Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 232 Invincible Tyrannosaurus God Of War Jade Pendant

"Good evening, friends!"

Zhang Xibao greeted the camera.

"Next time!"

"Didn't an old man ask me to identify an ancient book last night? This book is a real exercise. At that time, for the purpose of protecting the treasure master, I didn't tell everyone what it was. Now the answer can be revealed."

The barrage was quiet, obviously everyone was very curious about this matter, after all, last night's treasure appraisal was so impressive that many treasure friends were so scared that they had nightmares.

"Don't tell me, some treasure friends guessed it right. The woman who appeared at the bedside of the old man's son in the middle of the night is a water ghost. The book is called [Kidney Sutra], which can open a cave in the kidney and support water spirits. .”

"The abnormality of the old man's son was caused by this water ghost, because it is not enough to just open up a cave for the spirit body to live in, and it has to be made offerings. What kind of offerings should we take? Either with the help of external objects, or with our own blood."

"That's why treasure friends, in case you come across something unfamiliar, you should first find Master Bao to appraise it, so as not to harm others or yourself!"

With Zhang Xibao's explanation, all the Bao friends in the barrage understood.

"Understood, understood! 』

"+1, +1, +10086"

"That's really scary, creepy..."

"I'm very curious! Lord Bao, besides the [Kidney Sutra], there are other sutras. After all, the Temple of the Five Viscera, the Temple of the Five Viscera, it is impossible that there is only one temple for the Kidney? 』

"Hey, this treasure friend has some knowledge in this area. You are right. There are indeed four other parts of these exercises, but they have all been lost."

Zhang Xibao shook his head regretfully: "Too many things from our ancestors have been stolen..."

After all, it was in the live broadcast room, and Zhang Xibao didn't say it clearly. Most of Bao's friends didn't understand the meaning of this sentence. A small number of sensitive viewers asked questions in the bullet screen, but Master Bao just shook his head and remained silent.

After interacting with each other for a while, treasure appraisal started. Zhang Xibao released the connection permission of the live broadcast room, and many treasure friends asked to connect.

There is no need to spend money to appraise treasures here, and it is very interesting, so even if Zhang Xibao does not broadcast live for a while, everyone is willing to keep the treasure for Baoye and wait.

"It's connected."


"It's connected again."

"It's fake again..."

"Both are connected."

"It's still a fake..."

The treasures of three treasure friends have been appraised in a row, but none of them are strange treasures.

This is not surprising, folk rare treasures are rare, and in the early stage of spiritual recovery, magical treasures appeared, either they were taken away by knowledgeable people, or they were strictly protected by the Five Dragons Association.

"It's a bad start, I hope it will bring me some surprises in the future!"

Zhang Xibao did not give up and continued to connect with Baoyou.

"Hey, welcome to this treasure friend named [Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War] to connect to the live broadcast room, do you want to identify it?"

Zhang Xibao stared and saw a child appeared opposite the live broadcast room.

"Are you the Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War?" Zhang Xibao asked with a smile.

The little boy nodded: "Yes, hello Bao Ye, hello Bao friends!"

"Hey, this little doll is so polite! That's the name..."

"Record it, record it, and show it to him when he is an adult!" 』

"Hiss~ The upstairs is so cruel, I like it! 』

The little boy looked at the bullet screen in a daze, not knowing what everyone was talking about.

"It's okay, they are just joking, God of War, do you want to appraise it?"

Zhang Xibao redirected the little boy's attention to Jianbao.

"Oh, I want you to help me see if this pendant is safe to wear or not?"

The little boy took out a ruby ​​pendant from the neckline of his clothes, on which was engraved a mythical animal that looked like a sheep but not a sheep.

Zhang Xibao slapped his hands: "Oh, Tyrannosaurus God of War, this is so exciting!"

"Stop talking!"

Zhang Xibao pretended to count with his fingers: "God of War, I guess you are a sheep, and you are 6 years old this year, right?"


