Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 207 A Little Test For Qian Chengjin

"What's going on with you three, what happened?"

The ghost golden goat came to meet him first, and took off the goat's head mask, revealing a beautiful face. It was a girl with short hair, and her skin was too fair.

Ghost Jinyang and Winged Fire Snake are best friends in private, seeing Winged Fire Snake lying on a stretcher like a rag doll, couldn't help but take off the mask and glared at Zhenshuichen.

When she saw that the water worm was also covered in blood, her eyes softened a little.

Liu Tulu sighed: "This mission is too thrilling. There are two bone kings in an underground palace, and one of them hides the strength of the bone king at the peak of the earth. A lone wolf with supernatural powers saved us."

Liu Tulu looked in the direction where Zhang Xibao left, and scratched his head: "Hey, where's Brother Dameng?"

Zhen Shuichen said, "Let's go."


Liu Tuzhang was a little confused, and couldn't help asking: "Why did you leave?"

Zhen Shuichen shook his head: "Who knows, anyway, I can't feel his presence nearby, so I guess he doesn't want to show up in front of the Black Dragon Meeting. Besides, if he wants to leave, we can't stop him, right?"

Ghost Golden Goat fed the Winged Fire Snake a few pills that he treasured, glanced at the compass, and said to the Winged Fire Snake, "Persist a little longer, the respondent is coming soon, I have to go back and watch the students for the assessment , leaving for too long is against the rules..."

Winged Fire Snake nodded to express his understanding, Ghost Jinyang put on his mask again, and rushed towards the assessment site.

Zhang Xibao returned to the assessment site one step ahead of Ghost Jinyang.

He took out the flame jay flag and waved it, relying on the connection between the flame jays and the flag, he sent a signal and ordered the flame jays to return.




At the beginning of the assessment, the cry of the flame crow sounded from time to time.

They are using their unique crow language to remind their partners that it is time to return.

Zhang Xibao found a clean big rock and sat down, in front of him were a bunch of bottles containing blood qi pills and a plastic bag.

"Owner! 』

"Thank you master! 』

The little crows returned one by one, put the core of the corpse in their mouths into the bag, and then received a Qi and Blood Pill from Zhang Xibao.

With a grunt, the Flame Crows swallowed the Qi and Blood Pill and flew back to the Flame Crow Banner to rest.

For the crow brothers of the Xuan rank, it is easy to get two low rank corpse cores, and they have been fooling around most of the time for the past two and a half days.

When the last little crow returned to the voyage, Zhang Xibao put on his schoolbag, and there were 1998 low-level corpse cores inside.

"It's time to replace Xiao Ni..."

Zhang Xibao sent a signal to the Crow King Xiaoni through the Flame Crow Flag.

Xiao Ni and Qian Chengjin are here.

Under the protection of the nanny Xiaoni, Qian Chengjin made more than 80 low-level corpse cores, which far exceeded the average value of the assessment.

"Follow me this way! 』

Xiao Ni sensed Zhang Xibao's call and led Qian Chengjin towards Zhang Xibao.

"Piss, wait for me here!" 』

Xiao Ni waved his hand and bid farewell to Qian Chengjin. For more than two days, he could see his feelings from watching the children.

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand, and the part of Fang Rui on Xiaoni's body merged with the body on his face along his arm.

Xiao Ni obsequiously took out the golden awl from her schoolbag and handed it to Zhang Xibao.

"Yo, there are still gains?"

Zhang Xibao took the golden awl and looked at it, and Xiao Ni told about the bald man by the way.

"Evil Suppressing Gold Cone: Mysterious Class A rare treasure, exorcising evil spirits and suppressing evil spirits. 』

"Good job!"

Zhang Xibao took a quarter of a grain of "Refinement Huaqi Pill" and fed it to Xiao Ni, and patted its small head to show encouragement.

