Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 239 Confidential Information


"A3, 23"

"S1, 2"


These are the three volumes of materials Qinglong said he prepared for Zhang Xibao. To be precise, the first two are the ones, and the third is just a quick addition, even though it is SS-level.

Zhang Xibao was a little nervous, so he chose to read the SS-level volume first.

With a bang, the door of the database was opened by the Qilin decree.

The dim database opened its arms to Zhang Xibao, where Daxia's most complete and confidential information is stored.

The database is huge, no less than the training ground where Zhang Xibao and Xi Baihu fought just now. There are many thick file racks more than five meters high vertically stacked inside, and many materials even have to climb up ladders to retrieve them.

There are both dusty paper portfolios and electronic file carrier disks inserted in special boxes.

Compared with electronic archives, paper archives are full of disadvantages, such as small capacity, complicated operation, and slow transmission speed.

The advantage of paper files is uniqueness.

An original is an original, and once the original is lost, the secret is no more.

No matter how superb computer hackers are, it is impossible to decipher the contents of paper files through the Internet, unless they are under the pressure of "killing monsters" and "eliminating demons" of the sky rank, under the pressure of high-grade magic circles, and against the pressure of the Five Dragons Association. Huo Tongue and Mo Ya come to Curry to steal data!

I don't know where the SSS-level materials are stored, and there is no data Curry at all. Zhang Xibao found the SS-level secret volume 1 and began to check the contents above.

The file shows:

The area under the jurisdiction of the Four Sages is not as square as cake-cutting. The Western White Tiger has the longest front on the western border, stretching from the northwest of Daxia to the southwest.

At first, there were two places where Xibaihu guarded, one was the [Old Foreign Land] in West Kunlun, but now this thing has been temporarily abandoned, and now the one guarded is a rare treasure seed on the snow mountain in the southwest, and the other is an immature plant. Blooming snowdrops.

It is conservatively estimated that there will be thousands of snow lotus fruits, which means that once this snow lotus is mature, its seeds can produce more than a thousand supernatural beings!

"My God, a thousand exotic treasure seeds..."

Zhang Xibao muttered: "Where is the [Old Foreign Land]? I've never heard of this foreign land. The first foreign land recorded in the textbook is [Sword Tomb]..."

Beixuanwu's guarding position is mainly in the northeast, and it is Xiong Guo who is on guard. There is an unopened new foreign land in "Fangchuan", but the foreign land has been unstable, and there has never been a foreign land gate, so this is an undiscovered treasure mountain, because this foreign land is located at the border of three , so there have been several lines of sight staring at this place.

Dong Qinglong is mainly staring at the imperial capital, where the heart of Daxia is. At the same time, the Xingxiu of Dong Qinglong's lineage is also the hardest, running around all day to support other partners or deal with cases of supernatural beings in the north.

The South Vermilion Bird lineage does the same job as the Qinglong lineage, but the pressure is much lower than the Qinglong lineage. After all, the South Vermilion Bird is the weakest of the four saints and the youngest.

Zhang Xibao wrote down the key words, put the materials back, took a deep breath, and began to check the remaining two volumes of materials.

One volume of A-level materials and one volume of S-level materials are not highly classified, but they are very important to Zhang Xibao because they involve his... life experience.

A-level information:

【Discovery team】

In the early stage of spiritual recovery, a mirage appeared in West Kunlun. Professor Shen Zan, a famous archaeologist in Beishi City, led his team members Lou Heng, Ding Yu, Zhang Zhizi...and eight people to go there.

Eight people are missing...

Two years later, Zhang Zhizi was found on the edge of the desert. She claimed that eight people had entered another world. Professor Shen Zan, Lou Heng and others died. Zhang Zhizi was found to be mentally normal and pregnant...

A year later, Zhang Zhizi disappeared, and some witnesses said that he returned to Kunlun.

S-level information:

【Old foreign land】

The weirdness in West Kunlun is not a mirage, but an extremely unstable foreign land, which was later named [Old Foreign Land].

[Old Foreign Land] From appearance to disappearance, the entrance has moved 48 times.

In the initial stage of spiritual recovery, the "Yin Yang Dragon Bone Cone" has not yet been born, and the "Old Foreign Land" will disappear after three years.

Expedition member Zhang Zhizi (A3, 23) claimed that there are intelligent life and human beings in [Old Foreign Land], the news cannot be verified [doubtful]

"Zhang Zhizi."

Zhang Xibao chewed these three words carefully, but found that he had no impression at all.

"The textbook says that no living person has ever appeared in a foreign land."

"Qinglong asked me to read these two volumes of materials by myself. He thinks I have something to do with Zhang Zhizi?"

"Bold assumptions are made, but rigorous verifications are not..."

It's been a long time, and even he, the person involved, has been forgotten, so what do others know?

"Makabaka, come in and see the loneliness..."

Zhang Xibao was a little depressed, put back the two volumes of materials, and left the database.

"grown ups……"

The spirit body of the fire monkey is waiting outside the database.

Zhang Xibao nodded as a signal, and strode out, the spirit body of the fire monkey followed, floating behind him, as if wanting to loosen him.

"Are you a fire monkey?"

The corridor was a bit long, and Zhang Xibao was not in a good mood, so he wanted to divert his attention.

The fire monkey replied: "Yes, my lord."

Zhang Xibao asked again: "Is your current state considered an earth-bound spirit?"

"It's similar, but I prefer to call myself a guardian spirit, because I voluntarily guarded in this underground magic circle, and no one restrained me..." Facing the dark saint, the fire monkey knew everything.

"You and Bai Weiwei?"

"Childhood sweetheart."

"That's it..."

One person and one spirit walked in silence.

When it was time to exit, Zhang Xibao asked again: "So you are relying on the underground formation as the spirit body, so the spirit body will not have side effects?"

Xi Huohou nodded: "With the big formation, the spirit is there, and with the big formation, the spirit can stay awake."

"How many spirits are there?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

After all, the prison on the third floor is so big, there is no living person except the prisoners, and there must be more than one spirit of the fire monkey.

This thing is completely dark in Tongtiantong's field of vision, except for the prisoners, it is estimated that there are spirit bodies like the fire monkey guarding it vaguely.


"Comprised of the spirits of warriors who died in the past and prisoners of supernatural beings..."

Zhang Xibao was surprised: "There are also prisoners?"

Xihuohou knew what Zhang Xibao was asking, so he replied: "The memory has been erased..."


Zhang Xibao waved goodbye to the fire monkey, and the elevator leading to the ground slowly rose.

"No wonder the prisoner's body was recovered..."

From the beginning of the conference to the end of Zhang Xibao's viewing of the files, less than two hours had passed.

But Daxia's media world has exploded!

[Shocked, Qilin, the Fifth Dark Saint of Great Xia, was born! 】

[Tearful eyes, the comprehensive combat power of the Five Dragons has reached a new level! 】

[Inside information, the fifth dark saint is suspected to be a heavenly rank...]

Zhang Xibao took out his mobile phone, squinted his eyes and glanced, found Wang Xiao's contact information, and planned to visit the latest results of the laboratory.

Now that the Fifth Holy Order is in hand, those tens of billions of projects are still flying in the sky, let's cook the "duck" early...

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