Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 203 Measurements One, Match

"Can you do it, take the two of us around?"

The Winged Fire Snake turned his head and glanced at the sweating waterworm.

While pinching his fingers and reciting the formula, Zhen Shuichen stared at Xuan Yipan intently, and replied impatiently: "Don't urge, don't urge! We don't have the real thing in our hands, so I can only calculate it out of thin air. Otherwise, I would have found it long ago!"

"Don't rush him."

Liutu Deer sighed: "But you have to speed up, Zhenshuizhu, my Qingqi reserves are almost consumed by more than half."

"Don't panic, before going out, my grandfather gave me three grains of Huaqing Dan, I found it in a while, let's face the battle with the fullest state!" Zhen Shuichen replied staring at the plate.

"Go this way!"

After Zhenshuizhu determined the direction, the three of them continued on their way.

After walking for another half a day, darkness enveloped the earth, and ghostly lights floated on the sea of ​​bones.

The sea of ​​bones at night is more dangerous than during the day, because the darkness reduces the distance of sight, and a skeleton will come out of nowhere.

"I think we should have found it."

Zhen Shuichen put away the Xuanyi plate, and pointed to a huge skull in front of him.

The skull was only half, but it was bigger than the skeleton giant, and the flames in the eye sockets flickered faintly like lanterns.

"Is this like a door?"

Liu Tulu shook the inside of the skull with a lamp, and found a large hole leading to the ground.

"To be precise, it should be a mansion gate. It seems that there should be a powerful guy inside..."

Zhen Shuichen patted the skull and praised: "Well, it's quite unique, the owner of the cave has great taste!"

"You are poor, take out the Huaqing Pill!" Winged Fire Snake spread his palms.

"Monkey anxious..."

The three of them each took one Huaqing Dan into their stomachs, and the whole body's Qingqi returned to its peak state.

"It's exciting!" Liu Tulu grinned, his fists crackling.

"Let's go, finish the task as soon as possible!"

The Winged Fire Snake stepped into the burrow first, followed by the Zhenshui Worm and the Willow Earth Deer.

"Guys in the range of Bone Sea should be Bone Kings, and their strength is about at the second level of Earth Rank. The three of us can take it together."

The three of them walked inwards along the pit. The corridor in the pit was paved with hard and straight long bones, and arm bones protruded from the wall, holding a ball of dark fire in their claws, which acted as candlesticks.

After being silent, Zhen Shuicheng suddenly asked: "You say, this bone frame has no eyes, why do you still light it with fire? Is it arty?"

"Shut up, don't say any more useless nonsense." Winged Fire Snake lowered his voice, warning Waterworm Zhen.

Liu Tuzhang chuckled lightly: "Zhen Shuichen will talk nonsense when he is nervous, this is his old habit."

"I'm not nervous, I just have a slight claustrophobia, this underground is really too stuffy..."

Zhenshuiworm closed his mouth again under the murderous gaze of the winged fire snake, and the three of them continued to go deeper.

Occasionally, a skeletal soldier wakes up, and before he can stand up, he is burned to ashes by a flame from the Winged Fire Serpent.

"It's finally a bit more spacious..."

As if crossing a long road to hell, the three of them finally reached the lowest level.

In front of him was a spacious underground palace, the size of a football field. The beams and pillars in the underground palace seemed to be the leg bones of some kind of strange beast, and two rows of bone lampposts extended inward from the entrance.

At the end of the underground palace, there is a slender figure indistinctly.

"Be careful..." Winged Fire Serpent reminded.

Zhen Shuichen took a look at Xuan Yi Pan, and there was a bright red light flashing on it.

Xuan Yi Pan can roughly detect the grades of products in foreign territories. Yellow light represents yellow grades, blue light represents mysterious grades, red light represents earth grades, and black light represents heaven grades...

"The strength of the ground level should be settled..."

The three looked at each other, nodded, and walked towards the end of the underground palace.

