Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 252: The Amazing Horse Is Called Surprise

According to the plan, this guy Aoki should have returned to [Samurai] three days ago.

The Five Dragons Club deliberately released the real news that the [Tarantula] team was completely wiped out and the fake news that they were looking for suspects, so that the people in [Shishen Liao] mistakenly thought that Aoki was delayed because of his escape.

This created a time gap for Zhang Xibao's infiltration.

The informant [Du Juan] arranged a smuggling boat for Zhang Xibao. Tomorrow night, Zhang Xibao will take this boat to meet people from [Shishenliao] at Neon Bend.

Daylight the next day.

Zhang Xibao secretly pulled Qian Chengjin into the room, and asked him, "Do you want to see Nicholas? It's the brother Bao who protected you for a long time in the corpse mountain!"

Qian Chengjin nodded impatiently: "I think so, I haven't thanked him enough yet! Brother Bao, Nicholas is also in Neon?"

"You wait!"

Zhang Xibao walked into the bathroom, called Xiao Ni, and controlled some Fang Rui to shape Xiao Ni into his own image.

Fake Zhang Xibao is online again.

"Go, take a good stroll with the Qian family brothers, it will be your reward, don't you always talk about looking for Qian Chengjin to play with?"

The real and the fake Zhang Xibao walked out of the bathroom at the same time, Zhang Xibao, who was disguised as Xiao Ni, squeezed Qian Chengjin's face, and said, "Long time no see!" 』

Qian Chengjin opened his mouth wide in shock.

"Brother Bao, do you have something else to do?" Qian Chengjin asked curiously.

"Well, little fat man, you have to remember that Zhang Xibao has been playing with you and your brother at the comic exhibition, and never left your sight, you know?"

Zhang Xibao gave Qian Chengjin some instructions, and watched the three of them leave the hotel, heading towards the comic exhibition that was planned for their trip.

The meeting time between Aoki and [Shishenliao] was at night, and during the daytime, Zhang Xibao planned to visit the shrine of [Shishenliao].

[Shishen Liao] covers an area of ​​nearly 100,000 square meters and is divided into inner, middle and outer floors. Ordinary people can only enter the outer layer to visit and pray.

With a passerby's face on his face, Zhang Xibao bought a ticket, and strolled into the outermost floor of [Serving God's Office].

I have to say that the tickets are very expensive, but Zhang Xibao is not in a panic at all, because all the expenses for this mission will be reimbursed by Wulong...

The Tongtian pupil shone slightly, and Zhang Xibao wandered around the outer layer of [Shishen Liao], and found that there were some clay statues inside, which were ordinary and nothing special.

"The outer layer is just like an ordinary scenic spot, it is used to collect money, and there are problems with the middle layer and inner layer..."

From the perspective of Tongtiantong, there are traces of magic circles in the middle layer of [Shishen Liao], while the inner layer is pitch black and cannot be seen clearly.

"There are also underground..."

The underground shadow is bigger than the entire [Samurai Temple].

According to the information of the informant [Du Juan], the underground space was built in imitation of the headquarters of the Five Dragons Association, that is to say, [Shishen Liao] is surrounded by scenic spots, the middle level is a place for ordinary cadres to work, and the inner level is the site of high-level cadres. The underground is a prison for supernatural beings and a place to hide secrets.

Through a moon door, Zhang Xibao stretched his neck and looked towards the middle floor of [Serving God's Office].

A young man with a stern face stepped forward, stood in front of Zhang Xibao to block his sight, and said bluntly, "Sir, the middle floor is not open to the public!"

This young man's name is Miyano, he is a middle-level cadre of the [Shishen Liao], and Zhang Xibao has met him in the information given by someone online.

"Well, I'm looking for the toilet..."

Zhang Xibao turned his head and walked towards the toilet on the outer floor, while Miyano behind him was still watching him vigilantly.

"Everything can only wait until night..."

The sun was setting.

The whistle of the ship sounded, like the cry of a whale, long and soul-stirring.

Neon Bay is full of thousands of tons of seawater, and the shadow of the setting sun is broken, turning the seawater into a shimmering appearance.

A garbage boat slowly entered the harbor. This boat was the "smuggling boat" prepared by the informant for Zhang Xibao.

"The good show has begun..."

Zhang Xibao divided Fang Rui into two, and used half of it on himself, turning into a green wood, and the remaining half of Fang Rui dangled into a bald head【Tom】.

Zhang Xibao took out ten talisman bombs, and the fake [Tom] swallowed the talisman bombs one by one, like eating jelly beans.

"Hey, what is a surprise?"

Zhang Xibao fetched a piece of chain and tied up the fake [Tom] firmly.

The garbage boat slowly approached the shore, Zhang Xibao, who looked like green wood, dragged the fake "Tom" and jumped ashore, and two black shadows greeted him not far away.

"Hahahaha, I said that Aoki-san will definitely succeed!"

A guy with an airplane head came rushing over, reaching out to hug Zhang Xibao.

