Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 218 Man-Made Money And Dead Birds Die For Food

"If you want to break the formation, you must first cut off its vitality and break its eyes!"

The old man paced back and forth in front of the transparent barrier, breathing out a breath from time to time to check the situation.

Experts look at the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement. Most people don't understand the magic circle, but they think that if this old man makes a move, the restriction between the front hall and the corridor should not be a problem.

If Zhang Xibao were here, he would find that this person was not some old man with a sense of demeanor, but a high-level corpse puppet!

The corpse puppet pretended to look at it for a while, and replied: "This restriction doesn't require things like spirit stones to provide clean energy, but relies on the clear energy produced by the entire Tianlu Tomb, so cutting off clean energy is not an important item. In reality, it can only destroy the eyes of the array."

"So how do you break the formation eye?" Someone asked anxiously.

"Still looking, don't worry!"

The corpse puppet began to look for the eyes of the formation that he already knew the position.

"I found it, but I need the help of twelve supernatural beings with huge reserves of clean energy!"

"There are thirteen pathways that provide fresh air to the formation eye. It only takes thirteen people to interrupt the passage at the same time, and the formation eye will be destroyed. Who will come?"

No one responded, the corpse puppet turned back to look at the supernatural beings, and asked blankly: "Do you still want to go in?"

"Is there any danger?" Someone asked.

The corpse puppet shook his head: "There is no danger, I will open the restriction with you!"

Since the corpse puppets were also going up, the vigilance of the supernatural beings relaxed a bit, and after a while, twelve supernatural beings stepped forward on their own initiative.

The corpse puppet adjusted the positions of the twelve people.

"Okay, listen to my order, and release the clear air at the same time to interrupt the forbidden passage."




The thirteen people, including the corpse puppet, began to release their breath, and the transparent barrier began to glisten, and twelve dazzling lines quickly appeared.

Qinglong squinted his eyes, thirteen people were exerting force, but only twelve lines appeared, this old man has a problem!

"It worked!" someone shouted excitedly.

A light spot appeared on the luminous prohibition, and the light spot was expanding rapidly.

"Wait, I'm sucked!"

"Me too!"

The twelve supernatural beings were horrified to find that the ban was actively absorbing the clean energy in their bodies.

"Who will help me!"

Some acquaintances went to the rescue, but they were also attracted, and no one dared to take a step forward.

The supernatural beings watched helplessly as the ban sucked away the breath of these supernatural beings.

There was a blood-red ring on the corpse puppet's hand, he activated the miniature magic circle on the ring with fresh air, and a drop of blood flew into the enlarged light spot on the restraint.


It was like popping a balloon that was inflated to the extreme, and the transparent restriction was broken.

"The door is open!"

The corpse puppet ran in first, and a group of supernatural beings followed suit.

No one cared about the dozen or so supernatural beings who were dying of exhaustion, anyway, the door of the front hall had already opened...

"Xinyuehu stay here, the others go in!"

Qinglong left an order, quickly passed through the crowd, and chased after the corpse puppet old man.

A series of lighting lights came on, and a large part of the dark front hall was instantly illuminated. The dazzling light made people squint their eyes.


Exciting gold shines in the eyes of the supernatural beings.

Gold coins with strange patterns, irregular gold nuggets, and gold bricks of the same size are stretched on the ground of the front hall like hills.


"Hahahaha, get rich!"

The crowd rushed to Jinshan, and began to embrace it frantically. The irrational supernatural beings were like beggars who had been hungry for too long.

"There are also strange treasures!"

Someone crossed the golden mountain, explored deeper, and saw countless treasures piled up on the ground.

The supernatural beings are getting more and more crazy.

"mission completed……"

The corpse puppet didn't even look at the gold, and ran to a deeper place avoiding the crazy power users.

Qinglong's speed was as fast as lightning, although the corpse puppet ran away first, but was blocked by Qinglong before he ran far.


With a dragon cry from the Azure Dragon Sword, one of the corpse puppet's arms was severed.

Qinglong looked at the broken arm without blood, nodded: "It really is a high-level corpse."

"Did people from the Black Dragon Society sneak in?"

