Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 241 My People, Who Dares To Move

It is not only Qian Tai who wants to lose his memory on the spot, but also Xi Baihu.

It's so embarrassing for the dignified Four Sages to be knocked out with a punch!

Although it is impossible to spread this matter, but thinking about it will kill the society!

Tang Yinghuang opened her eyes, and the phantom of the white tiger emerged, and the shattered bones in her chest creaked, and her body was recovering rapidly...

"I don't agree..."

Tang Yinghuang poked her neck and said, "I still have tricks that are useless!"

The unique move of the White Tiger Holy Physique burns lifespan and blood, and temporarily increases combat power by dozens of times.

Queen Tang pressed the third sister back to the hospital bed, and persuaded her: "The dark sage is your colleague of the Five Dragons Association, not the enemy of the western border, what tricks do you use! If you insist on a life-and-death fight and offend everyone, are you stupid? Ah You?"

Tang Yinghuang hummed twice, and lay back down again. Although the White Tiger Saint Body healed itself very quickly, the wound really hurt.

The dark sage's punch on her chest knocked her out of breath, so she passed out on the spot.

"Third Sister's bear was smashed to the ground..."

Tang Linlang was lying on the side of the hospital bed, and suddenly said this.

Queen Tang pressed the little Lolita's forehead: "Don't talk nonsense, your third sister's bear has always been so flat..."

"You two!"

Tang Yinghuang's eyebrows were erected, and she wanted to get up and hit the second sister and the younger sister with pillows.

At this time, Tang Tonghai knocked on the door and walked in.

The three girls returned to normal. Tang Yinghuang lay back on the hospital bed, Queen Tang looked serious, and Xiao Linlang lay on the side of the hospital bed and looked at her grandfather curiously.

Tang Tonghai waved to Queen Tang: "Take Linlang out to play first, I'll talk to your third sister..."

"Okay, Grandpa."

Queen Tang pulled little Lolita out the door, leaving space for the two of them.

"Is the wound better? Rest at home for a few days before returning to the western border!"

Tang Tonghai came to the bed and helped Tang Yinghuang to sit up.

"Thank you grandpa..."

Tang Yinghuang stared at the white sheets and said nothing. She knew that her behavior had caused troubles to the Tang family, and she must have angered her grandfather.

At this time, Tang Yinghuang on the hospital bed was not Xibaihu, but Tang Tonghai's third granddaughter.

"It's been hard for you these years, guarding the western border, you should be as carefree as little Linlang..." Tang Tonghai sighed.

"It's okay, Grandpa. I have a good life in the western border. My companions are very nice. I have never complained about the Tang family."

Tang Yinghuang said suddenly: "I only hate that I am not strong enough to pick off that elephant's head!"

"Grandpa is afraid that you will do something stupid!"

Tang Tonghai took Tang Yinghuang's hand: "It doesn't matter if you offend the people of the Five Dragons Association. The Tang family will take care of you, but you are fighting desperately on the western border. What if something happens one day? Promise grandpa, Never use the forbidden technique of the White Tiger Holy Physique, you should use it as a means to deter the enemy, but don't really use it!"

"I know, I know..." Tang Yinghuang muttered softly.

Tang Tonghai was a little helpless. His three granddaughters, the second granddaughter Queen Tang Bingxue was smart, and the younger granddaughter was innocent and cute. Only the third granddaughter had a great brain but was gifted.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and the four major families are no exception...

Zhang Xibao was flying to Beishi in Phoenix.

With Qilin's edict in hand, the no-fly order and the imperial capital's grand formation have no effect on him.

"Am I on a business trip?"

Zhang Xibao said with emotion: "Hey, a bare-handed commander, how can the boss on a business trip do it himself?"

I heard that the IQ of the leader of the spirit ape has skyrocketed now, and many supernatural beings who used broken books to cheat Juling peach were beaten up.

Zhang Xibao had to go personally for the Spirit Gathering Peach Pit, otherwise the spirit apes would not buy it.

Arriving at the boundary of Beishi, Zhang Xibao was not in a hurry to go to Haocang Island, anyway, there were still two days before the Juling Peach Pit matured, so Zhang Xibao planned to visit the young man with glasses.

With the holy order in hand, Zhang Xibao first contacted Wei Huo Hu and asked Huo Hu to arrange for him to go to Beishi Prison to see the young man with glasses.

