Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 205 What A Pair Of Desperate Mandarin Ducks


Liu Tuzhang punched Gu Jiang, Buhua Gu smashed his fist until it was dripping with blood, and his body flew upside down.

Zhenshuizhu swallowed a handful of pills resignedly, and looked warily at the approaching Bone Essence.

"Xiao Lang, give up resisting, my skin-skinning skills are very good, it doesn't hurt..."

Bone Demon smiled, popping sharp nails from his finger bones.

Zhenshui Worm's soul was so desperate that he really wanted to say something bad, but he didn't know what to say.

"If you have the ability... come to me!"

The Winged Fire Serpent stuck on the bone thorns gathered a force and roared at the bone spirit.

"Don't worry, it will be you after peeling it off. Although I don't like black skin, it's fine for its delicateness!"

"Eat after peeling, nothing is wasted..."

The bone spirit slowly approached the water worm.


The dungeon trembled.

"Another guest?"

The Bone Demon stopped and looked towards the entrance of the underground palace.


There was another muffled sound, and the ceiling that had been shattered before was shaken to pieces.


At the third stroke, the entrance of the underground palace blocked by the three-layer bone wall completely collapsed, and a shadow appeared in the flying dust.

"Cough cough cough..." The shadow coughed, and quickly swiped the dust scattered in front of him.

A guy with the appearance of a passerby appeared in everyone's sight carrying a huge black stick.


Zhang Xibao briefly scanned the scene in the underground palace, and was stunned.

The winged fire snake was impaled on the bone spur in a strange posture.

In front of Zhen Shuichu stood a beautiful woman, a skeleton spirit.

A strange man was being violently beaten by a three-meter-high bone general.

"Have you had a good time?" Zhang Xibao scratched his hair.

Zhen Shuiqi was the first to react, and shouted at Zhang Xibao: "My friend, leave quickly and inform the Black Dragon Association!"

"Leave? Can you leave!"

The bone spirit snorted coldly, and a bone spur rushed towards Zhang Xibao's face.

This new guy is just a dessert after a meal.

Zhang Xibao didn't even bother to hide, so he smashed the bone spur with a thorn stick, and waved his hand at Zhen Shuichen: "I'm here to find something..."

"Looking for something! Is there something more important than life?" Zhen Shuiqi felt that the guy with the face was not very clear.

"I can't find the bones!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the bone general's left arm, which looks similar to the material of the knuckles: "How much does it cost for such a big one?"

"You gave me your arm!"

Zhang Xibao hit his phalanx with a thorn stick, and rushed over quickly.

Not only did this guy not run away, but he rushed over, and the glimmer of hope that had finally risen was shattered!

The three of Zhen Shuichen were stunned.

The bone spirit jokingly looked at Zhang Xibao who was rushing over to die, and hooked his fingers, telling the bone general to kill this guy first.


With a roar, Gu Jiang threw his left arm at Zhang Xibao.

"Just what I want!"

Zhang Xibao grinned, and with all his strength, he swung the black thorn stick in his hand upwards.


The stick and the arm bone collided, and the shock wave forced everyone to squint their eyes.

Zhang Xibao's tiger's mouth was torn open, the bony floor under his feet shattered into pieces, and the bone general flew upside down, knocking the floor into a deep ditch three meters wide.

It's okay to not melt the bone, but the left arm of the bone is broken!


Bone General looked at his severed arm in doubt, while Bone Demon was horrified.

Where did this idiot come from, with such great strength!

Zhang Xibao threw that large piece of unmelted bone into the Tongtian Treasure House, and let it be safe first.

"It's done!"

Zhang Xibao smiled at everyone, but in that normal smile, everyone felt a hint of horror.

"Give back my husband's arm!"

Seeing that the idea was hard to come by, Bai Gujing nailed the water worm to the ground with a bone spur, and turned towards Zhang Xibao.

Bone will struggle to get up, and use his remaining right hand to break off a bone column and use it as a weapon.

The two bone kings rushed towards Zhang Xibao together.

"What a pair of desperate mandarin ducks!"

Zhang Xibao pointed forward with a big stick: "Today, my big brother is going to beat mandarin ducks with a stick!"

"Be careful, my friends, the bone spirit has the ability to control bone thorns, and it will take effect within five meters!" Liu Tulu reminded, and then ran towards Zhenshuiworm.

This guy, Zhenshuizhu, had a bone spur nailed to each side of his shoulder blade, and he was shaking violently.

"Five long as she is not allowed to come within five meters of me?"

Zhang Xibao made an incomprehensible movement, he swung a big black stick and threw it at Bone Demon!

"Hehe... cut off your wings!" The Bone Demon sneered.

Zhang Xibao's stick can go head-to-head with Buhuagu, it is indeed a solid magic weapon, but he threw the stick on his own initiative?

This coquettish operation is really incomprehensible!

After Zhang Xibao threw the stick at the Bone Demon, he stopped paying attention, and turned to look at the Skeleton General with Broken Arm who was rushing towards him.


