Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 245 The Appalling Case Of Ability Users

With the Crow Brothers coming out, more than half of the old tasks were killed, and the remaining tasks such as "calculate the clean energy content" required professional knowledge and equipment. The Crow Brothers had no professional training, so Zhang Xibao didn't make things difficult for them.

These tasks are left to ordinary supernatural beings to do.

The tasks of the Black Dragon Society are sometimes outsourced to ordinary supernatural beings, and those who complete the tasks are rewarded with points.

Many Black Dragon Society informants or superhuman teams do not rely on foreign lands, but rely on the Black Dragon Society's outsourcing tasks to earn points, which is less risky and can earn favors.

All in all, the results were pretty good, Zhang Xibao's merit points finally broke through zero, reaching more than six hundred.

Zhang Xibao spent 500 merit points in exchange for a stealth skill called [Tiger Walking]. The introduction of the skill is similar to the ancient light kung fu. It increases the speed while reducing the sense of presence. It is very practical, unlike [Ba Ti Yin] That has side effects.

On this day, Zhang Xibao had just finished his first class in the morning when Bai Weiwei came with a serious expression.

"problem occurs……"

As the two walked out, Bai Weiwei asked, "Are you short of merit points recently, should I lend you some?"

"No..." Zhang Xibao was also puzzled, not knowing why Bai Weiwei asked such a question.

"No shortage, why are you frantically taking on tasks that even ordinary members don't look up to? You are a majestic dark saint, and the staff who manage the backstage are stunned, you know..."

After Bai Weiwei explained it this way, Zhang Xibao understood, and he took over the old task by himself, and he could still see it from the chief controller of the Black Dragon Society.

Zhang Xibao hurriedly explained: "I'm not doing the task, it's my little crows. They're always playing cards in the Flame Crow Flag, and it's so unhealthy to have babies, so I'll find something for them to do, and earn merit points by the way."

"I see……"

Bai Weiwei changed the subject: "A mission with 10,000 merit points has appeared, only for the Five Sages, and the Black Dragon Society has specially assigned the mission to you."

There are two types of tasks in the [Merit System]:

One is the daily task, any member of the Five Dragons Club can take it, as long as you complete the task, you will be rewarded with merit points.

The other is special missions. After all, missions that are too dangerous are not suitable for ordinary members to do. They can only be dispatched by stars with high combat power or even five saints, and they will be rewarded with huge merit points.

"How about 10,000 merit points?"

Zhang Xibao didn't even ask about any tasks, so he clapped his hands together: "It has to be done, I'll take it!"

More than a thousand crows have worked so hard to get 500 merit points, and this one special mission has 10,000, Zhang Xibao will definitely take it.

He is envious of a lot of skills in the [Merit System]!

"What mission?"

Zhang Xibao called up the task panel and found that the special task had not been released at all.

"You'll know it after reading it..."

Bai Weiwei walked out of the school with Zhang Xibao. Zhang Xibao put on the Qilin mask and turned into a dark saint.

A helicopter parked in the Wulonghui Building in the imperial capital.

"We have to take a helicopter to Jin City next door, where the worst massacre of supernatural beings took place in recent years." Bai Weiwei pointed to the helicopter and signaled Zhang Xibao to board the plane.

"Hey, what kind of helicopter do you take? It's slow and not environmentally friendly. I can fly you with me!"

Fang Rui turned into a phoenix and uttered a cry, which attracted the staff in the building to wait and see.

"You strange treasure... so convenient!" Bai Weiwei sighed after holding back for a long time.

Zhang Xibao boarded the Phoenix and waved his hands: "You are not the first person to say this, the last passenger was Qinglong, your immediate boss..."

The phoenix flapped its wings and took off, galloping towards the neighboring city of Jin.

"The worst case of massacre was done by a person with supernatural powers?"

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised, what kind of case could be called the worst?

Bai Weiwei's voice came from behind: "Yes, the deceased was also a person with supernatural powers, and the appearance of his death is hard to explain in words, you will know after seeing it."

Before taking off, Zhang Xibao asked Bai Weiwei to sit in the front, but Bai Weiwei didn't sit, she insisted on sitting behind Zhang Xibao, now Zhang Xibao understood that the front was very windy, and Bai Weiwei had her own protection from the wind in the back!


Zhang Xibao asked again: "The suspect's rank is high, right? Otherwise, I wouldn't have been specially sent there..."

