
Zhang Xibao waved his hand, and the huge spirit apes began to load the spirit-gathering peach cores onto the transport vehicle.

After a while, Qian's hundreds of cars were filled to the brim.

Butler Qian is shocked now.

He was shocked that Zhang Xibao was able to command these mysterious beasts.

He was shocked that so many alien beasts entered and exited the alien gate, and the Beishi Alien Administration Bureau didn't care.

He was shocked that the number of Juling Peach Pit greatly exceeded Qian's budget!

Qian Tai told the housekeeper that this is a big deal worth hundreds of billions, but the value of the spirit-gathering peach cores in front of him is more than hundreds of billions!

Did the spirit apes put Jin Kela on Juling Taolin? How can there be so much output!

This is going to be posted!

Steward Qian doesn't care about so many other things, he believes that he only needs to do his job well, and now these hundreds of cars of Juling peach cores are his job!

Watching the transport vehicles drive away, Zhang Xibao seemed to see a sum of points flying into his pocket.

He also holds the financial rights of the spirit apes, which means that from now on, his and Qian's share will be 80 to 20.


The 10 billion VAM agreement, not to mention three years, can be repaid this year, and can earn tens of billions!

"Steward Qian, shall I withdraw first?" Zhang Xibao greeted Steward Qian.

"Hey hey, you go!"

Steward Qian stared at the transport vehicle and couldn't move away. He respectfully gave Zhang Xibao a small piece, and then hurried back.

Zhang Xibao took out his phone and clicked on Wei Huo Hu's chat box.

"I want to take He Xiansheng away, you do it for me." 』

After a while, Tail Fire Tiger replied: "Okay. 』

"This efficiency is incredible!"

Zhang Xibao laughed happily: "So what if I don't have a younger brother, I have Brother Hu! Hehe..."

Beishi Black Dragon Club.

He Xiansheng sat cross-legged on the bed and flipped through the magazine. He had flipped through the old magazine several times in the past few days. Master Bao said he could take him out, so he could only wait patiently.

Thinking of Smith who looked like a mad dog, He Xiansheng felt safer in the cell.

Their firewall is so weak, how dare they go to Daxia to find fault?

"He Xiansheng, you can go." A member of the Black Dragon Society came over and handed He Xiansheng's original clothes to him.

"Can I go?" He Xiansheng asked in surprise.

"Yes, there is someone who calls himself Master Bao waiting for you outside."

"Oh, by the way, be careful Smith, this guy is still staring at you."

The members of the Black Dragon Society didn't say any more, put down their clothes and left.

The surprise came a bit suddenly, just after talking about Master Bao, Master Bao came!

He Xiansheng took off his gray prison uniform, put on his original black jacket and jeans, and put on his black-rimmed glasses, returning to his original appearance during the live broadcast.


He Xiansheng went out and asked happily: "Master Bao, did you find someone to release me?"

Zhang Xibao replied with a smile: "I asked someone to lock you up for three more days."

He Xiansheng:? ? ?

"I'll let you out in advance. I'm afraid you've already been killed by Smith and the others. If you really want to talk about what you did, it's actually quite serious." Zhang Xibao spread his hands.

"I just turned over the firewall and downloaded a few photos..."

He Xiansheng's explanation was a bit guilty, after all, it was a matter of life and death.

"Well, your behavior is tantamount to slapping your face!"

Zhang Xibao patted He Xiansheng on the shoulder: "However, you did a great job!"

"Come back to the imperial capital with me. I need you for a project. Don't you keep yelling that you can't use your talents? Whether you can live well in the world of spiritual recovery, you still have to rely on yourself..."

Zhang Xibao made it clear directly, and let He Xiansheng make his own choice.

"Okay, anyway, I'm alone, so I'll fuck you, Master Bao!"

He Xiansheng thought for a while, and then agreed.

He Xiansheng proposed to go home to pack his equipment, and Zhang Xibao took the time to book him a ticket to Feididu in Zhangbei City.

Zhang Xibao wanted to ride a phoenix back, so it was inconvenient to take He Xiansheng with him.

"Little mouse?"

Chinchilla squeaked twice, and poked its head out of its pocket.

"Follow He Xiansheng, protect him to go to the imperial capital, and then take him to see Wang Xiao..."

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Chinchilla ran up to the top of He Xiansheng's head, and grabbed He Xiansheng's hair with two paws.

"Hey, Master Bao, you won't come with me?" He Xiansheng knew that Master Bao had a mouse-shaped beast, and he was no stranger to it.

"I still have something to do, you go first."

Zhang Xibao watched He Xiansheng and Chinchilla leave, then turned to look at a black commercial vehicle in the distance.

"Have you been targeted since you came out of the Black Dragon Society..."

No need to guess, the person who was eyeing He Xiansheng must be Smith. This guy couldn't take He Xiansheng away through normal channels, so he started to play tricks.

Zhang Xibao was too lazy to fight with these boring guys, so he took out the Flaming Crow Flag and called the Crow King Xiaoni out.

"Be quicker this time, and then come back to the Imperial Capital to find me..."

"Okay, Ga! 』

Zhang Xibao told him to fly into the sky on a phoenix.

He Xiansheng took a taxi bound for the airport, and there was a black commercial vehicle hanging not far behind the car.

A strong black man drove the car, and Smith sat in the passenger seat.

"The ticket to the beautiful country has already been bought. When we kill him, we should keep it a secret. Let's go home directly. I don't believe that the Black Dragon will find out!"

Smith loaded the gun, gave one to the big black man, and hid one himself.

He bought the gun on the black market and it cost him a fortune.

The black burly man nodded, controlled the vehicle and followed the taxi closely, but he didn't realize that a big golden crow was following in the sky behind him.

This wave belongs to the praying mantis catching the cicada, and the crow king is behind...


The roof of the commercial vehicle suddenly sags.


Smith looked up and looked at the claw marks on the roof in horror.


The burly black man yelled and slammed on the brakes, trying to throw something off the roof.

bang bang bang!

Smith fired three shots.

Stab it!

The roof of the commercial vehicle was ripped apart like tofu, and the crow king Xiaoni shook his wings, the bullets from the three shots just now scratched it very itchy.

Crow King Xiaoni stuck his head into the car and said, "Stop the car, or die, qua! 』

The sense of oppression from the ground-level beast made the strong black man tremble, the steering wheel deflected, and the vehicle crashed into the roadside railing out of control.


Smith and the black burly man flew out from the front window of the car, and the two of them got shards of glass on their faces and lay motionless on the ground.

"Gah? 』

Xiao Ni, the Crow King, tilted his head, thinking that they were lying down before I made a move?

Zhang Xibao said to do it quickly, Xiao Ni thought for a while, grabbed the two unconscious people and flew north.

After crossing the national border, further north is the territory of the Xiong people. The beautiful country and the Xiong country have always been at odds, and Xiaoni thinks it is just right to throw these two people to the Xiong people.

Smith and the strong black man will be arrested by the Xiong people as spies, and they will definitely not be released in ten or eight years.

This wave, this wave is a disaster...

Little Ni Gaga smiled, thinking that eating more Juling Peach Pit is really good, this spiritual wisdom is soaring upwards!


Xiao Ni left the two of them not far from the outpost of Xiong Guoren, flapped his wings and flew high into the sky, heading for the imperial capital.

Mission accomplished!

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