Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 208 The Assessment Was Almost Taken Off

Everyone gathered in one place, so there were more students on the way.

"Hey, little fat man, how many corpse cores did you get?"

A familiar voice sounded, and Qian Chengjin looked back, only to find that San Shao Qian Guangming was slowly approaching him.

Qian Guangming's roommate was carrying two schoolbags, and it seemed that Qian Sanshao had accepted him as an errand boy.

Qian Guangming patted his schoolbag and laughed at Qian Chengjin: "I killed a total of 50 zombies, because I have to meet them in advance, otherwise I can get more!"

Qian Chengjin touched his schoolbag subconsciously. With the help of Xiao Ni, he made 85 cores. Zhang Xibao just grabbed him casually. Now he has 148 corpse cores, which are almost his brother's. 3 times……

"Don't pay attention to him, just watch how he cries later..." Zhang Xibao reminded in a low voice.

Qian Chengjin nodded kindly, and walked towards the assembly point with his mouth closed.

At the assembly point, the ghost golden goat looked down at the dot on the black compass, and the students were walking towards her, there were fifty of them, not too many, not too few.

Fifty students gathered together, the ghost Jinyang stood on the hill, and the voice behind the mask sounded faintly: "I am Xingxiu who is in charge of this assessment, and all three thousand low-level zombies have been eliminated, so the assessment ends half a day early, gather now Advance to the foreign exit."

Under the leadership of the ghost Jinyang, the students walked towards the exit of the foreign land.

Zhang Xibao frowned, lowered his voice and asked Qian Chengjin: "How many zombies did Xingxiu say just now?"

Qian Chengjin thought for a while and replied, "It seems to be three thousand?"

"Three thousand!"

Zhang Xibao exclaimed, attracting strange gazes from the surrounding students.

"It's over, it's a bad thing!"

Zhang Xibao opened his schoolbag and showed it to Qian Chengjin: "There are only 3,000 low-level zombies in the assessment. I have nearly 2,000 corpse cores here. Do you think it's reasonable?"

"two thousand?!"

Qian Chengjin opened his mouth wide and was stunned for a moment: "It's a bit unreasonable..."

"Only 3,000 zombies were obtained in the assessment of 50 people? Outrageous, out of the world! I should have known that I would randomly get hundreds of corpse cores..." Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and got a little angry.

The little fat man tentatively asked, "Why don't we sell it?"

"Brother Bao, look, the one in your hand plus mine has 2083, my younger brother has 50, and there are three powerful guys like Qin Yun, count them as 300, and if there are less than 600, count as 44 classmates Evenly divided, less than 13 per person."

It can be seen that Qian Chengjin is very sensitive to numbers, he snapped his fingers and counted.

"good idea!"

Zhang Xibao slapped his hands: "Bai Weiwei said that the assessment can be carried out individually or in groups. After finishing the work, we can freely control the number of corpse cores. We can control the number of corpse cores in their hands. I will be the champion, you will be the runner-up, and the third runner-up will be left for you." They grab it themselves!"

"Ah, this..."

Qian Chengjin only thought of the level of selling corpse cores, but he didn't expect Zhang Xibao to directly control who gets rewards.

"Brother Bao, this a shady scene?" The little fat man was a little timid.

"What kind of shady is this? The champion must be me, right? The runner-up must be you, right? The remaining third runner-up is either Qin Yun or your younger brother and the others, so why let them bleed?"

Zhang Xibao continued to reason with Qian Chengjin: "Everyone is strong and weak, right? Surely not everyone gets 13 corpse cores. Some people get more, and correspondingly there are fewer people. Those students with poor strength only get one core." Two corpse cores, it doesn’t sound good to talk about, so everyone must be eager to spend some points to buy corpse cores to save face!”

"For example, someone got 3 corpse cores, and someone got 4 corpse cores, and I sold them 10 cores alone, and the ranking would not be affected, but if the elders in the family asked, 13 cores must be better than 3 cores! "

After listening to Zhang Xibao's reasoning, Qian Chengjin nodded in agreement: "Brother Bao, although it's weird, I think what you said makes sense!"

"Okay, let's get started!"

Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin began to ask quietly among the classmates.

"Student, do you want the core or not, the extra core? 』

"Corpse Core, Corpse Core, it's cheap!" 』

Ye Qingyan took his younger sister Ye Ziyun to find Zhang Xibao first. Ye Ziyun's eyes were red, and he didn't know what was going on.

Ye Qingyan's face was a bit ugly, he lowered his voice and asked Zhang Xibao: "Brother Bao, do you have corpse cores to sell? I want to buy some..."

"Okay, but what's the matter with Ziyun, her eyes are almost crying like belly buttons, why, someone bullied her?" Zhang Xibao asked curiously.

Before Ye Qingyan could speak, Ye Ziyun sobbed: "I only got 8 corpse cores, I could have gotten more, but a big bird pecked the zombies to death before me, and took away the corpse cores! My brother got 120 corpse cores, and he still refuses to share some with me!"

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Xibao sucked his teeth, thinking that the big birds that Ye Ziyun was talking about might be the little crows.

Ye Ziyun glanced at Ye Qingyan resentfully: "The big bird is bad, and so is my brother!"

Ye Qingyan explained embarrassingly: "I heard that Qin Yun also got 120 corpse cores. If I gave you some, wouldn't he be overtaken by him? As long as I enter the top three, the family will be rewarded, When the time comes, I will give you all the rewards, okay?"

"Hmph..." Ye Ziyun pouted and lost her temper.

"Hey, what a big deal!"

Zhang Xibao grabbed a handful of corpse cores from his schoolbag and handed them to Ye Ziyun: "That's enough!"

Ye Ziyun laughed through his tears: "Good!"

Seeing that her sister stopped losing her temper, Ye Qingyan glanced at Zhang Xibao gratefully: "Brother Bao, thank you after you go out!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say..." Zhang Xibao waved his hands and left gracefully.

Ye Ziyun picked out a corpse core and handed it to Ye Qingyan, with a sly smile: "In this way, big brother, you will have 121 corpse cores, surpassing that guy Qin Yun, you have to give me all the rewards from the family."

Ye Qingyan reluctantly took the key corpse core: "It's all right, I'll give it to you, so be happy!"

Qian Chengjin is here.

Seeing Qian Chengjin approaching, everyone thought that this guy would spend money to buy corpse cores, but who knew that the little fat man offered to sell corpse cores. Everyone thought that there was such a good thing, and expressed their intention to buy corpse cores.

"Can't you buy more?" Someone asked Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao resolutely refused: "30, love or not, you still want to buy a champion!"

The man stretched out his hand: "Forget it, 33 is better than 3, so let's get 30, and the points will be transferred to you after you go out!"

Zhang Xibao raised his forehead: "I didn't expect someone to get only 3 corpse cores? It stands to reason that a few zombies can be burned to death with the fire-absorbing technique. Maybe it's because the crows snatched too hard..."

In this way, Zhang Xibao sold 1,290 corpse cores half-sold and half-given away, and the corpse cores of 43 students increased by 30 each, and the ranking remained basically unchanged.

He still has less than 600 corpse cores left in his hand, and the championship is still secure.

With 148 corpse cores in Qian Chengjin's hands, the runner-up is also solid.

The only variable is the 120 Qin Yun and the 121 Ye Qingyan...

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