Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 224 Ten Billion And The Gambling Agreement

Is Zhang Xibao short of money?

No shortage!

If Tongtianbao Curry's things are turned into money, Zhang Xibao will not be able to spend them in ten lifetimes, not to mention there is a tens of billions of big projects in the pipeline.

So how should Zhang Xibao spend the money standing up?


Zhang Xibao is going to vote for Wang Xiao to study this prototype machine that can convert clean energy into signals!

When the project is completed and the signals from the outside world and the foreign territory are realized, Zhang Xibao's live broadcast can feed back the business of Juling Peach Pit, which is perfect!

"What you it true?" Wang Xiao looked at the high-grade spirit stone in his hand in disbelief, his voice trembling.

Happiness came so suddenly, Wang Xiao couldn't believe it, and asked again: "Are you optimistic about my project?"

Zhang Xibao spread his hands: "Of course, this is a good thing for the people, and the future of money is limitless!"

A bosom friend, Comrade Xiaobao is a bosom friend!

"How much do you want to invest?" Wang Xiao looked at Zhang Xibao excitedly.

Zhang Xibao stretched out a finger: "Is ten billion enough?"

"How much... how much?"

Wang Xiao picked out his ears, and to be honest, the budget in his mind hadn't exceeded 100 million, so Zhang Xibao directly gave him 10 billion!

"Ten billion!"

Zhang Xibao said seriously: "This includes project and patent acquisition fees, and research funding. You separate this project from the Five Dragons Association, evaluate the price, and I will buy it, and then invest it separately for you, giving you 30% of the shares."

Wang Xiao was silent for a while, then he clenched his fist and slammed his palm: "I think it's ok, anyway, the leader already thinks this project is useless, I'll talk about it, I can buy it out from the Five Dragons Club at a low price, and build a new laboratory for research! "

"Okay, that's it!"

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and held Wang Xiao tightly.

After visiting the headquarters of the Black Dragon Club, Zhang Xibao picked up a Flame Tongue heavy machine gun and ten bases of ancient script ammunition, and negotiated a big project with great potential.

Ten billion!

Zhang Xibao didn't...

Who has it?

The Qian family has it!

Zhang Xibao went straight to the Qian family villa after leaving the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

Zhang Xibao informed the bodyguard at the door, and Qian Chengjin came to greet him himself.

"Brother Bao?"

After the special training was over, the students had a one-week vacation. Just halfway through the vacation, Zhang Xibao came again, which surprised and surprised Qian Chengjin.

"I'm free, I'll talk to you..."

Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin chatted while walking in.

"How's the contract going?" Zhang Xibao asked.

Qian Chengjin scratched his head and took out the contract from the square-inch bracelet: "It's already drawn up, and I keep it with me all the time."

"Yo, made a square inch bracelet? Show me the contract."

Zhang Xibao took over the contract and started browsing.

Qian Chengjin laughed: "Didn't I not ask for the rare treasure seeds? My father rewarded me with a square-inch bracelet."

Between Zhang Xibao and Lingyuan, there is a 50-50 split. Zhang Xibao's 50% is used as a whole, and the Qian family is divided into 60-40.

"There is no problem with the contract, we can sign it in a while." Zhang Xibao returned the contract to Qian Chengjin.

"Brother Bao is here to borrow money." Zhang Xibao smiled.

Qian Chengjin patted his chest: "Don't mention borrowing words, Brother Bao, just tell me how much you want?"

Zhang Xibao replied: "Ten billion."

"Ten billion?"

Qian Chengjin almost rolled his eyes and pouted.

"Brother Bao, even if you kidnap me, you won't be able to extort so much money!"

"I know, calm down, calm down!"

Zhang Xibao stroked Qian Chengjin's back, calmed him down, and said, "So hurry up and invite those who can take care of the family, I want to borrow money from the Qian family, not from you."


Qian Chengjin hurriedly ran to call for someone, and after a while, a middle-aged man with a dignified appearance came.

"I'm Qian Tai, the father of Qian Chengjin, you are Zhang Xibao's little brother, right?"

Qian Tai sat in front of Zhang Xibao and began to make tea himself.

"The people sent by the Qian family to Haocang Island have returned, so they can prove what I said is true?" Zhang Xibao asked.

Qian Tai nodded: "It is indeed a big deal!"

"This business is done, how much I can earn, and how much the Qian family can earn, right?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

Qian Tai nodded again.

"I want to borrow 10 billion from Qian's family. It can be regarded as paying the cost of the Juling Peach Pit in advance. After the Juling Peach Pit is sold, it will be deducted from my part."

After two questions, Zhang Xibao made a request.

Hearing this request, Qian Tai frowned: "Ten billion in cash is indeed a bit much..."

"Let's go straight to the point. How can the Qian family get this money?" Zhang Xibao took a sip from his teacup.

These old foxes still want to play hard to get, just to maximize their profits, but Zhang Xibao has no time to argue with them.

Qian Tai was a little surprised by Zhang Xibao's directness, and he no longer hesitated, and directly asked: "20% profit!"

"You take out 20% of the profit from Juling Peach Pit to gamble with the Qian family. Pay off the money within three years. If the bet is successful, if you pay off within three years, 20% of the profit will go to the Qian family. Turned into four or six points."

After hearing Qian Tai's words, Zhang Xibao smiled: "So I wanted to take the lead in the business, okay, I'll take out 20% profit to bet against you, within three years, 10 billion will be paid off!"

While drinking tea, Steward Qian drew up a contract and brought a black card.

It seems that Qian Tai had already had this idea since Zhang Xibao told Qian Chengjin that he wanted to borrow money when he came in.

Zhang Xibao looked at the contract and signed it with his own name.

"It's over, call it a day!"

Zhang Xibao put the black card in his pocket and looked at Qian Tai: "Remind you, I borrowed this money, you still can't let others know, don't try to snipe me and trip me up, otherwise someone will find Qian's family." Trouble, you definitely don’t want to see that person.”

Zhang Xibao said something ambiguous and left.

It's very simple, Zhang Xibao is about to become the Dark Saint Qilin, his identity is kept secret by Dong Qinglong, and the Qian family has lent such a large sum of money, if they want to check, they can easily find out Zhang Xibao's identity.

If his identity is exposed, Zhang Xibao doesn't care, he just walks from the dark to the front of the stage, but those secret missions that Qinglong said will be affected, and Qinglong will find trouble with the Qian family.

"Tsk tsk, why am I so dark?"

"After a while, when the Fifth Holy Order comes out, I'm afraid Qian Tai will be scared to death! Hahahaha..."

Zhang Xibao is the dark sage Qilin's secret is like a ticking time bomb, if Qian Tai holds it in his hand, he might not be able to eat or sleep well.

Zhang Xibao left Qian's house, Qian Tai sat in a chair and stared at the contract in a daze.

"Hiss, was he threatening me just now?"

"He threatened me, why did he threaten me?"

"He has everything in my hand, how dare he threaten me?"

Qian Tai shook his head as if in a daze.

"I don't understand, I really don't understand..."

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