Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 246 The Unlucky \"Tarantula\" Squad

Zhang Xibao stood on the roof and looked up, the tip of his nose was still surrounded by a vague smell, the smell was quickly blown away by the wind, he was waiting for the news from the crow brothers.

"The investigation report is out."

Bai Weiwei brought a stack of reports to Zhang Xibao, and Zhang Xibao began to browse with his head down.

The time of the incident was two o'clock in the morning.

The fatal injuries of the five deceased were laceration injuries and penetrating injuries, all of which were fatal instantly, otherwise other guests would definitely complain to the hotel front desk.

As for the gnawing marks on the stumps, they were left after their death.

The victim's internal organs were missing. According to the surveillance, the two suspects left without holding anything, but the hundreds of kilograms of internal organs were missing.

Since the suspect did not destroy the deceased's mobile phone and other items, the identities of the five deceased could be easily found out.

These five supernatural beings are a hired team named [Tarant Spider], with a strength of one mysterious rank and four yellow ranks.

"This team is very interesting..."

Zhang Xibao was holding a criminal record sheet of [Tarantula].

[Tarantula] The team is suspected of intimidation, extortion, extortion...

Due to the lack of key evidence, and because the ordinary citizens targeted by [Tarantula] were unwilling to prosecute, this is a team of spicy chicken superpowers who are getting away with it.

Among the supernatural beings, they are not strong enough, but for ordinary people, this team is very powerful.

"So they hit a hard nail and the whole army was wiped out?"

Zhang Xibao muttered to himself.

How did the ground-level suspect get involved with the [Tarant Spider] team? There is still some key information missing.

"Quack quack! 』

There was the cry of a crow, Zhang Xibao looked up, and saw a fiery red crow flapping its wings and landing.

The city of Tsu is not big, and the Flaming Crows began to return one after another.

"No ga! 』

"No ga! 』

"There is no news! 』


Zhang Xibao's brows gradually frowned, more than a thousand little crows didn't get any news about the two suspects!

"It's reasonable to say that earth-level supernatural beings are good at hiding, but he held [Tom] and walked away without any clues? My little crows didn't find any information!"

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin: "[Tom] reminded us of the identity of the suspect with animation, we can deduce that he was held hostage, so there shouldn't be any trace left..."

"Bai Weiwei, are you sure the tenants have no problems?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

"Do you suspect that they haven't left and are still hiding in the hotel?"

Bai Weiwei shook her head: "Members of the Black Dragon Society screened hundreds of tenants, and found nothing abnormal."

"I see."

Zhang Xibao took the lead to walk towards the elevator, beckoned, and signaled Bai Weiwei to follow: "One more screening, this time I will come in person!"

Zhang Xibao intends to use "Tiantian Tong" to go through each room thoroughly.

As soon as the two got off the elevator, they heard noisy voices in the hall.

A group of tenants were blocked in front of the hall door, cursing like shrews.

Members of the Black Dragon Society with serious expressions stood at the door with guns in their hands, not giving an inch.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Xibao asked.

A member of the Black Dragon Society came over and whispered something to Bai Weiwei. Bai Weiwei explained: "There has been a murder, and the tenants want to leave the hotel as soon as possible."

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao's eyes fell on a woman in the crowd.

Tongtian pupil flashed slightly, Zhang Xibao forced himself to look away.

In Tong Tiantong's field of vision, a black shadow lay on the woman's back.

"Possession, it really is still hidden in the hotel..."

"The tenant is still the tenant, but there is something extra in the body, no wonder the members of the Black Dragon Society didn't see it..."

Zhang Xibao approached Bai Weiwei's ear, and said in a low voice, "There is a red-haired woman at three o'clock, don't look at her, so as not to startle the snake, investigate and check her room number, tell all the tenants, and let them leave after half an hour. They return to the room first and wait patiently."

