was a slender figure standing in the distance.

"The minion on the second floor seems to be a woman?!"

Zhang Xibao approached slowly and saw the man clearly.

The woman was dressed in black reflective leather armor, her limbs and body were slender and slender, her back was showing her back, her long hair was tied into a braid down to her waist, and her face seemed to be wearing a mask.

"Looks like Zhan Nian is being lazy and doesn't have a model face?" Zhang Xibao muttered.

As soon as the words fell, the whip in the woman's hand raised its head like a snake, like a spider sensing its prey, the whip rushed towards Zhang Xibao in an instant.

"Different treasure?!"

The woman obviously didn't move, the whip rushed up by itself!

Zhang Xibao raised the sword in his hand to block it, the whip brushed a spark on the sword, and quickly retracted.

The woman turned around slowly, the whip in her hand trembling in a pre-attack posture.

The whip was purple in color and was soft, but the attack just now was not soft at all. There was a tooth-like thing at the end of the whip, like a scorpion's tail hook.

Zhang Xibao's vigilance soared.


The whip came up again, Zhang Xibao took the initiative to meet it with the sword, twisted the tip of the sword, the whip wrapped around the sword, he planned to take the initiative to close the distance with the masked woman.

The masked woman retreated violently, and the whip on the sword actively wound around the sword body, biting Zhang Xibao's fingers along the sword handle.

"Ordinary swords fight exotic treasure whips, how do you fight?"

"Zhan Nian pit me!"

The teeth at the end of the whip came to bite, if Zhang Xibao let go of his hand, the weapon would be lost, so he had no choice but to stop and yank the sword, trying to break the entanglement of the whip with brute force.

But his ring finger was scratched by his teeth, there was no blood, only numbness.

"I knock, the whip is poisonous!"

"Zhan Nian, you are so insidious!"

Soon, the entire right hand was numb and no strength was needed, so Zhang Xibao switched the sword in his right hand to his left.

Ding ding ding!

The whip made a crisp sound as it hit the sword continuously.

You must know that the left hand is Zhang Xibao's strongest hand.

"Don't carry your right hand, I'll cut off your head too!"

Zhang Xibao roared angrily, grabbed the whip in the woman's hand with his right hand, the teeth at the end of the whip pierced his palm, and severe pain came from his hand.

The real Zhang Xibao trembled on the bed, but he didn't wake up.

Zhang Xibao grabbed the whip, shook it, and pulled it, the woman flew towards him involuntarily.


The sword light flashed, and the masked head was thrown out.

"You have defeated the second layer of minions! 』

"The third floor is about to open! 』

Zhang Xibao: "Huh?"

"Looks like we have something to play tonight!"

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath and stepped into the third staircase.

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