Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 228 The Kidney Temple Of The Five Viscera

"Did Master Bao change his career to bring goods instead of appraising treasures?" 』

A bullet screen was posted, and a big flying sword was also given away. It was hard for people not to notice.

"How can that be?"

Zhang Xibao spread out his hands: "It's impossible to bring goods. Juling Peach Pit is just my own business. Lord Bao won't accept other people's advertisements, and he doesn't know how to do the whole job. He can only make ends meet like Jianjianbao... ..."

"But pull it down, I think you are doing a good job all the time!" 』

"Appraisal, Appreciation, Appreciation???(*?)???"

"+1, +1, +1"

"Okay, okay!"

Zhang Xibao glanced at the time: "It's getting late, if you night owls don't want to sleep, then let's start appraising treasures."

"Tomorrow is the weekend, Master Bao, are you confused? 』

"I don't go to work tomorrow, so be as lazy as you want, hehe! ┗?|∵?|┓???┏?|∵?|┛?」

"Ah, tomorrow is the weekend?"

Zhang Xibao thought about it, he took half a month's leave and spent two weeks in the dark, it was really too ignorant.

"Okay, then we're ready to connect..."

Zhang Xibao let go of the connection authority in the live broadcast room, and immediately a friend named [Self-disciplined Tom] connected in.

"Welcome, welcome to this precious friend..."

Zhang Xibao looked intently, and there was an aging face on the screen.

This treasure friend is an old man with gray hair and wrinkled face.

"Self-disciplined Tom? This Baoyou looks like he is in his seventies, but he is quite young at heart! 』

"Confused, this is clearly a 28-year-old programmer! 』

"Upstairs, I'm a programmer, I feel offended...?\_(ツ)_/?"

Zhang Xibao looked at this treasure friend. The old man's expression was a little nervous, unlike other treasure friends who were either happy or excited after successfully connecting.

The old man said, "Hi everyone, hello anchor, this account belongs to my son, I connected to the anchor while he was asleep..."

This is obviously the case...

The barrage also decreased a lot.

Zhang Xibao asked the old man: "Old man, you connected to my live broadcast room, is it Jianbao, or do you need help if you have difficulties?"


The old man's expression became more tense. He looked at the door behind him, probably to check if his son was awake.

Then the old man took out an object wrapped in red cloth from the drawer, and he opened the red cloth layer by layer, revealing a yellowed book.

"I want you to help me look at this..."

The old man carefully picked up the book and showed it to the camera.

The books kept shaking in front of the camera, and I don't know if it was the shaking of the old man's fear or the old age.

The words on the cover of the book are very vague, and only the words "five internal organs" and "kidney temple" can be vaguely seen from the camera.

"Judging from the degree of oxidation and material of the book, it is an old object, but it is definitely not a rare treasure..."

In the live broadcast room, Baoyou, who knows the goods, said a big difference on the barrage.

Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows, the bullet screen is right, this book is not a strange treasure, it is an old object, and it is also a book of exercises!

『Five Viscera Meridians: top-grade skills, divided into [Heart Meridian], [Liver Meridian], [Spleen Meridian], [Lung Meridian] and [Kidney Meridian]. Temple, offering sacrifices to Qi ghosts』

The torn book in the old man's hand should be the "Kidney Sutra" in the "Five Viscera Classics".


Zhang Xibao asked curiously: "Old man, where did you get this scripture?"

"The house was demolished in my hometown, and it was picked up from the old house." The old man told the truth.

"Okay, put it away first, and tell me what difficulties you encountered!"

Zhang Xibao kept an eye out, the scripture in the old man's hand was a top-grade exercise, and this exercise was not simple, if he said it directly in the live broadcast room, someone with a heart might want to find the old man's family.

After the broadcast, please contact the administrator 233 to solve this matter.

This thing cannot be kept among the people, it is very dangerous...

On the other side of the camera, the old man spoke.

"This thing was picked up from the old house three months ago. It is probably a treasure left by the ancestors. My son said that this book is a practice method, so he used it to practice."


Zhang Xibao was a little surprised: "Your son is an old-school supernatural user? Does he know what this thing is, so he dares to practice it?"

