Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 204 One Mountain Cannot Accommodate Two Tigers, Unless...

"I didn't say that, why did you keep staring at me and beating me?"

The water worm dodged another huge bone spur, and couldn't help roaring.

"Hehe... I just think you are more dangerous than this barbaric woman!"

While talking and laughing with the water worm, the white bone demon controlled the huge bone claw to attack the fire snake.

The Liutu deer was surrounded by a group of skeleton monsters, and it was difficult to rush over to support them for a while.

The bone claw is harder than the bone wall, and the fire snake's flame cannot burn through the bone claw for a while.

This Bone King's combat strength surpassed the level of ordinary Bone Kings, and his intelligence was extremely high. In the situation of three against one, it unexpectedly fell into a stalemate.

"Zhenshuiworm, what's going on with you?!"

The bone claws are more difficult to deal with than the bone spurs. They are fierce and powerful, and the winged fire snake is a bit aggrieved.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Zhenshui Worm didn't approach the throne hastily, but circled twice around the Winged Fire Serpent as the center, chanting words, leaving a trail of clear air every time it reached a specific position.

Qing Qi faintly formed a magic circle.

"All right!"

Zhen Shuichen had a happy expression on his face, he pinched a hand formula, and shouted: "Beng!"

The huge bone claw slapped towards the fire-winged snake again. This time, the fire-winged snake didn't dodge, but threw away the cloak that restrained its body.

A layer of flames ignited on the fist of the winged fire snake, and a fire snake emerged out of thin air, screaming and bumping into the bone claw.

Among the group of three, the one who can beat the most is not the muscular willow soil deer, but the woman Winged Fire Snake.

"Wow, you're overdressed!"

Zhenshui worm gulped down a mouthful of saliva, his eyes glistening.

"Oh oh oh, it appeared again, this savage woman's Rising Dragon Fist!"


The fist made contact with the bone claw, making a loud noise, and then the huge bone claw shattered into pieces

Previously, Zhenshui worm placed a Bengzi formation around the Winged Fire Snake, and the magic circle was blessed on the bone claw, which made the bone claw's defense power drop sharply, so that the Winged Fire Snake smashed the bone claw with a punch.

The Winged Fire Snake was panting violently, and the sweat flowed down her bronzed neck, and was quickly evaporated by her body temperature. The vest line was shining, and it turned out that under the black cloak was a body as vigorous as a female leopard.

"I feel sorry for the dead servant's family!"

Bone Demon frowned, and patted his heart that didn't exist.

The huge bone claw should be a rare treasure refined from white bones, otherwise she would not have such a big reaction when the bone claw shattered.

"Okay, you bad man and crazy woman team up to bully my family!"

Bone Demon made a frightened expression.

"Go, I'll cover!"

Zhenshui worms don't mean to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade at all, even if they do, they have to treat people wrongly.

He blew a breath of fresh air on the Fire Winged Snake, the Fire Winged Snake felt less tired, and tiptoed towards the Bone Demon sitting on the throne.


A series of huge bone spurs rushed towards the fire snake and the water worm, but these bone spurs couldn't stop the fire snake at all. She leaped into the air like a bird, grabbed the gap of the bone spurs and passed through.

"Fu Zhu!"

The Winged Fire Serpent's fist smashed towards the delicate face of the Bone Demon with unparalleled power.

Puff puff!

When the Winged Fire Snake approached the Bone Demon at a distance of three meters, a huge bony thornbush rose from the ground.

Bone thorns pierced the Hydra's calf and shoulders, and the free bird was trapped by the thorns.

Fortunately, the moment the thorns emerged, the Winged Fire Snake avoided the white bones piercing her vitals.

But she looked miserable, her limbs were pierced through, and there were several blood holes on her shoulders.

"Winged Fire Serpent!"

The waterworm yelled angrily, as if fire would come out of its eyes.

The Winged Hydra vomited a mouthful of blood and was unable to respond.

"Fuck!" The willow soil deer bumped into several skeleton monsters and rushed towards the bone thorns.

He grabbed a bone spur and folded it forcefully, only to find that it couldn't be pulled at all. The strength of this bone thorn was no less than that of a giant bone claw!

Bone Demon stood up from the throne of bones, hooked his five fingers, and laughed loudly: "You think I only have this skill?!"

"You think this is all I have?!" Zhen Shuichen returned the original words.

