Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 221 The Wings Of Light Spread Out And Give Your Heart Over

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and evacuate the people!"

Zhang Xibao turned his head and gave orders to the stars who were in a daze.

Only when the situation is cleared can we start working on that ghost's bone, right?

Under the guise of saving the water worm and the willow deer, those two boxes of high-grade spirit stones have logically entered the Tongtian Treasure House.

Now, taking advantage of the remaining blood on that ghost thing, it must be ripped apart, and it is not in vain for Zhang Xibao to come to Tianlu's grave!

Dong Qinglong's sword interrupted Guixian's spellcasting, and the cursed supernatural beings recovered their sanity one after another.

The physique of the supernatural being is more tenacious than that of ordinary people. Although he was almost pumped dry, he was still able to struggle and run outside under the threat of death.

"It's too slow to run..."

Zhang Xibao took out the Flaming Crow Flag, and the little crows flew out one by one.

"Send them a ride!"

Zhang Xibao pointed at the supernatural beings, and the little crows screeched to pick them up and send them away.

"There are not many people like me who do good deeds without leaving a name..."

Zhang Xibao picked up the black stick and asked Zhan Nian: "How do you play?"

Zhan Nian's voice buzzed: "Don't worry, that idol of yours is coming back soon, wait for him to consume some more energy, you can take the opportunity to do it again!" 』

"So insidious?"

Zhang Xibao nodded: "However, I like it."

"Don't be careless, although your physical strength is very high, but in this level of battle, you will be injured if you rub it, and you will die if you touch it..."

"As long as you get that pair of ghosts and immortals, I will take your combat power to another level!" 』

As soon as Zhan Nian finished speaking, the dome collapsed with a bang, and Dong Qinglong flew back.

The sword just now sent him flying from the ground to the ground!

"One sword is not dead, another sword is almost enough?" Qinglong narrowed his eyes and looked at Guixian.

This ghost fairy has just recovered, and his strength does not exist. Qinglong is sure to kill him, even if he can't, isn't there Zhang Xibao underneath...

Qinglong glanced at Zhang Xibao who was eager to try.

Everyone else has withdrawn. If this guy doesn't leave, he must have some ideas...

I have to say, Zhang Xibao is really brave!

Dong Qinglong changed his left hand to hold the sword, his right arm trembled slightly, in fact, he and Guixian exchanged arms for the blow just now.

Guixian's right arm and Flesh Sword disappeared, while Qinglong's right arm had a bone fracture.

"Zhang Xibao, this is the technique of "Dragon Yin Tyrant Body", just take a look if you are interested, and remember to return it to me!"

Qinglong took out a photo treasure made of high-grade spirit stones from the square-inch bracelet, which recorded the top-grade kung fu "Dragon Yin Tyrant Body". Cheap Zhang Xibao.

"Interested, interested!"

Zhang Xibao picked up the strange treasure that Qinglong dropped with one hand, urged Qing Qi to check the exercises inside, and quickly recorded the formulas and acupoint maps recorded in the exercises in his head.

"This technique is an advanced version of "Ba Ti Yin", which can increase the combat power by ten times. I was a little worried just now, but now I feel stable!"

Zhang Xibao looked up, and Dong Qinglong above was ready to attack for the second time.

" really is a tiger falling into the sky and being bullied by a dog!"

The black skeleton laughed loudly, sitting cross-legged in mid-air, unable to move.

"Idol, this old monster calls you a dog!"

"I have to beat my head off!"

Zhang Xibao was provocative below, trying to divert the ghosts' attention and let Dong Qinglong accumulate strength.

How could the ghosts not know the little Jiujiu in Zhang Xibao's heart, and with a wave of his hand, the mountains of gold and silver and the piles of strange treasures in the hall changed.

Zhan Nian said earlier that all the gold and silver treasures in the palace have been refined, so this ghost fairy still has a backhand!

Zhang Xibao had a bad idea, and yelled at Qinglong who was in the air: "Idol, hurry up, this old monster still has tricks!"

With a dragon cry, Dong Qinglong moved, and rushed towards the ghost fairy with unrivaled strength.

"Hehe, it's just relying on the strength of the sword!"

The gold, silver and rare treasures in the hall began to melt, and gathered into a ball of golden light in mid-air and flew towards the ghost fairy, coating the bones of the ghost fairy with a layer of golden light.

The voice of Zhan Nian faintly resounded: "This is the real relic of ghosts and immortals!" 』

The treasure mirror in Zhang Xibao's head buzzed, and he quickly found a few words:

"Immortal Remains: The Remains of Immortals"

According to what the avatar of the old man Tongtian said at the time, there are human immortals above the heavenly ranks, and human immortals have a heretical branch called ghost immortals.

This ghost in front of him must have been above the heavenly ranks during his lifetime, and he left behind a set of bones to cause chaos after his death, intending to be resurrected and live a new life.

