Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 251 Strange And Unreliable

"It's really a one-stop service!"

Zhang Xibao sighed, "It's nice to be rich!"

Just after the holiday, a luxury car was parked downstairs at 8001.

The bodyguards escorted Zhang Xibao, Qian Chengjin, and Qian Guangming into the car, and the luxury car drove all the way to the airport.

The three guys didn't bring any luggage, and all the food, clothing and housing were prepared by Mrs. Qian, which was ordered by Mr. Qian Tai himself.

On the plane, the three seats were numbered consecutively, with Qian Chengjin in the middle, Zhang Xibao on the left, and Qian Guangming on the right.

Qian Guangming lay on the seat, plugged his earphones into his ears, put on his eye mask, and fell asleep.

Qian Chengjin pouted: "This kid played games all night last night, don't worry about him."

Afterwards, Qian Chengjin handed Zhang Xibao a small earphone, and introduced, "Brother Bao, this is a translation earphone, which can translate Neon language into Daxia language. It can be used when we go to play."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, took out a neon language textbook, and pointed to the book: "Brother Bao needs headphones? Isn't it just neon language, master it in minutes!"

Qian Chengjin dubiously put away the earphones, started to eat snacks, and fell asleep when he was full.

Zhang Xibao sat aside and browsed the teaching materials.

"Tiantian Dabaojian" endowed Zhang Xibao with a strong memory, and when Zhang Xibao finished flipping through the book at a glance, he could almost remember the contents of the book.

The recording of the interrogation of Aoki is backed up in Zhang Xibao's mobile phone. Although this guy yelled and said nonsense during the interrogation, his timbre and tone were still useful to Zhang Xibao.

Wearing headphones, Zhang Xibao carefully listened to the recording several times, then separated a small piece of Fang Rui and stuffed it into his mouth, constantly testing his own timbre.

"目を覚ます!" "Wake up! 』

Zhang Xibao pushed Qian Chengjin and shook the little fat man awake.


"How do I speak Japanese?" 』

Qian Chengjin inhaled in a bewildered expression, and his eyes lit up: "Brother Bao, your accent is perfect! I thought I was dreaming..."

Zhang Xibao smiled, what he said now was very similar to Aoki's accent.

Qian Guangming fell asleep to the neon lights, and when he woke up faintly, the plane was preparing to land.

Qian Chengjin asked curiously: "Is your kid on a regular schedule? You woke up just as you were about to call you?"

Qian Guangming shook the phone in his hand: "I really set the timer..."

The three guys got off the plane, and the bodyguards that Qian had arranged in advance at Neon greeted them.

"Welcome the three young masters to Neon. I am the person in charge of the Qian Group's Neon branch. My sire Ma Yan. The three young masters can come to me for any needs!"

Ma Yan is a smiling middle-aged man, a little short in stature, but very meticulous in his work.

He clapped his hands, and several smiling welcome ladies stepped forward, put garlands on the three of Zhang Xibao, served drinks, and guided the three to board the vehicles that had been prepared on the left and right.

"The hotel is ready, welcome the three young masters to stay!"

Ma Yan is very enthusiastic, but it's normal. Qian Chengjin and Qian Guangming are the future heirs of the Qian family. Can you not be enthusiastic about serving the young master?

"Ma Yan, your name is good!" Qian Guangming sipped his drink and winked at Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin.

Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin whistled and looked out the window with expressions of "I don't know this guy".

"The third young master likes it, so it's a good name, hahaha!" Ma Yan was not embarrassed, and flattered him comfortably.

A group of people chatted and laughed and came to the hotel. The room was in the presidential suite on the top floor, and each of the three guys had a room.

"I'm too tired from flying today, let's take a rest for half a day, and start tomorrow's comic exhibition!"

The Qian brothers started playing games in the living room, and Zhang Xibao returned to the room.

As soon as the plane landed, an email from an unfamiliar number appeared on Zhang Xibao's cell phone.

Zhang Xibao clicked on the email, and there was only a string of numbers on it. According to the secret language Zhang Xibao learned in the Black Dragon Club, the numbers translate to address and time.

The informant code-named [Du Juan] invited Zhang Xibao to meet at [Red Dragon Bar] [tonight at 12 o'clock].

Zhang Xibao had already memorized the code word and method of the meeting. He destroyed the email, glanced at the time, and began to prepare for tonight's meeting.

Zhang Xibao first used Fang Rui to pinch a neon face with single eyelids and a flat face, the kind of face that is thrown in the crowd and cannot be seen at a glance.

After the Qian brothers finished playing games in the living room, they went back to the room to play the handheld game console. Zhang Xibao locked the door behind him and let Crow King Xiaoni take him to fly down from the roof.

Zhang Xibao changed into the suit he had prepared in Tongtian Treasure, went to a nearby flower shop to buy a rose, took it in his hand, and finally walked towards the [Red Dragon] bar.

[Red Dragon] Outside the bar.

A few neon gangsters with dyed yellow hair were leaning against the wall to smoke, and a girl with heavy makeup squatted next to the trash can and vomited.

The tremor of the music faintly spread in the air, and the smell of tobacco, alcohol, and women's body powder really pickled the people who came out of the bar.

Holding the rose, Zhang Xibao walked across the aisle without turning his eyes, and walked towards the bar door.