However, Zhenshuiworm did not notice that there was a trace of black air wrapped in the bright red light cluster.

At the end of the underground palace is a huge throne of bones, so huge that the owner of the underground palace can lie on it sideways.

The throne is made of bones rising from the ground, dotted with grotesque skulls and teeth and the like.

"Finally we have another guest! My family is so happy..."

The slender shadow sat up from the throne, leaned on the armrest, and carefully looked at the three of them.

Zhen Shuiworm and the others were also watching this figure vigilantly.

"Bone Essence?" Zhen Shuichen couldn't help but speak.

The figure in front of her was a slender skeleton, and the bones were as white as jade. Unlike the skeleton outside, her head was not a bone, but a intact woman's head.

It was a pretty woman's face, with two scarlet pupils, a small and tall nose, red lips like blood, and a weird smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Hehe... Is the guest at Kua Nu's house?"

Bone Essence changed his posture and propped his chin, and said to himself: "Don't you people outside like to call beautiful women vixen?"

"This Bone King's spiritual intelligence is so high?!" Liu Tuzhe looked at Zhenshuiworm in surprise, and Zhenshuiworm was also confused.

"The situation is a little bit wrong, can we still do it?" Zhen Shuichen asked.

A flame rose from the palm of Winged Fire Serpent's hand: "Quick battle, complete the task!"

"What the hell is the non-melting bone? Could it be her head? The other bones are all bones, but her head is not rotten!"

Liu Tuzhang's body was soaring, his muscles bulging all over, he said to himself: "It doesn't matter, let's beat her to death first!"

"When you come up, you shout and kill, don't you know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade?" The Bone Demon didn't move on the Bone Throne, but just slapped his hands.

There was an abnormality on the top of the underground palace, one by one with four claws on the ground, and the bones of the alien beasts with bone wings fell to the ground. It turned out that these things had been huddled together before, hanging upside down from the ceiling like bats.

"I'll deal with these little things, you two deal with the Bone King!" Liutu Deer rushed out first, clearing the way for Zhenshuiworm and Winged Fire Snake.


The skeleton monsters flapped their bone wings and rushed towards the willow soil deer.

Liu Tulu's ability is to strengthen himself, and his body is instantly covered with a layer of bronze light.


Liu Tulu met the first skeleton monster rushing forward, and blasted the monster's head with one punch.

"It's not as hard as I thought!" Liu Tulu threw away the monster's body and rushed towards the second monster.

Zhenshuiworm nimbly avoided the attack of the two skeleton monsters, muttering something, he stepped on the floor suddenly, and the two monsters instantly shattered into bone dregs.

The winged fire snake has rushed to the front by the flames.

Kill the Bone King to complete the mission.

Not bone?

Doesn't the one that can't be melted by different fires mean that it can't be melted into bones?

I hope it's not the head of this bone spirit, or it will be boring to watch!

A few small thoughts flashed through my mind like lightning, and the Winged Fire Serpent controlled the five fire dragons to rush towards the throne.

"Big sister, you're so angry, so you're going to use a bigger move?" Zhen Shuizhu started talking nonsense again, which showed that he was a little nervous now.


A bone wall rose from the ground, and five fire dragons slammed into it ferociously, burning the bone wall and exhausting their power at the same time.

The bone spirit on the throne hooked his fingers, and a huge bone spur pierced towards the water worm.

"Your uncle, she burned you, why are you stabbing me?" Zhenshuiwu avoided the attack of the bone spurs and continued to approach the throne.

Bone Demon smiled: "Because my family loves you!"

Zhenshui choked for a moment, turned his head and yelled at the Winged Fire Snake: "This guy is also a mage, get close to her!"

"Is she coming?"

"This is my home field..."

The Bone Demon made a gesture of reaching out and pressing down, and smashed a huge bone claw from the ceiling, blocking the way of the Winged Fire Serpent.

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