Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 231: Being Targeted For No Reason

"Don't worry about putting it away. I have a professional cutting machine here. If you want to make an arrow shaft, I'll ask someone to cut it out for you. It's free!"

Tang Linlang's two wooden puppets got a set of battle armor and weapons. They were in a happy mood and offered to help Zhang Xibao cut wood to make arrow shafts for free.

Zhang Xibao thought so too, the wood was too hard, the only thing he could use to cut it was the big black stick, but if he did it by hand, it would produce a lot of waste, the wood was so expensive, it was better to use a machine to cut it.

The warehouse clerk was really professional. After some design on the machine, eighteen arrow shafts were cut out of the wood, but only half of the whole wood was consumed.

The shafts of the arrows are more than two meters long and as thick as an egg, and there are a total of eighteen arrows.

The cutting master also considerately left a pin on the arrow shaft according to the dragon tongue arrow. The arrow is an embedded arrow, and it only needs to be inserted on the arrow shaft and fixed.

"Are you an arrow, or a siege, so thick!"

Tang Linlang couldn't help complaining: "What kind of bow do I have to use to shoot the arrow!"

"Hey, keep it secret!"

Zhang Xibao happily put away the Dragon Tongue Arrow and the remaining half piece of wood.

"I should go. Do you want to go back to Yibaozhai? I can give you a ride." Zhang Xibao asked Tang Linlang.

Tang Linlang shook her head and smiled: "I'm going to play with the wooden puppet for a while before leaving, and then go to my sister's company to play, and I won't go back to Yibaozhai."

"Okay, then I'll go back first." Zhang Xibao waved goodbye to Tang Linlang, nodded to Queen Tang, turned and left Warehouse No. 6.


Queen Tang looked at the back of Zhang Xibao leaving, and there was a crisp sound of weapons colliding behind her.

Tang Linlang has already controlled the two wooden puppets to practice.

Queen Tang glanced at the two wooden puppets wearing battle armor and holding weapons and treasures, and came to a conclusion: "With the help of armor and weapons, the combat power of these two wooden puppets of yours has reached the ground level."

Tang Linlang pouted arrogantly: "Second sister, tell me, can I beat third sister with these two wooden puppets?"

Seeing Tang Linlang's eagerness to try, Queen Tang stroked her forehead: "I advise you not to mess with your third sister, she has a bit of a temper these days, and these two wooden bumps probably won't last ten minutes in her hands ..."

"Hmph..." Tang Linlang stopped talking and concentrated on training the wooden puppet.

Tang Yinghuang, the third miss of the Tang family, is the Xibaihu of the first level of the prefecture, the master of the four saints, and has just returned from the southwestern border of Daxia, because the fifth holy decree is about to be issued...

In addition, Xuanwu, who was guarding the northernmost part of Daxia, also came back with a menacing aura, also because of the Fifth Holy Order.

Zhang Xibao, the future holder of the Fifth Holy Order, wandered back home like a street runner.

People are in good spirits when they are in a good mood, and they cook more when they are in a good mood. Zhang Xibao cooked a big table of dishes at noon, and rolled his eyes while eating fungus and chrysanthemum.

In the afternoon, the administrator 233 Zhao Ba sent a message: "Master Bao, the [Kidney Sutra] you mentioned, the ghost gold sheep has been successfully recovered, but the old man's son is missing, and your two talismans have also been used up." Yes, the old man was frightened and entered the hospital, I can’t disclose more details, sorry...』

"receive. 』

Zhang Xibao closed the communication with Zhao Ba, thinking that if you don’t tell me, I won’t know, but I added the contact information of Ghost Jinyang, and I have the contact information of their boss Vermilion Bird!

Zhang Xibao found his contact person, Gui Jinlai, and sent a message: "Send me an electronic version of the report on the process of recovering the [Kidney Meridian], I want to see it." 』

Ghost Jinyang replied quickly: "Got it, I'll send it right away." 』

Although Zhang Xibao was not yet the fifth sage, he did not run away either. Ghost Jinyang asked Vermilion Bird to leave, and quickly sent the electronic version of the report to Zhang Xibao.