Gu waved his right hand and swung the bone pillar towards Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao's qi sank to his dantian, brewing samadhi with a mouthful of true qi.


The samadhi Qi rushed towards the bone general with the broken arm, and the bone general, together with its unfallen bone pillar, was turned into ashes.

Seeing this scene, the Winged Fire Snake stared straight at his eyes.

"Samadhi real fire?!"

The Winged Fire Snake is also a master at playing with fire. Zhen Shuiwu once stole Zhang Laodao's gourd to show off. She has also seen the samadhi real fire in the gourd. It is obvious that the strange fire used by the strange person in front of her is that kind of fire. !

This inconspicuous and strange person with supernatural powers can actually be really hot in Samadhi! Winged Hydra was shocked.


The White Bone Demon easily dodged the big black stick, and when she saw that the bones were about to be burned to ashes, she let out an angry cry, and her whole face became ferocious and terrifying.

She was already within ten meters away from Zhang Xibao, five meters away, and the bones and thorns would smash the guy who killed her husband into a sieve!

The distance of five meters is only a small step for the bone spirit's moving speed, but at this moment it has become an insurmountable moat for her!

The sound of breaking through the air came from the back of Bone Essence's head, she didn't care about rushing towards Zhang Xibao, and hurriedly turned her head to check, when a short red-skinned girl with long horns swung a stick at her.

"Bone thorns, thorns!"


Bone spurs grew out of the ground, and the bone spurs penetrated the girl's body without causing any damage. The girl picked up the thorns and swept off the bone thorns, and smashed towards the bone spirit again.

It turns out that the girl has no entity!

"Spirit of Artifact?!" The waterworm Zhenshui couldn't help exclaiming in pain.

The weapon spirits found in the Four Holy Swords, the most important weapons of the Great Xia Kingdom, are just remnants of beasts. There is actually a humanoid weapon spirit in this big black stick?

Who is this strange supernatural being? !

Bone Demon spat out two words in shock: "Ghost clan?!"

Distant memories flashed through her mind.

The ghost clan is a group of humanoid monsters with long horns!

bang bang bang!

The spirit girl swung the thorn stick and pressed forward step by step, while the bone spirit kept retreating and dodging.

Zhang Xibao strode towards the Winged Fire Snake trapped by white bones and thorns.

"Rescue you out?"

Zhang Xibao casually broke a bone spur that kept breaking.

The Winged Fire Snake couldn't care less about the pain, and couldn't help but ask, "Who the hell are you...?"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Just say what you say, just a passerby."

"and many more!"

Zhenshuizhu asked Liu Tuzhe to help him over.

"Pull out the bone spur, and the Winged Fire Serpent's wound will bleed profusely. Let me prepare first..."

Zhen Shuichen took out a stack of cyan talisman papers, and recited the mantra, indicating that Zhang Xibao could pull it out.

Zhang Xibao broke off the bone spurs one by one, and set the Winged Fire Snake free.

Supporting his painful body, Zhenshui worm used pieces of blue talisman paper to block the bleeding wound of the Winged Fire Snake, and took out a treasure pill to feed to the Winged Fire Snake.

"Tsk, talisman paper can seal the wound? I thought only instant noodles could do it..." Zhang Xibao sighed.

What the hell are instant noodles? !

The three of Zhen Shuichen looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

It was Zhang Xibao's weapon spirit that shocked Zhen Shuichu.

Winged Fire Snake was shocked by Zhang Xibao's Samadhi True Fire.

Liu Tulu was the most real, he was shocked that Zhang Xibao could break his bone spurs with bare hands, you must know that he himself is a supernatural being who strengthens himself!

Is this person a heavenly rank?

This person must be a heavenly rank!

When everyone was shocked, the spirit girl had already smashed the bone spirit to pieces, leaving only a deformed head.

The spirit girl threw her head at Zhang Xibao's feet, glanced at Zhang Xibao indifferently, and then flashed back to the thorn stick.

Zhang Xibao thought that Qi Ling would bounce the thorn stick back into his hand, he opened his hand to catch it, but the thorn stick fell to the ground with a jingle.

so embarrassing...


Zhang Xibao pretended to cough and explained: "I, Qi Ling, have a strong sense of self-management, but my temper is not very good..."

"Being able to beat the Bone King with a stick by myself is already very powerful..." Zhen Shuichen offered a rainbow fart to relieve Zhang Xibao's embarrassment.

"You all……"

The head of the bone spirit muttered to itself.

"Yeah, are you still alive?"

Zhang Xibao squatted down, stared at Bone Demon's head, and asked, "What did you say? Did it suddenly occur to you that there is something else that you haven't confessed?"

The bone spirit said intermittently: "You... will all die!"


Zhang Xibao burned Bone Demon's head to ashes with a strange fire, and waved his hands impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense until the baby confesses, and the little head is still threatening people?"

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