Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 244 Lord Dark Saint Is So Terrifying

"Take the bamboo shoots, hahahaha..."

After listening to Xiao Ni's narration, Zhang Xibao laughed, patted the bird's head, and rewarded a box of Juling Peach Pit, and let Xiao Ni fly back to the Flame Crow Banner to rest.

The phoenix flew fast, Zhang Xibao first congratulated Xiansheng and returned to the imperial capital, and waited with Wang Xiao outside the laboratory building for a while, while the Chin Maoshu guided He Xiansheng to meet him.

"Let me introduce, He Xiansheng is a prodigy playing the Internet. I helped you find a helper."

Zhang Xibao pointed to Wang Xiao and introduced: "This is Wang Xiao, a member of the Blue Dragon Club, and is currently in charge of a tens of billions project."

"Ten billion?!" He Xiansheng stared, he only heard Master Bao said there was a project, but he didn't expect the project to be so big!

Wang Xiao waved his hand: "Hey, I'm just a part-time worker, and our Master Bao is the big boss!"



Wang Xiao and He Xiansheng greeted each other, shook hands, and looked at each other with curiosity in their eyes.

"Okay, Wang Xiao, where is that warehouse? The Juling peach cores mentioned last time are ripe. I will leave fifty boxes for you in the warehouse, and you can distribute them freely."

Zhang Xibao told the two people: "You two can discuss things like projects, salary, and non-disclosure agreements. I'll do the logistics for you, and you two can do it boldly!"

The three chatted enthusiastically for a while, Zhang Xibao left, and let two professional people chat.

Life fell into peace again, and Zhang Xibao started a life of fishing in get out of class and practicing swords after class.

"Different" on Zhang Xibao's mobile phone has opened a brand new module called [Merit System].

Only members of the Five Dragons Club can open this module. Ever since Zhang Xibao became the Dark Sage, there has been such a thing in "Odd".

Zhang Xibao clicked on [Merit System] and looked at it, his eyes lit up instantly.

"Good guy, nesting dolls belong, a point of merit is equivalent to 100 points!"

"The meritorious value can only be obtained by completing missions. A little meritorious deed is worth 10,000 yuan?!"

"Which design ghost came up with such a software, absolutely!"

The items in the [Merit System] are more abundant than those in the "Different" mall, such as exotic firearms that ordinary people can't touch: black teeth, flame tongues, ancient bombs and so on.

In addition, there are also the exercises that Qinglong and Bai Weiwei often talk about.

"Amplification-type exercises, attack-type exercises, defensive exercises..."

"Let me take a look... The low-grade exercise "Ba Ti Yin" is worth 100 merit points!"

"Where's Qinglong's "Dragon Yin Overlord Body"? It's worth... 100,000 merit points!"

"I made it, I made it, I actually missed Qinglong's 10 small goals in vain, hahaha..."

"Is there no one who buys a copy of the exercise and then sells it, and resells it to make a difference?"

In an instant, Zhang Xibao found a bug in the system.

Zhang Xibao scratched his head and noticed the announcement of the Gongfa Mall. After looking at it for a while, he found the reason.

Almost anyone can practice low-grade exercises, while middle-grade exercises start to depend on one’s physique. If one’s physique is not suitable, one may die suddenly if practiced forcibly.

Moreover, the [Meritorious Merit System] is only open to the inside of the Five Dragons Club, and each exercise sold is strictly recorded in the background of the system. If the members of the Five Dragons Club know the law and break the law and resell the exercises for profit, the consequences will be very serious.

In a word, don't stretch out your hand, you will be caught if you stretch out your hand!

Zhang Xibao immediately dismissed the idea of ​​making a fortune.

If he did this, tomorrow's headline would be: [Shameless! The fifth dark sage resells his skills and is hunted down by the four sages! 】

The most important thing: Zhang Xibao's current merit value is 0.

Ever since Zhang Xibao became the Fifth Dark Sage, he has been fishing in Qingbei without a single mission.

"Wow, this is so hard..."

Inside the Five Dragons Club, the Red Dragon Club and the Yellow Dragon Club have the least number of people. They belong to the Administration Department, the Blue Dragon Club belongs to the Equipment Department, and the White Dragon Club belongs to the Medical Rescue Department. Plant tasks.

The Black Dragon Society was understaffed, which led to a lot of time-consuming and energy-intensive old-fashioned missions with little meritorious rewards in the missions of the [Merit System].

"Investigate the XX park mutation..."

"Collect samples of XX plants and animals for research..."

"Measure the clean air concentration in XX city, collect clean air data..."

Zhang Xibao browsed the past line by line, all of which were small tasks that rewarded 1 to 10 points of merit.

Ordinary members of the Black Dragon Society are busy with their feet off the ground, so how can anyone accept a garbage task with merit points.

Zhang Xibao rubbed his chin, thinking that if others don't do it, I can do it!

I have more than a thousand crows!

Raising a younger brother is not for eating dry food, isn't it just for taking it out?

These guys would cost Zhang Xibao thousands of dollars for a Qi and Blood Pill. Even if they were to complete a task with 1 point of merit, they would still earn thousands of dollars in blood!

"Not bad……"

Immediately doing what he said, Zhang Xibao took out the Flaming Crow Flag, and more than fifteen hundred crows flew out.

Originally, there were only 1,000 crows in the Flame Crow Banner including the Crow King. Later, under the vigorous baby-making movement of the Flame Crows, the number of crows increased to more than 1,500.

"Hello master, Ga! 』

"Master, master, hungry, rice..."

"Hey shit, the crow is extraordinary..."

"oh~♂year~thank you~"

A group of crow boys shouted at one go, making Zhang Xibao's temples throb.


Zhang Xibao yelled, but there was no sound at all.

"I know how to eat and eat all day long..."

"I've never seen a crow with a beer belly!"

"Where is the peak crow that was promised? Since I came to the imperial capital, the patrols have stopped, and I have started playing cards again, and I have learned to smoke, right?"

Zhang Xibao cursed so loudly that a group of flame crows did not dare to breathe.

At the end, Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Give me a task, and those who complete the task come to eat..."

Crow King Xiaoni ranked the crow brothers according to comprehensive factors such as strength, age, and qualifications.

The crow boys lined up according to their numbers, and whoever Zhang Xibao read had the number would step forward to take the task.

Crow boys who are smarter and more powerful will take some complicated tasks, and crow boys with low IQ will take some less difficult tasks.

In order to avoid accidents, the Flaming Crows formed an investigation team of three, and took away more than half of the old missions in a short while.

Upholding the simple quality of mosquito legs being meat, Zhang Xibao scattered more than a thousand crows.

At the same time, all the staff in the main control center of the Black Dragon Club in the imperial capital were stunned.

Because the background keeps popping up the message that the task has been taken away.

[Investigate park changes] task has been received.

Reward merit value: 5 points.

Recipient: Fifth Dark Saint Qilin.

[Sample Collection] The task has been received.

Reward merit value: 3 points.

Recipient: Fifth Dark Saint Qilin.

【XXX】The task has been received.

Reward merit value: 1 point.

Recipient: Fifth Dark Saint Qilin.


Everyone gasped.

The four sages must either guard the border, or fly around the world to save Daxia. The fifth dark sage will let this quest go!

The task of 1 meritorious value, Lord Dark Saint also accepts it, it is so terrifying, so terrifying...

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, gritted their teeth calmly.

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