A small piece of hair protruded from Zhang Xibao's sleeve and pierced towards the face of the plane's nose.

"Go away, you're not a woman!" Zhang Xibao had already started to take on Aoki's role.

According to the information, the name of the head of the aircraft is Tsuruta, and he and Aoki belong to the same middle class and have a good relationship.


Tsuruta dodged the hair attack, and said with a smile: "Aoki-san has released the devil, you must be full of anger, right? Why don't you go to Red Dragon for a drink, and then find some beautiful girls Um?"

The other person, Zhang Xibao met during the day, was the young man Miyano, Miyano glanced at Zhang Xibao's fake "Tom", and said: "It's important to get down to business, the three of us should hurry back to [Shishen Liao] to report back! "

"Hey, Miyano is such a spoiler!"

Tsuruta shook his head regretfully: "But what you said makes sense, Aoki-san has made a great contribution this time, what kind of woman can't get it?"

"Then go back first!" Zhang Xibao glanced at Miyano, and walked towards the car driven by Fang Rui with the fake [Tom] that Fang Rui turned into.

"Is this the prisoner who has mastered the "Kidney Sutra", why does he look so stupid?"

Tsuruta kicked the fake [Tom], but the fake [Tom] didn't say a word.

Zhang Xibao explained: "I was scared to death!"

The two of them didn't suspect him, stuffed the fake "Tom" into the trunk, and the three of them got in the car and drove towards "Shishen Liao".

When they arrived at [Shishen Liao], the three got out of the car and took down the fake [Tom].

"Throw this guy into the cell first, the priest has prepared dust-cleaning wine for Aoki-san!"

He Tian wanted to take over the prisoner, Zhang Xibao shook his head: "I will come in person!"

"Then I'll go back and report to the priest!"

Miyano turned around and walked towards the inner floor of [Samurai Pavilion].

Zhang Xibao and He Tian escorted the fake [Tom] towards the underground prison.

"Which cell is prepared for him? The Kidney Sutra in this guy's mind has not been revealed at all!" Zhang Xibao pointed to the fake [Tom].

"Ah, of course it's a single-person deluxe torture room! Would you like me to help you interrogate, I have a good way of interrogating..." Tsuruta chuckled.

Zhang Xibao vomited with disgust in his heart, this Hetian was laughing and joking on the surface, but in fact, like Aoki, he was also a lunatic!

"Big Xia's captives are here, let's lock this guy here too!" Tsuruta opened an empty cell and kicked the fake [Tom] into it.

"Let's go, let's drink the dust-cleaning wine!"

He Tian and Zhang Xibao walked towards the ground shoulder to shoulder.

Although Zhang Xibao really wanted to crush Hetian to death, but he hadn't got such rare treasures as "Tiger Lord Nengmian" and "The Classic of Five Viscera", so he held back his killing intent for the time being.

After the two left, the cell fell into darkness.

The cell is full of magic circles, and after the supernatural beings are imprisoned, they will be firmly suppressed by the magic circle.

"Hey, newcomer, are you also from Daxia?"

In the cell opposite, an unkempt and bruised man lay on the hole in the cell door and shouted at the fake [Tom].

The fake [Tom] stood there in a daze without responding.

"Hey, talk!" the man shouted again.

The fake [Tom] turned his head half a circle, turned his face towards the back, and looked at the man with a weird smile on his face.

"I'm going, what the hell?!" The man was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground.

The fake [Tom] walked towards the prison door, stretched out his palm along the crack of the door as if melting, and dug into the keyhole for a while.

The cell door clicked open.

The man looked at all this with a dazed face, and then his face was ecstatic, and he kept gesturing to the fake [Tom]: "Dude, buddy, look here, and open my cell door!"

The fake [Tom] seemed to have never heard of it, and stretched out his hand to take out talisman bombs from his mouth.

"I knock, talisman bomb?!"

The man is a man of knowledge, with his eyes wide open, watching the fake [Tom] operate in disbelief.

A total of ten talisman bombs, isn't it going to blow up the entire [Servant God's Office]?

The fake [Tom] was like a robot, staggering towards the location set by Zhang Xibao.

According to the floor plan of the informant [Du Juan], Zhang Xibao found ten blasting locations that could exert the maximum power of the talisman bomb.

After setting the ten talisman bombs one by one, the fake [Tom] slowly walked towards the man's cell door.

"Dude, since you have a talisman bomb in your hand, were you sent by the Five Dragons?" The slovenly man looked curiously at the bald head in front of him.

The fake [Tom] nodded, and said slowly: "The fifth dark sage has an order to rescue my colleagues and wait for the signal..."

"Fifth Dark Saint? I have been imprisoned for too long, and there is a Fifth Saint in Daxia?"

The sloppy man said excitedly: "We are colleagues. My code name is [Zigui], and I am the previous [Du Juan]!"

[Zigui] cooperated with the fake [Tom] to rescue other colleagues, and waited for the signal that Master Ansheng said...

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