Zhang Xibao's side.

He Tian and Zhang Xibao chatted and laughed, and the two came to a main hall on the middle floor of [Shishen Liao].

"Come on, Aoki-san, the priest has prepared dust-washing wine for you!"

He heard voices before he saw anyone.

Zhang Xibao passed through layers of curtains and saw a dozen or so cadres from the [Servant God's Office] kneeling on the left and right sides of the main hall. He took a quick glance and found that [Du Juan] was also there.

Sitting cross-legged in the top position is a burly man with long hair. This guy is the priest.

The long-haired man couldn't see his face clearly because he was wearing a mask with black stripes on a white background.

"Tiger Lord Nengmian" was worn on the long-haired man's face, Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows, it seems that if he wants to get the mask back, he has to take it off this guy's face...

The long-haired man sat cross-legged like a sculpture, his expression behind the mask was unknown, but a pair of dark eyes were staring at Zhang Xibao intently.

"Aoki, come sit down and accompany me!"

An old man with a cigarette pot patted the empty seat next to him, motioning for Zhang Xibao to sit over.

This old man's name is Matsui, he is the real high-ranking officer of [Shishen Liao], and he is also the teacher of people like Aoki and Tsuruta.

According to the standard of respecting the left, the high-level cadres are on the left of the priest, and the middle-level cadres are on the right. With the status of Aoki and Tsuruta, they should sit at the bottom of the right, but the old man asked Zhang Xibao to sit down, and Zhang Xibao sat on the left in the vacancy.

It could be seen that there was dissatisfaction in the eyes of the other high-level executives, but none of them made a sound. This time, Aoki brought back the prisoner who mastered the "Kidney Sutra", and completed the "Five Viscera Sutra", so why not let him experience that seat?

"Let's start the banquet!" The old man waved his hand.

The atmosphere suddenly became lively, with the sound of babbling music, and the dancer holding a paper umbrella and painting her face white began to dance.

"Drink, drink!" Tsuruta shouted excitedly.

The old man knocked on his cigarette bag, turned his head to look at Zhang Xibao: "Qingmu, tell me about the experience of this trip, the old man likes to hear this..."

Zhang Xibao recounted the Jin City case in detail, and the old man clapped his hands and laughed.

While the old man was happy, Zhang Xibao said again: "Teacher, the "Kidney Sutra" is in that prisoner's head, and the "Five Viscera Sutra" can finally be completed, but my lung ghost is gone, and the heart ghost is also eating back..."

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and let the old man look at those restless black hair.

"Ah, after drinking this cup, I will take you to recite the "Heart Sutra". It doesn't matter if the lung ghost dies. The teacher will help you find a more suitable lung ghost. This is the reward you deserve, hahaha!"

The old man was very happy and drank three cups happily.

Afterwards, the old man got up and led Zhang Xibao to the back of the main hall, while a group of people remained in the hall pushing glasses and changing glasses.

Although he was still inside the building, Zhang Xibao clearly felt that the two were walking down, and the supernatural beings on duty began to appear in twos and threes.

The supernatural beings on duty saw the old man and Zhang Xibao salute one after another, and even avoided the procedure of asking questions.

The two walked for a while, and weird-shaped statues began to appear on both sides of the corridor. The largest statue was as big as a human head, and the smallest was the size of a fist. The carvings were very exquisite, and densely packed talismans were pasted on each statue.

"Ah, let me see, the lung ghost is gold, how about the teacher giving you the [Raksha Ronin] that you have coveted for a long time?"

"The heart ghost backfires because it is too strong, [Raksha Ronin] can just consume its ghost nature, but if this is the case, the liver ghost and spleen ghost have to be replaced..."

"It's a pity to replace it, let the liver ghost and spleen ghost eat the remnants of the captives..."

"Aoki, the teacher intends to train you to be a high-level cadre, do you know that, otherwise, I will let Tsuruta do this task, this kid is frizzy and embarrassing!"

The old man walked in a rambling manner.