The corpse puppet grinned: "But it doesn't matter, my mission has been completed!"

The Azure Dragon Sword flashed past, and the corpse puppet's head flew into the sky. Before the corpse puppet lost consciousness, his eyes looked towards the side hall of the tomb.


The side hall of the tomb opened suddenly, and three giant corpses walked out.

"Why are there three..."

This question only flashed for a moment, and the corpse puppet completely lost its breath.

Qinglong narrowed his eyes, Yujian flew towards the corpse general.

As for why there are only three corpses, the time has to go back to before the ban was opened.

Zhang Xibao led Laoguan to touch the dots on the compass, and a huge stone coffin appeared in front of them.

"We should have been teleported to a tomb."

Lao Guan circled the sarcophagus twice: "This space is so big, it should be the main tomb, right?"

Zhang Xibao knocked on the sarcophagus, and asked: "You usually dig these coffins in Tianlu Tomb? What's in it, funeral objects?"

"Yes, Tianlu Tomb should be the cemetery of ancient supernatural beings. Many of the buried objects inside are rare treasures. Even if there are no strange treasures, gold and silver vessels can make explorers a fortune!"

Lao Guan whistled, and looked at the sarcophagus with bright eyes: "I haven't seen such a big sarcophagus before, there must be a lot of funerary objects inside?"

"Open it and have a look and you'll know?"

Zhang Xibao took out a thorn stick, tapped the four corners of the sarcophagus several times with the tip of the stick, and then kicked the coffin lid, which flew out.

"what is inside?!"

Lao Guan stood on tiptoe, leaned on the sarcophagus and looked inside.

"I knock, bad luck!"

Zhang Xibao yelled, "Where's the burial object you're talking about? There's an undecomposed corpse inside!"

"Then there's still a knife! The armor on the corpse hasn't rotted, so it should be a treasure!" Lao Guan shrank his neck.

"Such a large pair of armor, just a pair of arm armor can hold a person, who is it for?" Zhang Xibao said angrily.

"It's good to have a boss! They like to collect these..."

Lao Guan rubbed his hands: "If you don't want it, I'll take it!"

"Who said I don't want it? Mosquito legs are also meat!"

Zhang Xibao jumped into the sarcophagus, and put the armor and sword on the giant corpse into Tongtian Treasure.

During the peeling process, the giant corpse was shattered due to the high degree of decay.

Forbidden to forcibly suck away the fresh air of the twelve supernatural beings is to replenish the fresh air of the corpses in the four side halls, and the decayed corpses will be revived due to the huge amount of clean energy.

And the corpse that Zhang Xibao and the others encountered was shattered long before the fresh energy was replenished, so it didn't come back to life...

This is also the reason why only three corpse generals appeared.

The supernatural beings were still immersed in the joy of obtaining countless treasures, and the three corpses moved.

They have speeds that don't match their gigantic bodies.

Puff puff!

A corpse general swung a knife and chopped off the heads of three supernatural beings.

A fountain of tomato juice spilled over the gleaming gold.

"There are only three, let's work together to kill them, these gold and rare treasures are all ours!"

The supernatural beings and the corpse generals started a chaotic battle.

These resurrected corpses will have the strength of the earth, but as the saying goes, ants bite dead elephants more, under the siege of hundreds of supernatural beings, one zombie general was killed.

Of the remaining two corpse generals, one was killed by the concerted efforts of the stars, and the other was beheaded to death by the green dragon.

But after the corpse general was eliminated, the supernatural beings who had made a lot of money found that the restriction between the corridor and the front hall had been restored.

Qinglong slashed with his sword, but the restraint was not damaged.

The sky-rank Qinglong Sword cannot break the restriction, which shows that the rank of this magic circle is not low.

The corpse puppet said before that this magic circle relies on the clean energy of the entire foreign land to operate, no matter how powerful the Azure Dragon Sword is, it will not be able to cut off the clean energy of the entire foreign land.

Opening the restriction depends on the mysterious blood beads in the hands of the corpse puppet, not destroying the eyes of the formation.

"So this is forcing everyone to go inside?"

Qinglong retracted his flying sword and walked into the depths first.

"I want to see what is causing the trouble?!"


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