He reached out and touched the square-inch bracelet on his wrist, and twisted out a stack of blood-red talisman paper.

"My grandfather gave me something to save my life. If you fight today, I will kill you!"

Zhenshuiworm spread his palms, and pieces of blood-red talisman flew up without wind, connecting end to end, flying like a red dragon.

"Sword Talisman!"

Zhen Shuiworm shouted loudly, and the talisman paper slowly turned into a giant sword suspended above his head.

The sword talisman kept shaking, and in order to maintain the stability of the sword talisman, the fresh air in Zhenshuiworm's body was quickly drained.

The clear air was released faster than the diarrhea, and Zhen Shuichen showed a look of embarrassment.

In fact, he is still not proficient in this move, and he can only control less than fifteen sword symbols at a time. Just now, he patronized the dress competition and managed thirty-three in one go!


When the sword talisman was fully formed, the waterworm had already started to bleed from its seven orifices. He gritted his teeth and pointed his hand forward, and the huge sword talisman struck towards the bone spirit.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm scaring my slave to death!"

The playful expression on Bone Essence's face disappeared completely. She widened her eyes in horror and patted the Bone Throne: "Damn ghost, are you still awake? My family is about to be beaten to death!"

Ka Ka Ka!

The bones of the Throne of Bones crumbled into pieces, and a three-meter-high bone will stand up from the broken bones!

This throne of bones turned out to be a sleeping bone general? !

Nima Bone Demon has been sitting on it to tease himself.

Old cow, head, man!

Zhenshuizhu was so startled that a breath of air flowed against him, he forcibly stabilized himself, and controlled the sword talisman to slash down.

Gu Jiang squatted down, wrapped his right arm around the body of the bone spirit, and protected it in his arms, and blocked the sword symbol with his left hand.

Does it dare to block the sword talisman with its arm? !


The water worm and the willow deer were blown away by the impact.

The winged fire snake was hung by the bones and thorns, but it just vomited a big mouthful of blood.

The floor and ceiling of the entire underground palace crumbled into pieces, and those skeleton monsters were directly smashed into pieces.

The Bone General and the Bone Demon were chopped down two meters underground by the sword talisman, and a big ditch appeared in their place, but the two Bone Kings in the ditch were unscathed!

Bone will stand up, his shape is very strange, his arms are big and small like crabs, his right arm is normal size, but his left arm is like a huge black shield.

It was this black shield that blocked the sword talisman's slash!

"Is this the boneless bone?!"

Zhenshui almost popped his eyes out.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

Zhen Shuichen let out a long sigh: "Today the three of us will be planted!"

An underground palace, double-bone king!

No, the Bone General's combat power is probably stronger than the Bone Demon. His left arm is not bone-melting, and can block the sword talisman composed of thirty-three talisman papers. His strength may have reached the pseudo-heavenly level!

There is still a stalemate in three rounds and one, and now there is no chance of winning three against two!

"Zezi, I've run out of breath, you run!"

Zhen Shuichen took a look at the Winged Fire Snake: "I will die with the Winged Fire Snake, it would be even better if we can be buried together!"

"Your uncle's deer sounds like a beast!"

Liutu deer spat on the ground: "We're going to die together!"

A stream of blood flowed out from the corner of the Winged Fire Snake's mouth, she pointed her middle and finger at Zhenshui Worm, spewed blood and said, "Burn... Ni... Ma, go, go!"

The Winged Fire Snake signaled Liutu Deer to leave with the Zhenshuiworm on its back.


Three bone walls sealed the entrance of the underground palace tightly.

"Is it that easy to run?"

The Bone Essence chuckled, pointed at the water worm and asked the bone general: "Damn ghost, are you satisfied with that little boy's face? I'll take it off and refine it on your face, and we'll be happy mandarin ducks!"

Shocking words spread to everyone's ears, Zhen Shuichen's face turned pale, and he asked Liu Tuzhe tremblingly: "So she has been greedy for my beauty?"

"Do you think that my family likes you as a little chicken, hahahahaha..." Bone Demon covered his mouth and laughed triumphantly.

Inside the corridor of the underground palace.

Zhang Xibao looked at the bone wall in front of him in a daze.

"What's the situation! Why was the door automatically sealed when I came here? You're not welcome?"

Zhang Xibao frowned and took out the thorn stick from Tongtianbao Curry, moved his wrist, and said to himself: "I just heard the voice of an acquaintance! What is dead and alive..."

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