Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 197 Welcome To The World In The Corpse Mountain

"My tiger brother is still so simple and rude!"

Zhang Xibao opened the backpack and carefully checked the contents of the backpack.

The things in the backpack are very simple, a short dagger, obviously unable to kill zombies, it is just a simple tool, a few packs of dry food, which is for these three days, a detoxification pill, which can be used to detoxify the corpse, and a A strange black brooch, I don't know what it is for.

Fortunately, Tai Huohu spoke up: "The brooch is a kind of positioning treasure. Wearing it on your body can determine your location. The scope of your assessment is only in the corpse mountain. Don't run to the sea of ​​bones!"

After getting off the transport plane, a group of people entered the entrance of the foreign world under the watchful eyes of the tail fire tiger.

In an instant, the world changed color.

There are blue mountains, green water, and white clouds floating in the blue sky outside the foreign land.

In the alien territory, there are blood-red clouds, black mountains, black strange trees and white miasma rising from the ground.

Looking further into the distance, one by one small hills stood up like tombs, and occasionally birds like crows flew up, with rotten bones dug out from nowhere in their mouths.

The eye-catching scenery all shows the depression and horror of this world!

"Let's move freely!"

Tail Huohu waved his hand, and the fifty students dispersed in place.

"Brother Bao, can I follow you?" Qian Chengjin begged, he felt that he couldn't breathe just by staying here.

Zhang Xibao hooked his hands together, and the two walked in a random direction one after the other.

Tailed Huohu took out a black compass, glanced at the scattered white dots, nodded in satisfaction, and then walked towards the largest light spot.

The tailed fire tiger ran wildly for a while, and the largest light spot was also moving in his direction, and then the tailed fire tiger met a man wearing a goat's head mask and a black cloak.

The two stood still on the hill.

"Ghost Jinyang, the students are already in place." Tail Fire Tiger nodded to the man.

The strange man under the cloak stretched out his hand, holding a black bell covered with ancient scriptures.

"Corpse Controlling Bell: An earth-level Grade A rare treasure that can easily control low- and middle-level zombies and affect the actions of high-level zombies. 』

"I have driven away all the supernatural beings before, and brought in zombies with the corpse control bell. They are all low-level zombies, and there are about 3,000 heads..."

The ghost Jinyang's voice came from under the cloak. It sounded like a woman, with an ethereal and eerie voice.

"More than three thousand?"

Tail Fire Tiger couldn't help muttering: "Isn't it a little too much?"

"Fifty people, an average of 60 heads per person, and an average of 20 heads in three days, 20 heads a day, really not many!"

Ghost Jinyang continued: "They are all low-level zombies, such as purple zombies, white zombies, and green zombies. Some of them are even afraid of people. They can kill two of them with one stick. What is there to worry about?"

"All right……"

Tail Huohu turned around and was about to leave, when the voice came to Ghost Jinyang's ears: "These students will be handed over to you, you can watch here, Master Qinglong told me to return to the team, my mission is over."

Ghost Jinyang silently glanced at the small white dot on the compass, turned and left the hill.

On Zhang Xibao's side, the two climbed up a relatively high hill.

"Where are the zombies?"

"Yeah, where are the zombies?"

Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin walked for half an hour, but Mao didn't see one.

There are only land that has been scorched by the fire and various black plants with strange shapes.

Zhang Xibao raised his head, squinted his eyes to look at the sky for a while, pointed to the scarlet clouds and asked, "According to the situation outside, it's daytime in the foreign territory. If zombies, will they come out at night?"

Qian Chengjin also looked up at the sky and nodded: "Brother Bao is right..."

"Then where do you think the zombies are hiding during the day?"

As Zhang Xibao asked, he turned on his Tongtian pupil to carefully check the situation in a few miles around.

"Maybe it's underground?"

Qian Chengjin said: "Didn't the zombies in the movie hide in the coffin? The coffin is underground, because the underground is very dark..."

"It's not underground either..."

Zhang Xibao, who turned his back to Qian Chengjin, shook his head, and muttered to himself: "It's strange, there is no sign of zombies at all, only a strange surge of mana, and it's not caused by clean energy."

"Then what should I do, Brother Bao?" Qian Chengjin felt puzzled.

"Let's take a step and take a look!"

Saying that, the two walked further away from the entrance of the foreign realm.

"Brother Bao, I'm hungry..."

"Brother Bao, I'm thirsty..."

"Brother Bao, I want to go to the toilet..."

Along the way, it was not boring to have Qian Cheng Jin, the little fat man.

"Brother Bao..."

As soon as Qian Chengjin opened his mouth, Zhang Xibao stretched out his casserole-sized fist.

"What's wrong with you?"

Qian Chengjin hugged his arms, trembling a little: "I'm cold..."

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes and looked towards the sky, the scarlet clouds were turning dark.

"Yeah, it's getting dark, can't it be cold?"

"The days in the foreign land seem to be very short? The foreign land we entered in the morning, how long has it been before it gets dark?"

At the same time, the ghost golden sheep standing on the hill looked at the compass and muttered to himself: "The good show has begun..."

"Baby, baby... Brother Bao!"

Qian Chengjin yelled as if he had seen a ghost.

"Didn't I give you the coat?" Zhang Xibao thought that Qian Chengjin was shitting and farting again.

Qian Chengjin pointed to the distance behind his trembling fingers, and said in a trembling voice, "There is...something!"

Zhang Xibao gazed into the distance.

The darkness is pressing down from afar like a tide, and some kind of change has taken place in the foreign territory!

From Tongtiantong's perspective, the surging mana went completely crazy.

Under the darkness, the grotesque branches turned into tombstones, with faint will-o'-the-wisps lighting up between the tombstones, the gravel on the ground turned into rotten tributes in front of the tombstones, the weeds turned into paper money, and the low bushes turned into It became a wreath and an elegiac couplet.

The darkness came quickly, and after a while, the place where Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin were was also shrouded.

The whole world turned into an endless mass grave!

The mountain of corpses at night is a hundred times more terrifying than the mountain of corpses during the day!

During the day it is quiet, but at night it becomes noisy.

I don't know how many ghosts are howling in the dark, but people's sight distance has become extremely short, and it is impossible to see what is staring in the dark!

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened: "I knock! How can this happen in a foreign land?!"

Qian Chengjin wanted to get into Zhang Xibao's arms with a groan, but Zhang Xibao pressed on his forehead, so he failed.

"Brother Bao, I... peed!"

"Don't make a fuss, you just peed just now, how can you still have any storage?"

Zhang Xibao took out a sweater from Tongtianbao Curry and threw it to Qian Chengjin, and then took out a shiny cane.

This sweater is a rare treasure that was refined at the same time as Liang Jingjing's cane. It is named Shining Liang. It is made of dragon carp scales and wild boar skins. Because of its abnormal shape, it has been hidden by Zhang Xibao. It seems to be available today. Useful...

"Give me back the coat and put this sweater on."

"Oh, by the way, I brought in the Fangcun Yibao, you won't report on me, will you?"

Qian Chengjin shook his head like a rattle and swore that he would not betray Brother Bao. He looked at the strangely shaped sweater and put it on without saying a word.

"Brother Bao, this sweater is quite warm, isn't it a treasure?" Qian Chengjin asked curiously.

"Defensive treasure, I will borrow it from you first..."

Zhang Xibao injected a burst of fresh air into the shiny walking stick, and suddenly it became bright, illuminating the densely packed tombstones in front of him.

"Be careful, zombies may be coming out..."


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