Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 240 Qian Tai: Do You Think I Still Have A Chance?

After the meeting, Wang Xiao was free. Zhang Xibao said he was going to visit the new laboratory, and he readily accepted.

The next day, Zhang Xibao arrived on time outside the laboratory Wang Xiao had mentioned, which was in a building not far from the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

Wang Xiao hurried to pick him up.

Zhang Xibao teased: "Your uncle's daughter is born? Is it a boy or a girl?"

Wang Xiao was taken aback, and waved his hand: "It's born, it's born, twins!"

"Dragon and phoenix twins, very good at giving birth..."

Zhang Xibao wanted to say something more, but Wang Xiao quickly changed the subject: "The preliminary test of the prototype machine has been successful, and the next step is to solve its size problem and add various functions to it."

"I understand, I understand, it's the difference between a mobile phone and a smartphone!"

Zhang Xibao and Wang Xiao walked shoulder to shoulder to the laboratory.

The laboratory is very large, occupying an entire floor of the building, and there is a sense of rigor and simplicity everywhere, except for the white walls, there are only various instruments left.

"Most of the money is spent on the protective magic circle, and the machine test uses top-grade spirit stones. If it explodes, the consequences will be disastrous, so I bought the magic circle with the highest protection factor from the Five Dragons Association..." Wang Xiao explained.

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "If the money is entrusted to you, you will be the main spender. Just show me the bill. If it is not enough, ask for it again. I have a hunch that what our project produces is definitely something epoch-making!"

The two looked around, and the experimenters in the laboratory looked quite old. Wang Xiao explained: "These are members of the Blue Dragon Club who retired from the Five Dragon Club. I rehired them with a high salary. They are young and professional members. They are all members of the Five Dragons Club, I am not good at poaching..."

"Age is not a problem, as long as you are professional enough!"

The two guys visited for a while, Zhang Xibao suddenly turned around and asked: "Is there any way to convert the signal transmitted in the foreign land to the external equipment, for example, I will broadcast a live broadcast for everyone in the foreign land, and the fans outside will also can see?"

"Our device can work in a different territory or a foreign country, but it will be difficult to cross the gate of a foreign realm..."

Wang Xiao said with some embarrassment: "So far, the world's technology has not solved this problem. I understand Qingqi quite thoroughly. For high-tech and the Internet, it is necessary to find professional people to do it."

"Is the Internet..."

Zhang Xibao muttered, thinking of the bespectacled young man on the opposite side of the live broadcast.

I don't know where he got those few confidential photos about the surrounding countries, but this alone shows that this kid is an Internet wizard!

Anyway, after two days, Haocang Island Juling Peach Pills will mature, so he has to go back to Beishi, and stop by the place where the young man with glasses is detained.

I have to find a way to coax him back to make a machine for myself!

"Professionals, I really have someone to choose."

Zhang Xibao said to Wang Xiao: "Leave it to me, I will find you a partner to work on this instrument together!"

"Oh, right!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the old experimenters who were busy in the laboratory: "Let the old people rest more when it's time to rest, don't get tired, these are all treasures, you have to take good care of them!"

"The Juling peach cores will be ripe next week. I'll bring back hundreds of boxes of special products, and each person will give out one box. It will be treated as a company benefit!"

The box that Zhang Xibao gestured to was as big as a cubic meter, and it would have to be filled with a thousand Juling peach seeds. According to the market price, a box would sell for more than two million yuan...

"I'll go, Grandpa Bao!"

Wang Xiao was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth: "Hey, let me thank Master Bao first on behalf of the elders!"

After leaving the laboratory building, Zhang Xibao went to Qian's house again.

The Juling peach core is about to ripen, and the most important thing is not Zhang Xibao, but the Qian family.

Not only was he nervous about whether the spirit-gathering peach core could be successfully transported from Haocang Island, but he was even more nervous about Zhang Xibao's identity.