"Thank you master! 』Xiaoni thanked excitedly, it can taste that this elixir is definitely not ordinary.

After a while, Xiao Ni's bird's head also started to smoke, Zhang Xibao waved his hand, making it return to the Flame Crow Banner quickly.

Otherwise, the bird's head is as eye-catching as the beacon fire.

Zhang Xibao dumped the core of the corpse into his schoolbag, carried the schoolbag to look for Qian Chengjin.

"Brother Bao, this thing was shaking just now!"

Qian Chengjin was sitting on a rock and fiddling with black brooches.

"Mine is also shaking..."

Zhang Xibao took out a black brooch and shook it at Qian Chengjin.

"What's the matter?"

"Research, study..."

Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin studied for a while and found that as long as they hold the black brooch and walk in a certain direction, the brooch will stop vibrating.

"I see, it should be that we are going to meet somewhere..."

Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin walked towards the direction required by the brooch with their schoolbags on their backs.

"Brother Bao, is the fake brother gone?" Qian Chengjin turned to ask Zhang Xibao.

"You see it?"

Zhang Xibao smiled: "Yes, it's going home to rest first."

"Well, although I don't know why the two of you are exactly the same, but it gives me a different feeling."

Qian Chengjin explained: "You feel like a big brother to me, and he feels like my nanny to me..."

"Nurse, hahaha..."

Zhang Xibao laughed happily, wondering how Xiao Ni got along with Qian Chengjin these two days.

"Okay, okay, it's not convenient for me to collect corpse cores with you, so I found someone to protect you."

Zhang Xibao opened his schoolbag, grabbed a handful of corpse cores and gave them to Qian Chengjin: "Look."

"Wow, Brother Bao is Brother Bao, and he has done so much?!"

Qian Chengjin blushed because he knew Brother Bao's little secret. He rubbed his hands excitedly and asked, "What's the name of Brother Bao? Do I still have a chance to meet him?"

Unexpectedly, Qian Chengjin and Xiao Ni were still in love, Zhang Xibao grinned: "It's called Nicholas, I have a chance to introduce the two of you..."

"Okay, Brother Bao!"

Qian Chengjin patted his chest: "Don't worry, Brother Bao, I have a very strict mouth, and I won't tell this matter!"

"Okay, I believe you!" Zhang Xibao patted Qian Chengjin on the shoulder.

Regarding Qian Chengjin, Zhang Xibao had an idea in mind.

As the saying goes, a fence has three stakes, and a hero has three gangs.

The strange treasures in Zhang Xibao's hands are enough to equip a personal superhuman weapon. It is unrealistic to sell them all, so why not use them?

Zhang Xibao felt it was time to develop his own influence, just like his idol Qinglong.

The five dragons will have four sages and twenty-eight constellations. Zhang Xibao can make twelve zodiac signs, thirty-six celestial gangs, and seventy-two earth evils, isn't it too much?

If possible, Zhang Xibao even wants to create a million lion...

This little secret is the test for Qian Chengjin. If Qian Chengjin passes the test, Zhang Xibao will take him in as a confidant, help him control the power of the Qian family, and even choose a suitable weapon for him.

If Qian Chengjin betrayed him, that's okay, isn't there a risk that all the trumpets will be picked up, what a big deal!

Within Daxia's range, only the idol Qinglong could threaten Zhang Xibao, and with Zhan Nian's thigh, Qinglong might not be able to deal with him.

Taking a step back, with Zhang Xibao's current combat power, it's too late for the Five Dragons to win over him, and will they make him an enemy of law-abiding Zhang Xibao?

In the past, I had to develop wretchedly if I was not strong enough. Now it's my turn to show my holiness in front of Master Bao, right? wakaka!

"Brother Bao, you... laugh so terribly!" Qian Chengjin said weakly, pulling the dazed Zhang Xibao back to reality.

Zhang Xibao wiped the corner of his mouth: "It's okay, I think of something happy..."

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