"Thank you teacher, Aoki will definitely live up to your expectations!" Zhang Xibao pretended to be ecstatic and reserved, which fit Aoki's personality very well.

After walking for a while, the old man walked straight towards a enshrined statue. The statue was a palm-sized swordsman with a grimace, and a Taidao hung on each side of his big crotch.

"Take it, it's yours..."

The old man warned carefully: "This ronin was formed by our ancestors, we must make good offerings to it!"

"Hi, hi!"

Zhang Xibao took the statue with both hands and kept bowing, thinking that labor and capital really paid too much for this task, and Qinglong must pay him extra money when he goes back.

The old man led him to continue walking inward.

There is a secret room in the innermost, the old man opened the door, Zhang Xibao took a look, there are quite a lot of good things inside.

The four scriptures in the "Five Viscera Classics" are enshrined on a huge wooden platform, and the rest of the wooden platforms are enshrined with purple gold bowls, staggered gold five-stringed lutes, ghost banners...

Zhang Xibao suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and looked for an opportunity to attack the old man.

This Wraith Banner looks familiar...

Could it be that the two neon people who planted baby face trees in Nanshi had something to do with [Shishen Liao]?

"Teacher will help you make offerings to [Raksha Ronin], and then recite the "Heart Sutra" to suppress ghosts..."

The old man uncovered the talismans on the statue layer by layer, the statue split open, and a humanoid monster of a known size came out. The monster was naked and gleaming with oil in the pitch black, curled up in the old man's palm.

"Qingmu, swallow it!" The old man squeezed [Raksha Ronin] and was about to put it into Zhang Xibao's mouth.

"Ouch, you neon people are disgusting, I can't take it anymore!"

Zhang Xibao couldn't help retching, and at the same time pinched the old man's arm with his right hand.

The old man's eyes were puzzled at first, and when he saw his wrist pinched by Zhang Xibao and the [Raksha Ronin] in his palm turned into ashes, he couldn't help shouting: "Ah, you're not Aoki!"

"Smith Marseille, I'm really not Aoki..."

While speaking, Zhang Xibao opened his mouth and let out a mouthful of samadhi qi, and the flames traveled along the old man's wrist to his arm and torso.

The old man was also a ruthless person, he chopped off his right arm with a left-handed knife, but Zhang Xibao's Samadhi True Fire burned to his torso like a gangrene.

"Ah, what kind of fire is this?!"

The old man ignored the real fire, and four black shadows emerged from his body. It should be that the old man made offerings to the temple ghosts. He wanted to pull Zhang Xibao on his back before he died.

"This is a god fire dedicated to burning dirty and filthy things!"

"A disgusting Bala person like you is the most suitable fuel for the fire..."

Zhang Xibao curled his lips, the true fire of samadhi burned through the old man's chest and abdomen in an instant, the dirty temple was destroyed, and the four black shadows began to struggle painfully before they took shape.

The old man's temple ghost is definitely stronger than Aoki's, if it wasn't for this wave of preemptive strikes, stabbing the old man in the back, I'm afraid Zhang Xibao will have to fight hard to kill the old man.

The four black shadows shrink smaller and smaller, turning into four black meatballs curled up on the ground.

"It's as disgusting as a cockroach, and it's still an ancestor!"

Zhang Xibao stomped on the four temple ghosts one by one, and the old man was also reduced to ashes under the fire of Samadhi.

"I think it's dirty to step on you with the soles of my feet..."

Zhang Xibao muttered to himself, first put the four "Zang Jing" into the Tongtian Treasure House, and then took all the treasures in the secret room one by one, then looked at the statues on both sides of the corridor.

Each of these statues enshrines a five-element ghost, and there are thousands of them!

Remembering that the old man was about to stuff temple ghosts into his mouth, Zhang Xibao felt violent. He shook his head and sighed, "This world...is filthy again!"

"Burn it, Firebird!"

The phoenix transformed from the different fire screamed and shuttled through the corridor, statues were burned by the different fire, and the temple ghosts wailed in pain, which was like fairy music in Zhang Xibao's ears.

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