"The superhuman prison is not included in the visit plan, let me take you to see the armory and equipment department on the second floor!"

Tail Huohu took the lead in walking towards the circular staircase leading to the underground, and said as he walked, "Master Qinglong said that you can choose some weapons and equipment, which can be regarded as a reward for this trip to Tianlu Tomb."

"That's a good feeling!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up: "Can you give me a machine gun that emits blue fire?"

Tail Huohu still remembered Zhang Xibao's demonstration of the Huo Tongue revolving machine gun during the special training. At that time, Zhang Xibao held the Huo Tong in one hand, as stable as a fort.

"I knew you wanted this..."

Wei Huohu led Zhang Xibao to a black gate, took out a black card and swiped it, and the gate opened with a bang.

The hydraulic machine slowly opened the heavy door, and a strong smell of engine oil and gunpowder came to the face.

"The equipment part is divided into three parts: the research and development department, the experiment department, and the arsenal. I'll ask someone to take you to get the tongue of fire."

Tail Huohu led Zhang Xibao towards an office.

Tail Fire Tiger knocked on the door, and there was a sound of "please come in" from inside the room

"Ouch, tiger, rare guest, rare guest!"

Wang Xiao stood up to greet him, his gaze drifted behind Weihuohu, and he saw Zhang Xibao wearing a mask.

"Comrade Xiaobao?"

Back then on Haocang Island, Wang Xiao was a member of the internal test team, responsible for stabilizing the foreign land, and met Bao Ye.

There are not many people who know Zhang Xibao's identity, so Weihuohu can only briefly introduce to Wang Xiao: "Old Wang, you have seen Comrade Xiaobao, he has joined the Five Dragons Club, Master Qinglong asked me to show him around the Five Dragons Club Headquarters, take some equipment by the way."


Wang Xiao knew that Master Bao's combat power was not low, and now he became a colleague with him, so he seemed very happy. He patted Zhang Xibao on the shoulder: "Welcome, welcome, welcome to join the big family of the Five Dragons, our combat power has improved again! A bit, hahaha!"

But what surprised Wang Xiao was that Comrade Xiaobao's joining the Five Dragons Club wouldn't make Lord Qinglong ask for equipment. He was surprised, but he didn't question him face to face.

After the greetings were over, Wang Xiao asked, "What kind of equipment are you here to pick up?"

Tail Fire Tiger replied: "Flame Tongue Heavy Machine Gun."

"Ah, this..."

Wang Xiao hesitated: "Is the tongue of fire too fierce? Ordinary people can't stand it!"

Zhang Xibao clapped his hands excitedly: "The fiercer the better!"

"Old Wang, don't worry, Comrade Xiaobao will definitely play with the heavy machine gun, have you forgotten about him beating up the spirit ape?"

When Wei Huohu said this, Wang Xiao came to his senses, nodded, and led the two of them towards the arsenal.

"The Fire Tongue-2 heavy machine gun has a theoretical rate of fire of 12,000 rounds per minute. It uses bullets carved with ancient inscriptions. The cost of each bullet is as high as 5 credits, which means that every minute the Flame Tongue sprays, 60,000 credits will be lost... ..."

After listening to Wang Xiao's introduction, Zhang Xibao clicked his tongue. He turned his head and asked Huo Huo: "Does the equipment include bullets..."

Tail Fire Tiger smiled slightly: "Not included, if you want bullets, you can exchange them with merit points!"

This is equivalent to a wealthy friend giving an ordinary person a sports car. The maintenance and refueling of the car is not enough, so how can it be driven on the road?

Bullets are very expensive to buy, and you have to exchange them for merit points, and the merit points can be used to get the mission...


Zhang Xibao felt that he had been fooled!

The never-ending road is a routine!

Seeing the black line on Zhang Xibao's face, Huo Huo added: "In view of your performance in Tianlu Tomb, Master Qinglong has allowed you to give you ten bases of ammunition."

"What is the base number of ten?" Zhang Xibao asked.

Wang Xiao smiled and said, "It's enough for you to cuddle for more than a minute!"

"It's only been a minute..." Zhang Xibao muttered softly.

"Although the Flame Tongue is an active weapon, it hasn't been dispatched in any mission yet. I will give you ten base ammunition to use as you like, so you can have fun!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Xiao brought Zhang Xibao a heavy machine gun and a large box of bullets.

"The bullets are chained, which is very convenient."

"I know, I know, I played..."

Wang Xiao still wanted to show off again, but was snatched by Zhang Xibao and thrown into Tongtian Treasure House.

The three of them left the arsenal, and Huo Huo said to Wang Xiao: "Okay, the equipment has been picked up. You can show Comrade Xiaobao to other departments of the equipment department. You are more familiar with this place than I am."

Wei Huohu sat in Wang Xiao's office unceremoniously and turned on the fishing mode. Wang Xiao smiled helplessly, so he had to take Zhang Xibao to visit the R&D department and the experiment department.

There is a saying circulating on the Internet that the members of the Blue Dragon Club are a bunch of lunatics.

The noise of the two departments is like a vegetable market, but it is orderly in the noise.

The two of them walked over from room to room, and Wang Xiao enthusiastically introduced them.

"The advanced version of Moya, specially made for high-level supernatural beings, is as powerful as a cannon!"

"Standard swords, all the standard treasures in "Different" were developed by our Blue Dragon Club, which can greatly improve the self-protection ability of ordinary people."

"Over there is the Baodan Research Department, and next to it is the Magic Circle Research Department..."

"The equipment of our Blue Dragon Society not only serves organizations and supernatural beings, but also serves ordinary people."

What Wang Xiao said was spitting, Zhang Xibao couldn't stop nodding.

"Since the recovery of spiritual energy, the concentration of fresh air in Daxia has gradually increased. Is it feasible to develop clean air into an environmentally friendly energy source?"

"Using fresh air to drive cars and airplanes, wouldn't the world be greener?"

To be honest, the ideas Wang Xiao said were crazy. After all, Zhang Xibao was not a professional. Although he didn't understand much, he was shocked.

The two walked and came to a deserted laboratory. There was a strange device like a pyramid in the laboratory.

Zhang Xibao could tell that the core of this device was a high-grade spirit stone.

What kind of product needs expensive top-grade spirit stones as the core?

In an instant, Zhang Xibao became interested.

Zhang Xibao pointed to the strange device and asked, "Old Wang, what is this thing for?"

Wang Xiao looked at this device with strange eyes, with a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

"It's a prototype."

He sighed: "In the foreign territory, all electronic equipment will fail, you know that? Our initial idea was to use the clear air to convert it into a signal to achieve communication inside and outside the foreign country, so we made this machine that turns clean air into a signal prototype."

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up, and he nodded: "It's a very good idea, why are you sighing?"

Wang Xiao explained: "Because the upper layer said that this thing is quite weak, you can use the sound transmission symbol to communicate when you go out on a mission. Although it is impossible to communicate across the two worlds, the cost of the sound transmission symbol is low and it is more convenient to carry, so the development of the prototype is very important. Shelved, after all, the funds have to be spent wisely, and there is no way to purchase a large number of high-grade spirit stones for experiments. It has always been my dream to complete this project, but it is a pity that it died, alas..."


"Such a wonderful machine, just because it costs a little more money, the leader is going to put it aside? Is there still a law of heaven? Is there still a law of the king?!"

Zhang Xibao took out a large handful of high-grade spirit stones from Tongtian Treasure House and stuffed them to Wang Xiao, and said with a smile, "My Lord Bao voted for this project!"

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