The Fifth Dark Saint Qilin appeared in the world, Qian Dafu happily returned home, and told his son Qian Taiyi about it, Qian Tai almost pouted with a cluck.

Zhang Xibao, Baoye, 10 billion, and Wang Xiao have newly established a laboratory and a large amount of funds from unknown sources, and the Black Dragon Club doesn’t care about the Haocang Island business. This business is actually Qilin’s business, and Baoye is Qilin. Zhang Xibao is Master Bao, and Zhang Xibao is Qilin!

Otherwise, how dare a student threaten me like this?

For a moment, Qian Tai thought of a lot.

"Son, what's the matter with you?" Qian Dafu was puzzled, isn't it the fifth dark saint Qilin who was born, why did his son react so strongly?

His father Qian Dafu didn't know about signing the VAM agreement with Zhang Xibao, and he signed it with Zhang Xibao entirely out of his own cleverness.

So Qian Dafu didn't know that Zhang Xibao took the Qian family's 10 billion, and he didn't think that the Dark Sage had anything to do with Zhang Xibao.

The old man was still happy. Zhang Xibao introduced the tens of billions of business to the Qian family. The anchor Bao Ye also helped to promote it. He also asked Qian Tai if he paid someone to advertise?

Qian Tai suppressed the shock in his heart, and covered his chest: "Father, I feel a little stuffy in my chest, go out to get some air..."

At this time, the steward Qian came to report.

"Master, Zhang Xibao is here..."


Qian Tai waved his hand: "Go...please come in!"

The meeting place was still in the hall when the contract was signed, and Qian Tai took out the spiritual tea he had treasured for many years to brew.


Zhang Xibao strode over and sat down, picked up the teacup, smelled it, and exclaimed, "Good tea!"

"Hehe... Spiritual tea produced in a foreign land sells for 50,000 points for one or two taels. Student Zhang must drink more!"

Qian Tai was still pretending to be calm, his eyes swept over Zhang Xibao, comparing it with the Dark Saint Qilin in his impression.

Zhang Xibao took a sip and felt that the tea soup was extremely rich in freshness.

"Why, there are flowers on my face?" Zhang Xibao put down his teacup and asked Qian Tai with a smile.

Qian Tai took out the VAM agreement, pushed it to Zhang Xibao, and asked, "I'll trade this contract for a question, are you Master Bao?"

Qian Tai didn't dare to ask directly if you are Qilin, you must know that this involves the secrets of the Five Dragons Association, if you ask directly, you will burn yourself.

"This question is worth 10 billion?"

Zhang Xibao joked: "It's such a valuable question, if you think I am, I will answer yes, if you think no, I will answer no, otherwise I will not feel at ease with the money!"

Zhang Xibao also understood Qian Tai's meaning, Qian Tai didn't care whether he was Master Bao at all, he only cared whether he was Qilin!

"I see……"

Zhang Xibao's expression told Qian Tai too much, Qian Tai pushed the contract to Zhang Xibao, saying that he would handle it with Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao pushed the contract back to Qian Tai: "You continue to hold the contract, I don't dare to take advantage of the family for nothing, what is that word called, contract, people must have the spirit of contract!"

Qian Tai stared at the contract in silence, and Zhang Xibao continued: "Juling Peach Pit will be ripe next week, let Qian's transport truck wait at the exit of Haocang Island, and I will help you to transport it out after picking."

"Okay, that's all I want to say, it's time to leave for Beishi early."

Zhang Xibao stood up, smiled strangely at Qian Tai, and asked, "Except for Qinglong and the others, as far as you know, isn't it really cool?"

Without waiting for Qian Tai's reaction, Zhang Xibao said again: "Don't forget to send someone to Hao Cang Island to pick up the goods, and bring me some spiritual tea you brewed, just a few catties, I don't drink much..."

Qian Tai hid the contract back into the square inch bracelet, thinking that I'm so freaked out, I wish I could lose my memory on the spot!

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