"It's cool to be a boss!"

Zhang Xibao sighed and began to browse through the mission report of Ghost Jinyang.

The report includes the ghost Jinyang's mission record and the old man's inquiry record.

The process of the matter was quite simple: after the old man received the ancient scroll from Zhang Xibao, he immediately followed Zhang Xibao's instructions, pasted the ancient scroll of five thunders on the lintel of his son's door, and hid the ancient scroll of soul-suppressing under his son's pillow.

According to the old man's dictation, he heard a bang, which scared him out of his mind. His son rushed out of the room angrily, tore up the ancient soul-suppressing scroll, and then the old man was knocked unconscious.

According to Gui Jinyang's report, after the explosion, she encountered the old man's son, killed a water spirit body, and recovered the [Kidney Sutra], but the old man's son was taken away by a mysterious person.

The mysterious person seems to be on the ground...

"Suspected to be on the ground? Dare to rob people from under the nose of the Black Dragon Society? The master is among the people!"

Zhang Xibao pouted.

[Kidney Sutra] has been retrieved, I believe Wulong will catch the old man's son and the mysterious man soon, after all, where can they go in Daxia?

Zhang Xibao destroyed the electronic version of the mission report casually, and drank A Zhai happy water.

"Oh, by the way, there should be five volumes of the "Five Viscera Classics". Where are the other volumes?"

Zhang Xibao curiously picked up his phone again, clicked on Vermilion Bird's chat box and asked.

Vermilion Birdli replied: "Thank you for your information, let Gui Jinyang recover the [Kidney Sutra], the other books have been lost in the invasion and war a long time ago, and they are suspected to have been snatched by the Neon Kingdom." 』

"You're welcome, we'll be colleagues soon, that's what I should do. ?????」

Zhang Xibao put on a mischievous expression at the back of the message.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Vermilion Bird sent a smile.

"Smile? She dares to smile at me? Ah, this child doesn't know the meaning of smiling expression?"

Zhang Xibao turned off the communication, and knew where the remaining four scriptures went. They were probably stolen by the Nihong people during the war.

There are indeed many thieves around Daxia.

While Zhang Xibao was muttering, Vermilion Bird on the other side was holding the phone in a daze.

Suddenly, a man with an unshaven beard stretched out his head and asked curiously: "Girl, what are you so silly about, let daddy and I have fun too?"

"How can the dignified Master Xuanwu peek at other people's screens?" Vermilion Bird put away his phone and hummed twice.

"Hey, my daughter is grown up, I can't let my father decide..."

The man pretended to be sad, causing Vermilion Bird to roll his eyes.

Zhang Xibao wasn't idle either. He practiced swords all afternoon and planned to broadcast live in the evening.

Due to time constraints last night, after the old man's connection ended, he downloaded it. Tonight, no matter what, we have to identify ten rare treasures to satisfy the treasure friends.

Zhang Xibao sent a group message to his fans: "Live tonight at 8 o'clock, see you soon!" 』

Suddenly, Wei Huohu sent a message: "You are still live broadcasting, you are going to burn your ass..."

"Huh? Tail Huohu is also a fan of mine, and the news was accidentally sent to him."

Zhang Xibao replied: "Why, I can't live broadcast yet. When the time comes, the dark saint Qilin can just change into a Qilin mask. Everyone doesn't know that Master Bao is Qilin." 』

Tail Huohu replied: "That's not what I said, the Four Sages have gathered in the imperial capital, Xibaihu and Beixuanwu are preparing to attack you!" 』

Zhang Xibao quit after seeing the news, raised his eyebrows, and replied: "Why, I didn't provoke them, I haven't even met them!" 』

"It's very complicated, I can't tell you. As a senior, that's all I can tell you. Anyway, Qinglong's whole line supports you. Come on, junior!" 』Tai Huohu fell silent after sending this sentence.

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and muttered: "I don't know Xibaihu, isn't Beixuanwu Vermilion Bird away from her father, why is Mao also targeting me?"

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