Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 229: Warehouse No. 6 Of Liuli Pavilion

"Is Xiao Zhao here? 』

After downloading the broadcast, Zhang Xibao didn't go to sleep immediately, but contacted the administrator 233 Zhao Ba.

"Yes, what's the matter..." Zhao Ba replied quickly.

Zhang Xibao asked him: "Did you watch the live broadcast just now?" 』

"I must have read it, I am now your exclusive administrator"

Every anchor with more than one million fans on "Different" has an exclusive administrator. Zhang Xibao has nearly ten million fans, and Zhao Ba has long been his exclusive administrator.

"Okay, I'll send you the address of the old man who connected just now. 』

Zhang Xibao copied and pasted the old man's address to Zhao Ba, and continued: "You have to write down the next thing, that old book is indeed a martial art, and it is a high-grade martial art, but if it is not used well, it is an evil skill." 』

"I didn't say this in the live broadcast, but I believe that someone with a keen sense of smell must have their eyes on this old book. They will definitely check the address of the old man's house when they go down, so you must contact the Black Dragon Association in Haishi in a while. Make things clear. 』

Zhao Ba on the opposite side also understood the seriousness of this matter, and quickly recorded what Zhang Xibao said.

Afterwards, Zhang Xibao warned again: "Tomorrow I will send two ancient scrolls to the old man by express mail. The book needs to be collected, and his son must also keep an eye on it. That guy may be entangled by a spirit body. Check it out as soon as possible to avoid injury." innocent people. 』

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Zhao Ba quickly replied: "Understood!" 』

Zhang Xibao then turned off the communication and went to bed.

"Swordman 4.0" crashed, and the game was unplayable. After the bone fusion was completed, Zhan Nian fell asleep again, and Zhang Xibao finally got a good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xibao got up, took two ancient scrolls and sent them to Qiong District, Haishi by express mail.

While having breakfast, Zhao Ba replied Zhang Xibao's message.

『Baby Lord, the news has been passed to the Black Dragon Society of Haishi City, and Jinyang, the Xingxiu ghost from the Vermilion Bird faction in the south, is going to handle this matter in person, don’t worry! 』

"learn. 』

Zhang Xibao turned off the communication and continued to eat breakfast.

"Ghost Jinyang, she is quite suitable for this matter..."

Thinking of that overly fair-skinned girl, Zhang Xibao nodded, and sent a Xingxiu to obtain advanced exercises. It can be seen that the Black Dragon will take this matter very seriously.

Mrs. Qian is worried about the business of Juling Peach Pit on Haocang Island.

The research on the prototype was watched by a real person like Wang Xiao.

Recently, Zhang Xibao is only waiting for one thing: the Fifth Holy Order! The Fifth Holy Order! Still the Fifth Holy Order!

With the Fifth Sacred Order in hand, Zhang Xibao truly became equal to the Four Sages of the Great Xia.

However, there are stars under the four holy seats for dispatch, and only the Dark Saint Qilin is a light commander...

"There is still one day off, what are you going to do today?"

Zhang Xibao stretched, feeling his whole body full of strength.

"Come on, let's go to Panziyuan and go to Xiaolinlang's store to see if there is any wood suitable for making dragon tongue arrow shafts!"

Zhang Xibao wandered out of the door and went straight to Pan Ziyuan.

It seems that the old man in the store is not lazy today, it seems that Tang Linlang is in the store...

Zhang Xibao stepped into Yibaozhai, and saw that little Lolita was really carving on the counter.


Zhang Xibao pretended to cough, pinched his throat and said, "Boss, we're picking up the guests!"

Little Lolita said without raising her head, "Old Hou, see off the guests!"

"How long does it take to complete a business like yours? The rent of Pan Ziyuan's shop is not low!"

Zhang Xibao's voice returned to normal, and he sighed: "It's really capricious to be rich..."

The old man interjected obsequiously: "Young master, you don't know that half of Panzi Garden is our Tang family's shop!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Tang Linlang raised her head, a little surprised and a little confused: "Zhang Xibao! Isn't school starting yet?"

"Ah, I'm on leave..." Zhang Xibao explained casually.

"I'm here for shopping today, hehe!" Zhang Xibao nodded at the counter.

A cluster of shining arrows dropped from Zhang Xibao's palm with a jingle, eighteen arrows in total.


Curiously, Tang Linlang picked up an arrowhead to check, and found that the arrowhead was not made of iron, but had a shiny surface.

"Is this a rare treasure?" Tang Linlang asked.

"That's right, I only have arrowheads, and I lack suitable wood for arrow shafts. I think you have a lot of wood here, so I asked you if there is any suitable wood to recommend."

Zhang Xibao picked up an arrow and blew on the sharp blade. The arrow made a loud noise, and he added: "Money is not a problem, but the wood needs to be the hardest!"

Tang Linlang tilted her head and thought for a while, then blinked her eyes: "Then I really have a suitable wood recommendation for you, but the price is really not cheap!"

"Really, take it out and have a look?" Zhang Xibao rubbed his hands.

"Not in the store, they are all in the warehouse of my sister's company!"

Tang Linlang excitedly stood up from behind the counter, and took Zhang Xibao's hand: "I'll take you to see it!"

"Well, that's fine, anyway, I'm fine..."

Zhang Xibao reached out to sweep, and took the eighteen arrows on the counter back to Tongtian Treasure House.

"Old Hou, take a good look at the store!"

Tang Linlang greeted the old man and took Zhang Xibao to the outside of Panzi Garden.

The Liuli Pavilion Building is located not far from Panzi Garden. Tang Linlang dragged Zhang Xibao to an unremarkable semi-underground warehouse near the Liuli Pavilion.

Bang Bang Bang!

Under Tang Linlang's instruction, Zhang Xibao knocked on the heavy iron door.

After a while, the iron gate opened a hole, and a man's face appeared through the hole, glanced at Zhang Xibao, and then at Tang Linlang.

"Miss, Miss said that outsiders are not allowed in the warehouse."

Tang Linlang didn't talk nonsense with men at all, she just said two words: "Open the door!"

"You can come in, but he can't. If you want him to come in, then I have to ask the eldest lady for instructions..." The man bargained.

In fact, the man winked at his companion, and someone quickly contacted Tang Linlang's sister.

"Whose name is this warehouse in?" Tang Linlang pointed her nostrils at the man and asked fiercely.

The man replied: "It's yours."

"Then why ask my sister for instructions? I told you to open the door!"

Tang Linlang patted the big iron gate: "If you don't let me in again, I will be angry, and I will smash this big iron gate, do you believe it?"

In Liulige Building, a high-level office, an urban beauty in a black uniform received a call asking for instructions.

『Miss, Miss wants to bring a strange boy into Warehouse No. 6. 』

The urban beauty was silent for two seconds, and said, "Connect the camera of warehouse No. 6 to me."

Opening the tablet, the woman saw Tang Linlang and Zhang Xibao standing at the door of the warehouse.

The woman ordered: "Let them in!"

"Otherwise, my sister's donkey temper might really smash down the door, and it's not like you don't know..."

"Yes! 』

The phone was hung up, and the link to the camera in Warehouse No. 6 was not broken. The woman picked up the tablet and began to watch what Tang Linlang was up to.


The heavy iron door opened.

"Hahahaha, be afraid!"

Tang Linlang crossed her waist arrogantly, which made her very proud.

"Let's go in!"

Tang Linlang dragged Zhang Xibao into the No. 6 warehouse.

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