Bai Weiwei didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "Do you know that Ghost Jinyang handles the task of "Kidney Sutra"?"

"Oh? I really know something about this!"

Zhang Xibao recalled and said: "Ghost Jinyang successfully recovered the "Kidney Sutra", but the old man's son was taken away. In the mission report, Ghost Jinyang said that the person who took the old man's son was suspected to be a high-ranking person?"

"Yes, that person may have been responsible for the massacre of supernatural beings." Bai Weiwei's voice was blurred by the wind.

"I see."

After saying this, both of them fell into silence, because they were sitting on Phoenix's back and choked on the wind...


The scene of the crime was in a star hotel, so Zhang Xibao directly controlled Phoenix to land on the roof of the hotel.

Bai Weiwei took Zhang Xibao to the elevator and walked towards the scene of the crime.

The hotel has been banned by the Black Dragon Society, people from outside are not allowed to stay, and those who have already stayed in the room honestly.

As soon as he reached the floor of the crime scene, Zhang Xibao smelled a strong smell of blood. He frowned and walked towards the room where the crime occurred with a black seal.

The floor of the corridor was covered with a thick black-striped red-bottomed carpet, and now the tomato juice flowing from the closed room had soaked the carpet in a radius of one meter outside the door. (In order to avoid the horrible smell of blood, I have manually changed the blood to tomato juice ∠(?」∠)_Thank you for your understanding.)

"This is how many people died, such a large amount of juice..."

Zhang Xibao stepped on the wet carpet and pushed open the door, a tragic scene appeared in front of him.

Zhang Xibao, who was smelling like a purgatory in front of him, slowed down his breathing.

The white walls were splashed with red tomato juice like water.

"It's not splattering, it's more like venting..."

There were a lot of stumps and broken arms scattered on the ground and on the bed, and it was impossible to see how many supernatural beings had died.

Bai Weiwei explained behind Zhang Xibao: "Five supernatural beings died, four men and one woman, and their internal organs are gone..."

"There are still traces of biting on the stump..."

To preserve the scene, nothing inside was moved, and an old children's show was still playing on the TV.

Zhang Xibao stared at the TV, Bai Weiwei was a little puzzled, Mr. Ansheng was actually watching cartoons at the crime scene full of stumped limbs and arms.

Zhang Xibao turned his head and smiled at Bai Weiwei, and said, "Now I'm 100% sure that it was the supernatural being who robbed the old man's son!"

Bai Weiwei was very puzzled.

Zhang Xibao pointed to the TV: "This cartoon is called [Tom and Jerry], and the cat in it is called Tom. Do you remember the old man's son's nickname?"

Bai Weiwei's eyes widened: "[Self-disciplined Tom]!"

"That's right, clever Tom is sending us a signal to remind us that he was indeed robbed by someone..."

Zhang Xibao squatted down, picked up a mobile phone in the pool of blood, and showed it to Bai Weiwei: "The suspect didn't destroy the mobile phone that identified the deceased's identity information, is he crazy?"

Putting the phone back where it was, Zhang Xibao turned around and left the smelly room, and waved his hands: "Let someone check the identity of the deceased, and bring it to me as soon as possible."

The two left the scene of the crime, Zhang Xibao walked while Bai Weiwei reported.

"All the tenants of the hotel have been investigated, and no abnormalities were found. There are indeed two men who lived in the room at the scene of the crime. One of them is [Tom]. His hair was shaved and he used a fake ID. It is estimated that It was done in the black market..."

"This is what the other tenant looks like."

Bai Weiwei handed the two portraits to Zhang Xibao. Zhang Xibao took a look at them. The first one was indeed [Tom] without hair.

The tenant in the second picture looks ordinary, and there is nothing special at all at first glance.

Bai Weiwei continued: "From the video of the hotel, after the incident, the two left the hotel. The Black Dragon Society has blocked all the routes leaving Jin City, and no abnormalities or personnel have been found for the time being..."

"I see..." Zhang Xibao nodded.

The two returned to the top of the building.

Zhang Xibao took out the flame crow flag, waved the flag, and the flame crows flew out one by one.

"Go and find these two people for me, even if you dig three feet, you have to find them for me!"

Zhang Xibao showed the two portraits to the little crows, and the flame crows flew into the sky screaming.

People may not be able to keep an eye on people, but animals can. The density of birds in Jin City is very high, and the little crows have special communication skills. If they go out, they will probably get news of the two suspects soon.

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