Bai Weiwei glanced at the three o'clock direction from the corner of her eye, and there was a young woman in a black dress standing quietly among the crowd.


Bai Weiwei stepped forward and slapped her hands to attract everyone's attention: "Everyone, listen to me, the Black Dragon Society has completed its investigation, everyone returns to the room and waits patiently. After half an hour, everyone will be able to leave."

"That's about the same!"

"Can the Black Dragon Society do whatever it wants?"

A group of tenants muttered and began to return to the room one after another, and the red-haired woman followed the crowd upstairs.

Bai Weiwei quickly went to the front desk of the hotel, and came back to tell Zhang Xibao: "We found out, the woman lives in 706, just downstairs from the scene of the crime."

"Understood, prepare to evacuate ordinary people, set up the magic circle, and prepare to arrest, that guy is at least a low-level person..." Zhang Xibao took the lead to go upstairs.

Bai Weiwei was even more puzzled: "Is that woman the suspect?"

"No, that woman is not, it's something behind her..."

Zhang Xibao smiled mysteriously: "You'll find out later."

The members of the Black Dragon Society acted quickly.

An explosion-proof magic circle was arranged outside the hotel building.

The floor of 806 and the ceiling of 606 were incomplete magic circles arranged by the members of the Blue Dragon Society, and only waiting for Zhang Xibao's order to seal the entire room of 706.

The remaining members of the Black Dragon Society began to evacuate the entire building for the reason of screening.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner...

Only the people in Room 706 are still in the dark.


Time went back to eight hours ago.

Zhang Xibao in the imperial capital is still sound asleep, and the murder in the hotel in Jin City has not yet happened.

In room 806.

[Tom] with a shaved head is sitting on the sofa watching [Tom and Jerry]

With a creak, the door of room 806 opened, and an ordinary-looking man walked in, glanced at the TV, looked at [Tom] again, and laughed, "[Tom] Sang, does a man of this age still watch cartoons?"

[Tom] retorted: "I can't catch up with Aoki-san's eccentricity in eight lifetimes..."

Aoki's quirk is strong sex and desire, [Tom] was kidnapped and fled all the way, Aoki slept with women all the way in various black markets.

"Ha ha……"

Qing Mupi looked at [Tom] for a while without smiling, and said: "You should tell the [Kidney Sutra] as soon as possible, and I can give you a good time, otherwise you won't be able to die if you wait for the neon to return. "

While speaking, a black shadow moved behind [Tom], and the black shadow has been sticking to [Tom]'s back, which can't be seen at first glance.

"I said die immediately, not to mention that I can die later, why don't you let me live for two more days? Maybe you can't escape Daxia at all..."

[Tom] forced a smile.

bang bang bang!

There was a knock on the door.

Aoki opened the door, and a woman with heavy makeup stood at the door.

The woman glanced at Aoki, then saw [Tom] on the sofa, and said, "Two people? Need to pay more!"

"money is not a problem……"

Aoki grinned and took out a gold bar.

The woman glanced at Jin Jin with satisfaction, and walked into the room.

At the corner of the floor, the four men looked at each other, nodded, and walked towards 806.

bang bang bang!

The door of Room 806 was knocked violently.

The four men rushed in aggressively, pointing at Aoki: "You dare to sleep with my wife? Lose money!"

[Tom] on the sofa laughed loudly, mockingly said: "Qingmu-san, have you heard of [Fairy Dance]?"

Aoki froze for a moment, his face turned green and red, he felt that he had been fooled.

He took out the gold bar and grinned at the [Tarant Spider] team: "Since I paid the money, then I'm not going to be polite?"

Puff puff!

There was a dull sound of falling to the ground and a tooth-piercing tearing sound.

[Tom] widened his eyes in horror, but the black shadow behind him pressed him tightly, making him unable to make a sound.

The [Tarantula] team of four men and one woman was torn apart by those black shadows like rag dolls.

A black-red liquid slowly overflowed from the door of 806...

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