Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 222 The Headquarters Of The Five Dragons Club Is Great


"Isn't this Miss Weiwei? I haven't seen you for a few days, and you look so good!"

Zhang Xibao turned his head and saw Bai Weiwei leaning against the door frame of the 8001 dormitory, staring at him strangely.

"Hehe... thanks to Master Qilin, I was not injured in Tianlu Tomb!" Bai Weiwei walked over with a smile, and Zhang Xibao felt his hair stand on end.

Qian Chengjin hasn't returned to the dormitory for the holiday, so Zhang Xibao is alone in the dormitory, this Bai Weiwei seems a bit presumptuous...

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Low-key, low-key, the holy decree is not in hand, it's not right!"

"But it's coming soon."

Bai Weiwei stared into Zhang Xibao's eyes and said, "The Four Sages will rush back to the headquarters of the Five Dragons Association in the imperial capital in a few days, just to come for your fifth holy order."

"It stands to reason that to enter the Five Dragons Club, let alone high-level members, even ordinary members have to go through strict scrutiny, and eight generations of ancestors have to be uncovered, but Master Qinglong has guaranteed you, and no one dares to question you anymore."

"Idol bully, hehe..." Zhang Xibao clenched his fists and shouted.

"This is my mission report at Tianlufen."

Zhang Xibao handed the report to Bai Weiwei and asked, "Isn't it true that I'm graduating? Idol Qinglong said they're going to handle my graduation. I'm graduating as soon as I entered school. It's a bit of a thing..."

Bai Weiwei chuckled lightly: "The only people who know your true identity are Master Vermilion Bird, Master Qinglong, and the stars of the two branches. After internal discussions, Master Qinglong feels that you will have an advantage in certain missions if you don't reveal your identity. Among the five sages, Qilin is appointed as the dark sage, and the birth of the fifth holy order will also be carried out in secret."

Zhang Xibao quite approved of this decision, and nodded: "That means Zhang Xibao is still studying in the imperial capital, and the task is done by the Dark Saint Qilin, so it's none of Zhang Xibao's business, right?"

"That's right."

"Hahahaha, I like..."

Bai Weiwei left, and before leaving, she told Zhang Xibao that Wei Huohu would come to pick him up in the afternoon, but Bai Weiwei didn't say anything about it, making it quite mysterious.

In the afternoon, the tail fire tiger really came.

"Brother Hu, long time no see, hahaha!" Zhang Xibao stepped forward to greet him.

"Master Qinglong sent me to pick you up and take you to visit the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club." Wei Huohu saluted Zhang Xibao respectfully.

Zhang Xibao hurriedly dodged.

"Don't, don't, why are you so stupid, you have used all the words?"

Zhang Xibao patted Taihuohu on the shoulder: "Let's do what we did before, otherwise you and I will feel uncomfortable. Besides, didn't Qinglong Idol tell you to keep it a secret, you will reveal my identity instead!"

With that said, Zhang Xibao covered Fang Rui's face, and the familiar face of the Great Sage appeared in front of Tail Fire Tiger.

Wei Huohu is a real person, after thinking about Zhang Xibao's words, he found it very reasonable, so he changed his name and continued to call Zhang Xibao his junior.

"Go visit the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club, then let's go!"

To be honest, Zhang Xibao is very curious about the headquarters of the Five Dragons Association. The headquarters of the Five Dragons Association hides all the secrets of Daxia, and there is a prison for supernatural beings underground that even the sky pupils cannot see clearly.

The two came to the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club, a magnificent building with the name of the Five Dragons Club's administrative building, with a gray exterior that could be called plain.

"The headquarters of the Five Dragons Club is a bit low-key..." Zhang Xibao turned his head and asked Tai Huohu.

Tail Fire Tiger took out a black dragon pattern card and explained: "The headquarters is underground, and the above-ground building is just a place for ordinary offices."

"It turned out to be like this..."

Wei Huohu took Zhang Xibao to the elevator, pasted the black card on the elevator, and the elevator began to sink slowly.

