Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 217: Vision Of Tianlu's Tomb


Just like when he was teleported by the "Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun", Zhang Xibao felt that his brain was about to be shaken.


Zhang Xibao looked up, and the captain of the informant was lying on the ground vomiting, this guy looked more painful than Zhang Xibao.

"Okay, grandson thief, do you dare to be a second or fifth boy?"

Zhang Xibao strode over and dragged the captain of the informant up like a chicken.

"Calm down, calm down, Brother Meng."

The captain raised his hands: "I don't know what's going on!"

"I'll give you three minutes to explain!" Zhang Xibao let go of the captain of the informant.

The captain of the informant swayed, stood firm, endured a strong headache, and said, "It's not the fault of my two pig teammates!"

"Kill Fei Zombie, we got top-grade corpse core, brother Meng, you got invincibility, we parted ways, we went out and sold the corpse core and divided the money."

"Two of my team members were drunk, bragging about seeing people without bones, and then they were kidnapped. Tian Fulu followed them to find me and asked me to find a way to contact you. I had no choice but to I contacted the Black Dragon Society, and somehow became an informant."

"My square inch ring has been taken away, and all my wealth is in it!"

The captain of the informant said something miserable, Zhang Xibao finally understood what was going on, and nodded: "Then let you go, oh, what's your name?"

"My name is Guan Lin, just call me Lao Guan..." You never asked my name, Guan Lin vomited in his heart.

The old gate is there, but the water worm and the willow deer are gone...

Zhang Xibao took out his shiny walking stick and checked the surrounding environment. There was a high stone roof on top, and a solid floor under his feet. The surrounding area was pitch black, with no end in sight.

"It should have been teleported underground, was it sent randomly?"

All the things on Laoguan's body were searched by the corpse puppet, and there was nothing like lighting tools. The only light source was the cane in Zhang Xibao's hand. He shrank his neck and followed Zhang Xibao closely.

"Where are we going?" Lao Guan asked.

Zhang Xibao took out a black compass, which was given to him by Vermilion Bird before setting off the mission. It can lock the position of teammates, and it is a positioning-type treasure.

"Is it broken?"

The dot on the compass flashed and then disappeared, but Zhang Xibao had already determined the approximate location of Zhenshuiworm and the others.

"Let's go this way first, and see if we can meet up with Zhenshuiworm and the others."

Zhang Xibao led Lao Guan into the darkness.

on the ground.

After the disguise, the Qinglong team successfully sneaked into the foreign land.

"Zhang Xibao and the others have already acted. 』

The sound transmission talisman transmits the voice of Vermilion Bird's departure to Qinglong.

Qinglong ordered: "Investigate the location of the suspected evil sacrifice according to the plan, and report immediately if there is any situation."


The stars scattered in all directions, heading towards more than a dozen locations.

While investigating, Qinglong stared at the small dot represented by Zhang Xibao and the others on the compass.

Suddenly, the dot disappeared.

"Is there a situation?"

Qinglong Yujian flew towards the cave where Zhang Xibao and the others were, but the empty underground tomb was empty.

After the teleportation circle sent Zhang Xibao and the others underground, a loud bang echoed throughout the entire foreign land.

It was as if the sky was collapsing, the whole earth was trembling, and countless birds and beasts fled to the surroundings of the foreign land. A huge mushroom-shaped smoke rose into the sky, and the sky suddenly darkened.

Therefore, the supernatural being who explored the foreign land looked up and saw the extremely huge pillar of smoke and dust.

"what happened?"

"Earthquake or volcanic eruption?"

"Scared to death!"

"Avoid the beast tide!"

Some daring supernatural beings not only did not escape, but ran towards the place where the shock occurred.

"Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!"

"Such an expensive ticket, if you don't get some money back, you will die unwillingly!"

A group of desperadoes rushed into the smoke and dust, and they were surprised to find that the tallest mountain in Tianlu Tomb had disappeared!

"Natural vision, natural vision!"

The mountain range disappeared, and a huge downward tunnel appeared on the spot!

Dazzling lights flickered in the gravel beside the corridor, and the supernatural beings came over and found that those lights turned out to be the reflections of exquisite gold and silverware!

"It's gold, real gold!" A guy was not too dirty, picked up the gold utensil and took a bite.

"I see. There is a large tomb under this mountain. The mountain has collapsed, and the door of the tomb has come out!"

"It's time for the labor and management to make a fortune!"

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Although the supernatural beings present agreed that no one would spread the news, some people still called their acquaintances over to make a fortune.

The news of the treasure in Tianlu Tomb caused a storm among the supernatural beings, and more and more lone wolf supernatural beings began to rush towards the big tomb.

Tail Fire Tiger and the others joined Qinglong.

The tail fire tiger reported: "Master Qinglong, a mountain in Tianlu's tomb has collapsed, revealing a large tomb, and all the supernatural beings are running towards it, which is the location of the No. 6 evil sacrifice..."

"The situation is wrong, order the management of the foreign land in Xiang City to temporarily close the entrance to the foreign land, and the Qinglong team will follow me to check!"

Qinglong and his group mingled among the supernatural beings and ran towards the big tomb.

The gold and silver utensils scattered outside the corridor have been taken away. Thousands of supernatural beings are standing outside the corridor, staring at the huge hole.

As big as the mountain was, the entrance of the tomb passage was as big as it was. This passage, which seemed to lead to the Land of Nine Nethers, could accommodate thousands of people to enter at the same time.

"I'm afraid this tomb occupies half of Tianlu's tomb?"

"Did someone go in? Did someone go in?"

Everyone whispered.

A person who is good at controlling beasts let the small beast go in and check it out, and found that there was no toxin in the air inside.

Suddenly someone shouted: "To enter or not to enter? It will be too late when the Black Dragon Society arrives!"

"Enter it and make a fortune together!"

"What danger can so many of us be in?!"

Tail Huohu and other stars looked at Qinglong, lowered their voice and asked, "My lord, do you want to reveal your identity and order them not to enter?"

"Can't stop..."

Qinglong shook his head: "These people are already red-eyed, revealing their identities may be counterproductive."

When the first person boldly rushed into the tunnel, the rest of the people poured into the tomb like a flood, and the Qinglong group also rushed in among the crowd.

Although the air in the tomb passage had a rotten smell, it was not poisonous, and the supernatural beings gradually became more courageous.

Beams of beams of light hit the tunnel, and the supernatural beings stared at it curiously.

There were even fragments of gold pieces in the corridor, but they were quickly picked up by sharp-eyed people.

"I don't know the structure of this large tomb. According to the general tomb, the front hall is when you enter the corridor, and the owner of the tomb is in the back hall. We will enter the front hall soon!"

"Why is there no door between the front hall and the corridor?"

Some people deliberately slowed down to watch those fools who were dazzled by greed rush forward.


Several supernatural beings who wanted to rush into the front hall flew out backwards. Turns out it wasn't that there were no doors, the doors were just invisible.

"It seems to be some kind of prohibition..."

The knowledgeable superhuman touched the invisible door and felt a strong force trying to bounce them out.

"This is a good thing, it means that no one has entered the tomb, and the treasures inside are absolutely indispensable!"

"Is there a boss who understands magic circles, open this broken door, and pick the treasures inside first!"

After a long silence, a voice suddenly sounded.

"I come!"

A famous old man pushed through the crowd and walked slowly towards the gate, looking like a fairy.

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