"Moshi Moshi"

"Hey! 』


"Uncle! 』


"Lend me two money to spend? 』

Zhang Xibao's face at this time was an ordinary, uncle's face that looked weak, cowardly, and even a little ugly at first glance.

The yellow-haired gangster looked at each other, grinned, and rushed over to Zhang Xibao.

A few drunken bums set their minds on Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao sighed, he made it like this because he didn't want to draw attention from others, is there really someone who is not afraid of death and rushed to deliver the food?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The Taimei who was squatting on the ground laughed loudly, clenched her fist at Zhang Xibao, made a cute expression, and said encouragingly: "おじさん, 頑張ってください!"

"Uncle, come on! 』

Zhang Xibao pretended not to see these people, and walked towards the [Red Dragon] bar on his own.

"Don't ignore me, Hundan! 』

"Bageya Road~"

Zhang Xibao stopped and stroked his forehead: "Is it true that playing tongue is a necessary skill for neon gangsters?"

Seeing the three hooligans approaching, Zhang Xibao raised his leg to three feet.

The little girl's smile was still frozen on her face, and the three gangsters flew out, her eyes widened in shock, this ordinary-looking passer-by uncle is amazing!

"Kun tachi wa weak su ぎ masu..."

"You guys are as weak as side dishes..."

Zhang Xibao left such a sentence and walked straight towards the bar door.

The little girl wanted to stand up, but her feet went limp, and she fell down in the vomit.

"Makabaka, what a bad luck!"

Zhang Xibao brushed off the corner of his clothes. After he took the initiative to teach the gangster a lesson, at least three groups of people followed him.

Isn't this self-defeating? !

Fortunately, there is a second plan...

Zhang Xibao went into the men's room, took off his suit, threw the flowers into the toilet and flushed them away, changed into a black T-shirt and the face of a gangster, and walked to the bar with an expression of "I'm number one in the world".

"Five cups of [ghost fire]!" 』Zhang Xibao extended a slap.

"you sure? 』The bartender looked at Zhang Xibao suspiciously.

"Stop talking nonsense, five cups!" 』Zhang Xibao threw out a stack of neon bills.

The so-called [Ghost Fire] is a kind of fire wine with extremely high alcohol content, which is brewed with some kind of plant roots in foreign lands.

Before drinking, the bartender will ignite the wine syrup, and the flames from the wine syrup are faint blue, like will-o'-the-wisps from hell.

Ordinary people can't drink two glasses of this kind of wine, and those who don't know how to drink it rashly will even burn their esophagus.

But Zhang Xibao ordered five cups in one go, which naturally attracted the attention of some melon eaters. Everyone wanted to see how this stunned young man ignited his esophagus.

Soon, five cups of wine with blue flames were placed in front of Zhang Xibao.

The second plan is that when he drank five cups of [Ghost Fire], the informant [Du Juan] would appear in front of him to give the signal.

Zhang Xibao twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking that some idiot had come up with the connection method.

"Damn it! 』

Zhang Xibao drank the first cup of "wild fire", the blue flame disappeared into his esophagus, and the onlookers were disappointed.

Zhang Xibao picked up the [wild-wisp] and drank it again, two streams of white smoke spewed out from his nose.

He drank four cups in a row, and every time he drank a cup, he would secretly curse the informant Dashabi, and at the same time use his breath to dissipate the alcohol in the wine.

When he raised the fifth cup, a beautiful young woman rushed over and slipped into his arms.


Zhang Xibao tentatively asked the young woman in neon language: "Who lives in the big pineapple in the deep sea?" 』

"Honey, what are you talking about? 』

The young woman pulled Zhang Xibao's face: "You're still so masculine when you're drunk!" 』

There are ten thousand alpacas running in Zhang Xibao's heart, it turns out that this young woman has admitted the wrong person!

He just randomly found a passerby's face and put it on! How is it such a coincidence? The owner of this face is having an affair with this young woman!

bang bang bang!

The counter was knocked rhythmically three times.

Zhang Xibao turned his head to look, and an ordinary-looking office worker patted the wine and asked, "Can I have a drink?"

"Get out!"

Zhang Xibao drank the fifth cup of [wild-wisp] in one gulp, turned his head and walked out.

"Hey, honey, where are you going?" The young woman chased after her.

"Who's your darling?!"

Zhang Xibao shook off the woman and ran out of the crowd in one swift motion.

All kinds of coincidences have collided together, does this indicate that something will happen in the mission?

Fortunately, the information has been obtained...

Zhang Xibao stuck out his tongue, and a small memory card was spat out.

Just now, the informant [Du Juan] posing as an office worker knocked on the bar in rhythm, "Knock on the deck and let the big fish clear the way" was the next code word, and the memory card was thrown into the fire wine, and Zhang Xibao drank it again mouth.

Xiao Ni, the Crow King, carried Zhang Xibao back to the hotel. Zhang Xibao activated the memory card, and electronic files appeared on the screen one by one.

The floor plan of 【Shishen Liao】.

【Serving the Gods】The name, appearance and profile of the upper-level cadres...

The relationship diagram of the top cadres.

The location of rare treasures such as "Tiger Lord Nengmian" and "The Classic of Five Viscera".


“[Cuckoo] did a good job!”

Zhang Xibao smiled slightly, everything was ready, the only thing he owed was Dongfeng.

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