The little boy's eyes lit up, and he nodded happily. Unexpectedly, Master Bao guessed it right. What a miracle!

"I will continue to calculate the secret!"

Zhang Xibao pretended to pinch his fingers again, muttering something.

"God of War, this pendant is a gift from an elder in the family, am I right?"

The little boy nodded again, and looked at Zhang Xibao adoringly: "That's right, my grandpa gave me a birthday present!"

"Let me guess again, your family also lives in the imperial capital!" Zhang Xibao made another random guess.


The little boy's admiration for Zhang Xibao couldn't be increased.

Someone in the barrage asked puzzledly:

"Could Master Bao really know the foretelling? 』

someone laughed

"Hahahaha, the one upstairs is too simple..."

In fact, these three items, except for the first one, the latter two are simple reasoning. The window behind the little boy can see a corner of the iconic building of the imperial capital. The little boy must not be able to afford this pendant himself, and it must be a gift from his elders.

However, no one punctured the barrage. Anyway, children are quite interesting, but puncturing Zhang Xibao seems boring.

Zhang Xibao smiled, and continued: "God of War, your pendant is an imitation peach-drawn jade talisman carved from Tian Hongyu. It is a rare treasure, and its rank is probably at the Xuan rank. It is very valuable!"

"Luck money and ward off evil, prosper, prosper!"

"Peach Pulling Jade Talisman: Mysterious grade-A rare treasure, which contains the soul of peach pulling beasts, which can improve people's luck, attract wealth and treasures, suppress evil and break evil spirits, and resist the invasion of evil spirits. 』

"Taoba: An earth-level C-level alien beast, a hornless beast that looks like a sheep or a deer. 』

The jade pendant in the little boy's hand is not the real Peach Pulling Jade Talisman, but an imitation of Tian Hongyu, but it has the miraculousness of a strange treasure. I don't know who made it, but it is worth a lot anyway.

"Bao Ye, can the little boy turn over the jade pendant and get closer to the camera?" 』

It seems that there are some good friends in Baoyou. Zhang Xibao asked the little boy to turn the jade pendant upside down and get close to the camera.

There is a small character at the bottom of the jade pendant: "Qin"

"Oh, I see, this pendant is made by Qin Jiuyuan, a real master craftsman!" 』

"Qin Jiuyuan, the master of ancient scriptures? ! 』

"Being able to buy jade articles from master craftsmen, this little boy's family is probably either rich or expensive!" 』

Wealth is not revealed, children don't understand, Zhang Xibao understands, he waved to the little boy: "Put away the treasure, Jianbao is here, show filial piety to the elderly, buy more Juling peach pits from Master Bao for the elderly to eat! "

The little boy nodded: "Okay, I will use the New Year's money to buy Juling peach cores for grandpa, hehe!"

The connection was cut off, and only Zhang Xibao was left in the live broadcast room.

"Okay, go on to the next one!"

Zhang Xibao connected to the next friend, and a young man wearing square glasses appeared on the screen.

"Welcome to [Big Fish from Haitang's Family] to connect to the live broadcast room, Baoyou, what do you identify?"

The young man smiled embarrassingly: "I don't have a treasure appraisal, but I want Lord Bao to show some photos of the treasure, can you popularize it?"

"A picture of a strange treasure?"

Zhang Xibao thought for a while: "Alright, let me see what it is first?"

The young man took out a file bag and pulled out a stack of photos.

"Hey, that's quite a lot!"

Zhang Xibao paused for a moment and said, "If you look at all these photos, it will take up other friends' appreciating time. Let's take a look at one first. If the friends are willing to read it, we can continue to look at it. Is that okay?"

"Okay, okay, Master Bao, you can just appraise it!" 』

"If it's interesting, my friends don't mind! Young man, you can handle it yourself! 』

The young man with glasses chuckled: "I guarantee it, everyone will love to watch it!"


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