Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 238 Crying, Earthbound Spirits, And Heaven 1



The gate of the training ground was opened, and a team of members of the White Dragon Society hurried in and carried the West White Tiger away on a stretcher.

To be honest, being punched dizzy in front of all the high-level members of the Five Dragons Club is disgraceful. I don't know if this woman will wake up and shout "I don't accept it!" 』

"It's yours!"

Qinglong strode in, and threw a black Qilin-patterned holy decree to Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao raised his hand, took the token, grabbed it in the palm of his hand, rubbed it a few times, and smiled.

In view of Zhang Xibao's temper, Qinglong couldn't help telling him: "Take it well, don't lose it..."

"To be honest, if I want to take it well, the person who refines it should replace the material with gold." Zhang Xibao joked.

The corners of Qinglong's eyes twitched, and he told Zhang Xibao solemnly: "Your authority key is built into the token, and you can retrieve the secrets of SS level and below from the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club. If you lose it, it is equivalent to treason. I will hunt you down myself..."

In fact, there is no such item in the prohibition, because no one has ever imagined that the Four Sages lost their tokens, but Qinglong felt that it would be difficult to put this matter on Zhang Xibao, so he deliberately made up such a long paragraph...

"Mom, I'm just kidding, I'll take it!" Zhang Xibao hurriedly put the token into the Tongtian Treasure, so that it won't be lost.

The two walked out side by side, and everyone they met along the way paid attention, not only to Qinglong, but also to the new Dark Saint Qilin.

"It's time for me to return to the jurisdiction." Qinglong patted Zhang Xibao on the shoulder, and took out the Qinglong sword from the square-inch bracelet.

Zhang Xibao asked curiously: "You four sages guard one side each in the east, west, south, and north, are you just guarding the border? Why do I feel that there is something wrong here..."

"If you want to know, check it yourself."

Qinglong pointed to the elevator: "The Holy Decree of Qilin is also the secret card for you to enter the headquarters. The database is in the depths of the prison on the third floor. I'm afraid you have long wanted to see it?"

Before leaving, Qinglong took a meaningful look at Zhang Xibao and told him: "The things you want to know belong to Volume 3, Volume 23 of Class A Confidential, Volume 1, Volume 2 of Class S Confidential, and the information of the Four Saints is in SS Confidential Volume 1 Volume 1."

"A3, 23, S1, 2, SS1, 1, I see, thank you..."

Zhang Xibao wrote down these numbers, watched Qinglong leave, and took the elevator down to the third floor of the headquarters.

The elevator door opened slowly, and a cold breath approached Zhang Xibao's door.

The air in the supernatural prison seems to be stagnant, let alone suppressed by the magic circle inside.

"Interesting, how did the eight fugitives escaped last time?"

Zhang Xibao muttered and continued walking inside.

woo woo woo~

An extremely suppressed cry came from the dark corridor, as if a woman was crying...

Zhang Xibao was not afraid of anything, walked lightly into the depths, and at the same time rubbed a strange fire on his fingertips.

He followed the sound to a corner and found a woman squatting on the ground and a floating "spirit".

The woman squatted on the ground regardless of her demeanor, buried her head in her arms, and her long hair fell to the ground.

"Bai Weiwei?"

Zhang Xibao asked suspiciously, just in time the woman raised her head and looked at Zhang Xibao with eyes red from crying, it was indeed Bai Weiwei.

The spirit flew towards Zhang Xibao, saw the Holy Order of Qilin in his hand, and greeted him politely: "Are you the newly elected Lord Dark Saint?"

"Hmm..." Zhang Xibao nodded, not knowing what was going on in front of him.

But when he saw the mask on Ling's face, he had some guesses in his heart.

This spirit is wearing a monkey face mask, could it be the Xingxiu fire monkey sacrificed under the Xibaihuzuo?

Bai Weiwei has a very close relationship with the Fire Monkey.

Xingxiu Fang Ritu is not in Qinglong's jurisdiction, but was sent to Qingbei on duty instead. He has a bad temper and is so angry that he dare not speak. No wonder, no wonder...


The atmosphere was a bit awkward, Zhang Xibao cleared his throat and said to Xihuohou, "I'm going to the database, you two should do it first."

"My lord, I'll take you to..."

The fire monkey wanted to follow, but was stopped by Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao pointed to Bai Weiwei, and told Xihuohou: "Let's get down to business first!"

Zhang Xibao walked deeper along the corridor alone.

Then there are two forks in the road...

Zhang Xibao was stunned, thinking that he would not have pretended if he knew it earlier. Is the way to the database on the left or the right?

"Little rooster, whoever you click on, that's who..."

Zhang Xibao's finger pointed to the road to the left, and he decisively chose the road to the right.

"No, this seems to be the road to the cell."

As Zhang Xibao was walking, a series of sealed prison doors began to appear on the left and right walls, and howling echoed in the depths of the corridor.

As the so-called beating children on rainy days, you are still idle when you are idle. When you are here, just go shopping!

Zhang Xibao walked down the stairs. The stairs turned downwards, and the rank numbers of the prisoners also changed with the floors. At first it was the yellow rank, then the mysterious rank, and then the ground rank.

The cell door is completely sealed, and I don't know how to get food and water inside. There is only a small hole in the door, which is still blocked by the iron sheet, and can only be opened from the outside.

Zhang Xibao pulled off the iron sheet on the small hole, and looked inside curiously.

I saw a human-shaped shadow covered with glowing chains.

"Did you have a good time?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at the cell door, the number on it was floor 6.

"Who are you?!"

The shadow roared loudly, and the chains on his body rattled.

"Wo nen stack!"

Zhang Xibao pulled on the iron sheet, ending the brief conversation.

"The next step is the sky step, right?"

"I don't know if there are any supernatural beings in this prison?"

Zhang Xibao was very curious and continued to walk down the stairs.

There is only one cell in the deepest part of the ground, and the number is written on it: Tian 1.

"It really is! It's amazing, it's amazing..."

Zhang Xibao walked over, pulled away the iron sheet and took a look.

The figures in the cell were not tied up like hairy crabs like on the ground 6, but sat on a futon in a good condition, but the ceiling, floor and four walls of the room were made of luminous magic circle materials.

According to the structure of the entire underground building, this prison cell is located exactly at the bottom of the eye pillar.

"Are you here?" said the figure in the cell.

Zhang Xibao remained silent.

"Oh? Not Qinglong?"

"I'm too old, I'm hard of hearing, I didn't recognize that it was a newcomer, I'm sorry..."

The figure turned around, and Zhang Xibao saw his face clearly.

It was an extremely old man, wearing a tattered gray prison uniform, smiling at Zhang Xibao, with one tooth missing in his mouth.

An ordinary old man, but the number of his cell is Tian 1.

Zhang Xibao pulled up the iron sheet of the cell, and stopped giving the old man a chance to speak.

After all, the opposite side is a heavenly rank, Zhang Xibao thinks it's better to be cautious.

"Don't go, let's talk about fifty cents?"

"Do you want "The Palm of the Tathagata"? Do you want to learn "Six Meridians Sword"?"

The old man's voice came from behind, Zhang Xibao was unmoved, turned around and strode away.

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