Zhang Xibao noticed that the elevator did not have a button for the underground floor.

That is to say, there is an underground space in this building that ordinary office workers cannot reach, and only people with this special card can enter.

With a ding, the elevator arrived, and the elevator door slowly opened, a mysterious world was about to appear in front of Zhang Xibao.


The strong fresh air and oppressive sense of magic circle came oncoming, and even the book spirit in Zhang Xibao's sea of ​​consciousness resonated.

The elevator is facing a corridor. In the corridor, both the floor and the walls are all made of a gray-white square material that looks like gold but not gold, wood but not wood, and each square material inlaid on the floor and wall is engraved with A series of simple and magnificent patterns.

In an instant, Zhang Xibao was attracted by these patterns.

Zhang Xibao lightly slid his fingers across the patterns, injected some fresh air, and those patterns quickly glowed with a blue light.

Since the patterns on each piece of square material are connected together, the cyan light flows along the corridor to the distance like a stream of water.

"These patterns... are all ancient scriptures, and every wall tile and floor is made of exotic materials!"

This is just an ordinary corridor, what does the inside of the base look like?

Zhang Xibao sighed, "Five Dragons are really rich!"

No wonder there is a sense of oppression from the magic circle. I am afraid that the whole building is made of exotic treasure materials, and the whole building is a huge magic circle!

Tail Huohu smiled, but didn't say anything, it seemed to agree with Zhang Xibao's words.

At the end of the passage was an arch, and at the door stood two statues in the form of two giants in armor.

The statue on the left leans on a big sword in both hands, holds its head high, and looks into the distance. The statue on the right is carrying a big knife on the right shoulder, looking forward.

The moment Zhang Xibao saw the two statues, "Tiantian Dabaojian" had a reaction.

"Slaying monsters and eliminating demons: Heaven-ranked first-class rare treasures, which contain two remnant souls of human immortals, one for killing demons and the other for eliminating demons. They are activated when encountering evil spirits, like a god of war descending to earth. 』

Tian Tier A!

The Great Xia heavy weapon recorded in the textbook is only the Four Holy Swords. It turns out that the most top-notch treasure is hidden in the headquarters!

"Two brothers, long time no see!" Tail Fire Tiger raised his hand and greeted the two statues. The statues were motionless, like dead objects.

"These two brothers are door gods!"

Zhang Xibao looked up at the two statues, and found that the giant with the knife seemed to have glanced at him.

Tail Fire Tiger explained: "Yes, they are two statues and treasures with weapon spirits. As the patron saint of the base, they specialize in suppressing demons and evil spirits!"

Later, Wei Huohu reminded again: "Everything I saw today is confidential, remember, remember..."

The two people were talking, and through the arch, another world appeared in front of them.

This is a rotunda, Zhang Xibao standing in it feels like a can lying on a huge football field.

In the center of the hall is a wordless stone pillar with an invisible length, because the stone pillar stretches into the dark underground, with this stone pillar as the center, the walls of the hall are all buildings, and everyone is like a small ant in the air. Walking up and down the corridors.

Wei Huohu pointed to the pillar: "The wordless stone pillar, this thing is inserted on the base of the entire building, from the basement level to the third basement level, it is the eye of the entire formation."

"The first floor is only this big? You mean there are two more floors underground? Hold the grass!" Zhang Xibao couldn't help but sigh, he couldn't express his shock without saying "hold the grass"!

"It was the same reaction when I first came here."

The tail fire tiger laughed: "Actually, it's not what you think. The whole building is not a cylinder. Only the first floor has such a large area, and the area gets smaller as it goes down. Overall, its shape should be an upside-down Conical."

"Further down is the superhuman prison, right?" Zhang Xibao asked curiously.

"No, below is the arsenal, and further down is the prison. The lower you go, the narrower the space, and the higher the rank of the prisoner with supernatural powers." Tail Fire Tiger looked at the stone pillar extending to the ground and introduced.

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