After a while, Wei Huohu replied: "The arrangement is complete."

"Also, if you ask me to arrange it, I will definitely arrange it. You don't need to use the Holy Order for such a trivial matter. The Qilin Holy Order is not for you to use..."

Zhang Xibao replied with a smiling face, and then said: "Yeah, I know, I just want to try it out to see if it works. 』

Tail Fire Tiger replied: "..."

Beishi Black Dragon Club.

Zhang Xibao put on Master Bao's masquerade mask, and the members of the Black Dragon Society received orders from Xingxiu Taihuo Huohu to politely take Zhang Xibao in.

When walking towards the cell, Zhang Xibao asked, "What's that guy's name?"

Members of the Black Dragon Society replied: "He Xiansheng."

"Hey, what a good name, it's a holiness in front of everyone!" Zhang Xibao sighed and came to a single cell.

Most of the people imprisoned in the cells of the Black Dragon Society in Beishi were supernatural beings. If the young man with glasses were locked up with those guys, he would be tortured to death.

At the door of the cell, there were two crooked people standing at the door, one black and one white, holding the window and saying something excitedly into the cell.

"Heh bah!"

The middle-aged white man spat into the cell.

The members of the Black Dragon Society turned cold, and warned in a cold voice: "Mr. Smith, this is the Black Dragon Society, not a place for you to run wild."

Smith apologized and smiled: "Sorry, I was too emotional, after all, there is a shameless thief living in the cell!"

A member of the Black Dragon Society said: "Even so, you cannot endanger his personal safety. The Black Dragon Society will decide for itself what kind of punishment he should receive."

"Sir, the Black Dragon Society must hand over this thief to us. He violated our rights and caused us huge losses!" Smith argued.

The member of the Black Dragon Society ignored him and glanced at his watch: "There are still five minutes, and you should leave."

The strong black man stood up and questioned the members of the Black Dragon Society: "Sir, you are too arrogant, you are not a gentleman at all!"

"Oh? Are you going to shoot me?"

Members of the Black Dragon Society smiled: "If you dare to do something to me, I will let you know what a gentleman is."

Zhang Xibao gave the member of the Black Dragon Society a thumbs up with a smile, and looked into the solitary cell past Smith and the strong black man.

He Xiansheng was sitting on the bed, flipping through a magazine, unmoved by the dispute outside the window.

"Hi, [Big Fish from Haitang Family]?"

After Zhang Xibao said this, the young man with glasses raised his head, his eyes sparkled, and he asked in surprise and joy, "Master Bao?"

"Yes, it's me, ahahahaha..." Zhang Xibao waved towards the cell.

He Xiansheng glanced at Smith and the black burly man, and reminded Zhang Xibao: "Master Bao, you can come to see me another day, it's not convenient today."

Zhang Xibao understood what He Xiansheng was worried about. Smith and the strong black man were all supernatural beings, and the visitors were not kind. It was safe in the cell of the Black Dragon Society. He Xiansheng was afraid that he would hurt Master Bao.

"Hey, it's okay, the two crooked nuts can still turn the world upside down in Dabei City?" Zhang Xibao waved his hands casually.

"I know you!"

Smith suddenly pointed at Zhang Xibao and said, "You are the anchor who leaked secrets with the thief!"

"Am I popular? Are you famous and have gone abroad?"

Zhang Xibao looked at Smith and the strong black man in surprise: "Crabs are not meat, but oil?"


Smith frowned and said, "Sir, I can speak Daxia!"

"Can you speak Daxia? That's easy!"

Zhang Xibao made a rap V sign.

"Crab is not meat"

"I am the anchor Xiaobao"

"Love to eat juling walnuts"

"Come to Hao Cang Island"

"Don't even think about running away with little money! 』

"This is my fan show"

"Network Wizards Appear"

"I want to take him back to the imperial capital to show his sanctity"

"Whatever you say is useless"

"skrskr? 』

Members of the Black Dragon Society, He Xiansheng, Smith, and the strong black man all looked dumbfounded.

"Sir, what exactly do you want to express?" Smith asked impatiently.

"Do you understand Daxia language?"

Zhang Xibao impatiently pointed to He Xiansheng in the prison cell, and said to Smith: "He Xiansheng is my man, don't even try to touch anyone!"

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