Guixian pinched a hand formula with his left hand, and a huge golden magic circle lit up in front of him.

"Sword Lock Formation: Ninth-Rank Magic Formation, once this formation is released, all the rare treasures below the immortal rank will lose their power! 』


The Azure Dragon Sword was blocked by the golden circle!

The remnant soul of the green dragon let out a high-pitched roar, but was tightly entangled by the chains extending from the golden magic circle.

Qinglong flew out again, and the Qinglong sword was also taken away.

"This wave, this wave is lost in the background..."

After the aura is revived, the background of the indigenous supernatural beings cannot compare with these revived monsters and ghosts after all, so it is imminent to discover strange lands and improve the strength of all supernatural beings.

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "It's my turn!"

"Be careful, although Guixian lost his strength after using a ninth-rank magic circle, his remaining strength can still deal with you!" 』

"Get close to it, you and I will swing this sword together!" 』

Fang Rui changed instantly, a pair of phoenix wings grew from Zhang Xibao's back!

"Wuhu, spread the wings of light!"

Zhang Xibao jumped, and the phoenix wings led him towards the ghost fairy.

Guixian's eyes were shining brightly, and its gaze stayed on Zhang Xibao's cool wings: "So the treasure that restores my strength is hidden right under my nose?"

"Boy, I accept your strange treasure!" Guixian stretched out his intact left hand and grabbed Zhang Xibao.

There was still some distance between them, but Zhang Xibao felt that the dark golden bone claw had already stretched out in front of him.

"Don't panic, come closer! "The voice of Zhan Nian sounded.


Like Dong Qinglong, Zhang Xibao let out a dragon roar.

"Dragon Yin Hegemony" increases Zhang Xibao's combat power by ten times!

"You have a serious tone, I'll blow your head away!" Zhang Xibao gripped the black stick tightly and stabbed at the ghost fairy.

That's right, it's not chopping or chopping, but stabbing!

After Zhang Xibao's unremitting efforts, he had ground the black stick into a sword tip the size of a fingernail.

"Wait, your sword..." Ghost Immortal suddenly yelled in horror, in its eyes, Zhang Xibao had turned into a strange young man with short white hair.

Zhan Nian made a move!

The phantom of Zhan Nian was also held on the black stick, as if two swords were drawn together!


The black stick pierced the ghost fairy's palm, and the sword tip pierced the beating heart in the skeleton's chest!


With a bang, Guixian's heart was smashed into pieces by the big black stick.

The golden skeleton flew upside down, and could no longer maintain the cross-legged posture.

Before the golden skeleton fell to the ground, Zhang Xibao reached out to grab it and threw it into the Tongtian Treasure House.

The black stick was also taken back to Tongtian Treasure House.

Inside the treasury, Zhan Nian flew out of the stick, condensed a sword intent, and cut off the trace of the mind attached to the golden skeleton, and the ghost and immortal died completely!

Zhang Xibao picked up the Azure Dragon Sword, and the dragon soul inside the sword roared.

"I was abused just now, let's recuperate honestly!"

Zhang Xibao flicked the blade of the sword, and looked for it in the direction where Dong Qinglong flew upside down.

Qinglong stood up from the ruins, patted the dust off his body, and asked Zhang Xibao, "Where's that ghost thing?"

"After hitting a magic circle, the fresh air was exhausted, it collapsed, and there was no scum left!"

Zhang Xibao returned the Qinglong Sword to Qinglong.


Qinglong retracted the Qinglong sword, and looked at Zhang Xibao suspiciously: "Really?"

Zhang Xibao spread his hands innocently: "Aba, Aba, Aba..."

"Go out first, the tomb is about to collapse..."

Sure enough, the dome began to crumble, and earth and rocks fell down one after another.

Qinglong and Zhang Xibao desperately ran out along the corridor.

"Finally escaped, idol, is this mission complete? I should withdraw!"

Zhang Xibao turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

Qinglong stopped him, and said quietly: "Give me back the rare treasure that records "Dragon Yin Overlord Body"..."

Wei Huohu said that Zhang Xibao likes to follow others, and he was right!

Zhang Xibao returned the stone to Qinglong and waved his hand to leave, he was still in a hurry to check the treasure he scooped up this time.

Qinglong reminded: "See you in the capital, don't forget to write a report and give it to Bai Weiwei, after all, you will be one of us soon."

"Ah, you still have to write a report?" Zhang Xibao was a little reluctant.

"There are merit points rewards, which can be exchanged for exercises..." Qinglong added.

"Okay brother, I'll write when I get back!"

Zhang Xibao quickly ran towards the exit of the foreign land.

Although Qinglong captured the young man this time, this trip to Tianlu Tomb almost made Zhang Xibao cry!

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