The old man shook his head helplessly: "Yes, my son has the talent to cultivate clear qi. He said that his family has no background and no money. This exercise is a good opportunity for him to stand up, so he used it to practice. I can't persuade him. .”

"and then?"

Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes: "Is there something wrong, otherwise you wouldn't come to me for help."

There are also video clips of Professor Bao Ye’s [Jade Lion] suppressing the soul and sealing the monkey spirit on the Internet. In addition, Bao Ye’s reputation is getting bigger and bigger. People often send private messages to Bao Ye to solve the problem, but Zhang Xibao usually does not reply. .

If you have a disease, you should treat it, and if you have a problem, you should ask the Black Dragon Association for help. Zhang Xibao will not go back and forth to wipe the buttocks of those big shots and solve their dirty things that are not known to the public.

"Save my son, he is so abnormal these days!"

"He's getting thinner and thinner these days. At first I thought he was staying up late to practice and persuaded him to rest more, but then I found that he was often sweating profusely, and was soaked in water every morning when he woke up. Recently..."

The old man leaned closer to the camera, and lowered his voice mutteringly: "Recently, I found a woman in his room, a woman with long hair, sitting on the head of his bed!"

After the old man finished his last sentence, the barrage exploded.

"woman? What woman? Where are the women? (n???n)』

"I knock! woman? Uncle, I'm afraid your son is not practicing kung fu, but he is overindulging in sex? ! 』

"As long as you are brave..."

"Woman, sweating profusely, dripping, wet, drenched, tsk tsk tsk..."

"This broken road, the upstairs can also drive? A road never imagined! (||?_?)』

Zhang Xibao's face was full of seriousness, he didn't doubt the old man's words, but felt that something might happen.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, the five elements generate and restrain each other.

If you practice the Five Elements Dirty Temple and make offerings to Qi ghosts, you must use the characteristics of the five elements, so that the side effects of Qi ghosts on the owner's body can be minimized.

You must know that this exercise is to feed ghosts with your body. If you only use a scripture to practice, if the five elements are out of balance, problems will inevitably arise.

This [Kidney Sutra] cultivates the Kidney Temple, and it is easy to attract water spirit bodies. The long-haired woman the old man is talking about is probably not a living person...

Zhang Xibao thought for a while, and said to the old man on the other side of the screen: "Old man, how about this, you tell me your home address, and I will send you the ancient soul-suppressing talisman and the ancient five-thunder talisman, stick one on the lintel and hide the other in you." Under the son's bed, see if there is something dirty..."

"Oh, this account belongs to your son, right? Don't forget to delete the chat history after the private message..."

"Hey, ok, ok!"

The old man was not proficient in the operation of mobile phones. Under Zhang Xibao's guidance, he finally sent the address, and then deleted the chat history.

Zhang Xibao glanced at the address.

『No. XX, XX Street, Qiong District, Haishi. 』

"Okay, I've received the address, old man, and I'll send you two talismans of the best quality tomorrow." Zhang Xibao didn't mention any money.

"Hey, hey, thank you, thank you!"

The old man thanked the camera repeatedly.

At this time, a gloomy and pale man suddenly appeared behind the old man, probably the old man's son who woke up...

"What are you doing?" the man asked the old man.

The old man murmured: "I can't sleep at night, I need someone to talk to..."

"My dad has a bad brain and is mentally ill. Don't believe anything he says!"

The man said something angrily, and the live broadcast connection was hung up with a bang.

Only Zhang Xibao's face and the rolling barrage were left in the live broadcast room.

"Giving away two excellent talismans for free, Master Bao is magnificent!" 』

"The sudden appearance of his son just now scared me to death. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well tonight..."

"Are you saying the old man is lying, or his son is lying?" 』

Zhang Xibao glanced at his watch, it was early in the morning, he nodded: "If something like this happens, today's Jianbao should come here first, everyone should rest early."

"Okay, the baby was too scared to look at it, and he didn't even dare to go to the toilet under the quilt. 』

"Upstairs is the baby boy or the baby girl?" Disgusting...」

"Today's live broadcast is so exciting, sleep, sleep, if there is a follow-up, Master Bao will poke me!" 』

"Okay, good night everyone..."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand and closed the live broadcast room.

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