Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 216 The Mysterious Buyer Appears

the next day.

Vermilion Bird stood in front of the heavily armed crowd.

"The informant sent news that the buyer requested to complete the transaction in a different territory."

"Zhenshui worm, Liutu deer, you two, disguised as lone wolves with supernatural powers, accompanied Zhang Xibao to trade in foreign lands, and the others cooperated."

Everyone responded: "Yes!"

After all, Zhen Shuichen and Liu Tuzhang put on the pretender masks they had prepared earlier, Zhang Xibao also covered Fang Rui's face, and the three of them looked at each other and smiled.

"Oh, by the way, what does the buyer want to trade?" Zhang Xibao suddenly raised his hand and asked.

Vermilion Bird replied casually: "Two hundred polished high-grade spirit stones are worth tens of billions."

"Huh?!" Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Heilong prepared an ordinary car for Zhang Xibao and the three of them, and the three set off alone to the entrance of the Tianlu Tomb.

According to the agreement with the buyer, Zhang Xibao took Zhen Shuichen and the two to a mountain bag near the foreign land.

Zhang Xibao stood on the mountain and looked out, and he had a panoramic view of the scene below.

The inside of Tianlu Tomb is actually green mountains and green waters, and there are many mountains. There are a lot of supernatural beings who have entered the foreign territory to explore. If it weren't for everyone's face, Zhang Xibao would have thought that people were here for an outing.

"The informant is here." Zhen Shuichen reminded.

Not far away, a group of people walked straight towards the hill.

Zhang Xibao noticed that the nerves of Zhenshuiworm and Liutulu were a little tense, so he waved his hands: "Take it easy, you two, and treat it as a tourist, otherwise it will be easy to show your feet."

As soon as the words finished, Zhang Xibao glared: "I'm knocking, isn't the informant the captain who killed Fei Zong?"

"You know the informant? Keep your voice down, brother!" Zhen Shuichu's heart felt bad.

"Brother Meng?" The captain greeted this side, followed by a few guys in hats, who must be from the buyer's side.

"Let's go!" A man wearing a black peaked cap hooked his hands, and the two groups became a group, walking towards the interior of the foreign land.

Zhang Xibao silently observed the people on the buyer's side. Excluding the captain of the informant, there were five people, and all five of them were high-level corpse puppets!

Regardless of their demeanor or tone of voice, it was impossible to tell that these five people were corpse puppets, but with the assistance of Bao Jian, Zhang Xibao could tell at a glance that they were not human beings.

The captain kept winking at Zhang Xibao, as if hesitating to speak.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Xibao asked.

The captain immediately pretended nothing happened, and the puppet wearing a black peaked cap turned his head to look at the captain and Zhang Xibao.

Brother Da Meng's brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people. The captain no longer winks, but follows the team with a worried look.

The team walked towards the interior of the foreign land. After walking for about two hours, everyone had gone deep into the mountain, and a cave appeared in front of them.

Tianlu Tomb, as the name suggests, the entire foreign land is composed of countless tombs. Those who are lucky can dig out the treasures of the tombs underground and make a fortune.

The cave in front of him should have been robbed in order to find the grave.

"The location of the transaction is chosen to be in the underworld?" Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining: "This is really from being grounded to being connected to the underworld."

Entering the cave, the space at the end is indeed an evacuated tomb, but there is still a stone table intact inside.

"The guest is finally here!"

Sitting behind the stone table was a man wearing a monkey face mask, who should be the buyer. Seeing Zhang Xibao and the others coming in, he slapped his hands, looking very excited.

"I knock?"

Zhang Xibao went straight to the stone table, pointed to the funny monkey mask on the buyer's face, and asked, "Are you a cosplay master?"

The buyer slapped his hands: "Oh, let me go, are you also a fan of Master Bao?"

Zhang Xibao replied: "Forget it... yeah."

He yelled in his heart that I am me, but I don't have fake fans like you!

"I really like watching Master Bao's live broadcast, hahaha, it's a pity I can't invite him!"

The buyer took off the mask on his face, revealing the face behind the mask.

Zhang Xibao's pupils trembled in an instant, and he turned his head to look at Zhen Shuichen and the others to cover it up.

The buyer turned out to be [Heaven Blessing]!

Back from the dead or not dead at all? !

Zhang Xibao's thoughts changed sharply. Back then [Heaven Blessed Fulu]'s head was kicked by the ball for a long time. Zhang Xibao was sure that he was already dead and could not die anymore.

But who is this guy in front of him?

"Flower in the next day."

The buyer introduced himself, hooked his fingers, and the senior corpse puppet behind him came up carrying two huge boxes.


The boxes were extremely heavy, but they were as light as nothing in the corpse puppet's hands. The two boxes were placed on the stone table, and Tian Fulu opened the boxes, revealing the contents inside.

"Two hundred top-grade spirit stones, hurry up and show me the unmelted bones?" Tian Fulu looked anxious.

Tianfulu? This urine is exactly the same as 【Heaven Blessing】!

Zhang Xibao thought about it calmly, and at the same time took out that big piece of unmelted bone.


Tian Fulu stroked the bones, lay down on it and rubbed his face, and said excitedly: "It's wonderful, it's bigger than I imagined!"

Zhang Xibao also reached out and picked up a high-grade spirit stone to look at.

He had only seen this top-grade spirit stone before, but he did not expect that the polished spirit stone was only the size of a fist, as crystal clear as a diamond.

There are two hundred top-grade spirit stones in the two huge boxes, worth tens of billions!

Suddenly, the captain of the informant spoke.

"Brother Tian, ​​you see the transaction is almost completed, my two brothers..."

Before the words finished, Zhang Xibao and Tian Fulu shot at the same time.

Tian Fulu pressed his hands on the two boxes of high-grade spirit stones.

Zhang Xibao's hand rested on the huge bone.

The eight corpse puppets surrounded the two people on the stone table, and Zhenshuiworm and Liutu Zhanghua looked at the corpse puppets nervously.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Xibao asked.

Tian Fulu grinned: "It's the same as what was shown on TV, is it black and white?"

Zhang Xibao grinned: "It's the same as I thought!"

Tian Fulu also laughed: "Heroes see the same thing!"

The two said at the same time: "Damn it!"

Tian Fulu opened his mouth suddenly, and a puff of green smoke rushed towards Zhang Xibao's face like an arrow, and at the same time, a small black bug was wrapped in the smoke.

Zhang Xibao knocked his feet, and the stone table weighing several tons flew backwards against Tian Fulu's body. At the same time, Zhang Xibao was holding the box in his left hand, and dodged to the side while holding the bone in his right hand.

Thick green smoke hit the wall, and the insects inside flapped their wings and flew towards Zhang Xibao

"What the hell, breath bug?"

Zhang Xibao threw the box containing the high-grade spirit stones and the untransformed bones into the Tongtian Treasure House, and fired a real fire of Samadhi, burning the black bugs to slag.

In fact, Baojian has already given the answer:

"Three-winged Corpse Worm: It looks like a centipede, with three pairs of wings. The adult insect is one inch long. It likes to eat human brains. Those who are controlled by the corpse insect will turn into corpse puppets." 』

"Oh, you really have the ability, you are indeed a person who can get the bones!"

Tian Fulu covered his chest and smiled, took out a knife, and stabbed towards the neck.

"I knocked, didn't I, come to this trick again? Scored twice!"

Zhang Xibao yelled, turned his head and shouted at Zhenshuiworm and Liutulu: "Run outside!"


Tian Fulu's head hanging around his neck blinked suspiciously, and smiled triumphantly: "It's late, hehe..."

A bloody light flashed, the magic circle in the tomb was activated, and everyone present disappeared.

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