"It's on fire!" shouted the guarded supernatural being.

Zhang Xibao ran out with Aoki's face on his face, grabbed a supernatural person and yelled: "Hurry up and put out the fire!"

A group of people rushed into the corridor like headless chickens.

"Quickly open the magic circle!"

"Water-type abilities go to put out the fire!"

A guy who seemed to be the leader commanded the guards, and the panicked supernatural beings suddenly became orderly.

Zhang Xibao took a look, is this okay? He just wanted to make [Shishen Liao] mess up, the more messy the better!

"Blessed are you, Moya-3 hand cannon, this is my first test firing..."

Looking at the leader's back, Zhang Xibao murmured and took out the Moya hand cannon from the Tongtianbao Curry.

People, crosshairs, eyes, three points and one line, aim, Zhang Xibao pulls.


That man exploded!

Only a pair of scorched leather shoes and smoking clothes remained in place.

"Mom, this thing has too much recoil!"

Zhang Xibao flicked his numb wrist.

The supernatural beings fighting the fire looked confused and looked at Zhang Xibao in shock: "Qing Musang, what are you doing?"

One who reacted quickly shouted, "He's not Aoki, he's an enemy, an enemy!"

Zhang Xibao squinted at the drum of the Moya hand cannon, and grinned: "You are blessed, there are still five rounds in the drum..."

Boom boom boom!

Explosions continued to resound in the corridor.

Three minutes later, Zhang Xibao blew the smoke of Moya, threw the empty hand cannon back to Tongtian Treasure House, dusted off his clothes, and walked to the main hall where he drank before.

"There is still one last piece of "Tiger Lord Neng Noodles"..."

The mask was worn on the priest's face, and the information didn't mention the specific rank of the priest. Zhang Xibao had a premonition that this matter would be difficult.

"150,000 merit points are not easy to get..."

The sound of the explosion in the corridor had already spread to the drinking hall, and a group of high-level officials stood at the exit of the corridor.

There are temple ghosts in the bodies of these people, so there are all kinds of strange shadows floating behind these people.

There are women with spider legs, ghost monks with forks, and one-eyed giants...

"An accident happened in the Treasure Pavilion..."

"Didn't Matsui bring Aoki into the chanting?"

"It looks like it's on fire!"

"I also heard gunshots!"

"Attention, someone is coming out!"

Before Zhang Xibao came out, he used Aoki's voice to shout outside: "Don't attack, it's me, Aoki!"

But everyone's vigilance did not relax because of this, someone shouted into the corridor:

"What happened inside?"

"Where's Matsui?"

Zhang Xibao took out the Flaming Heavy Machine Gun from the Tongtianbao Curry, and while carrying the ammunition box on his back, shouted: "Teacher asked me to give you a sentence!"

"What did Matsui ask you to bring?" Everyone was puzzled.

Zhang Xibao grinned and yelled outside: "The teacher asked me to bring it - it's art!"

Zhang Xibao finally walked out of the tunnel, and the heavy machine gun in his hand began to spin crazily.

Da da da da!

The gun barrel spits out blue flames, bringing high-temperature bullets in the flames to bring death to the enemy.

"Quickly dodge..."

Before the words fell, the iron curtain formed by the bullets began to harvest the high-level executives of the [Serving God's Office] at the door, and the few people who bore the brunt were interrupted by the middle!

"It doesn't matter what demons and ghosts you are, I will smash them all!"

"Those who stand in my way die!"

Zhang Xibao laughed wildly, and the flaming heavy machine gun poured out the talisman bullets desperately. The bullets were not only fatal to people, but the talismans on the bullet wall were also harmful to those temple ghosts.

For a while, ghosts cried and howled, only two high-level cadres around the priest survived, because the priest's outstretched hands formed a magic shield, blocking all the violent talisman bullets outside.

The priest didn't enshrine the temple ghosts, he definitely used the "Tiger Lord Nengmian" on his face

The cyan magic shield intercepted all the bullets from the heavy machine gun, and the priest's body was full of fresh air. The black feathers on his body were torn to pieces, and his long hair flew flying.

The skin that was exposed to the air was covered with black patterns, as if the body of the priest had merged with the "Tiger King Nengmian".

Zhang Xibao became vigilant. According to the characteristics of "Tiger King Nengmian", priests definitely have more than just a magic shield.

Ka Ka Ka...

The barrel of the Flame Tongue heavy machine gun idling.

A box of bullets was shot empty, and none of the high-ranking cadres present survived. Zhang Xibao threw the tongue of fire back into the Tongtian Treasure House, and took out the Tribulus of the Past.

Zhang Xibao confronted the priest from a distance.

"Leave him to me, you go to guard the supernatural prison..."

The priest who had never spoken a word finally spoke, and the two high-ranking cadres beside him bowed and rushed towards the underground superhuman prison.

At the same time, the fake [Tom], [Zigui] and other captives in the underground supernatural prison were all freed.

The magic circle in the underground prison was destroyed by the fake [Tom], and it took out a few pills of Huaqing Dan that Zhang Xibao had left for it, and divided the pills into several portions for [Zigui] to eat, replenishing the Qingqing pills in the bodies of these colleagues. gas.

Hearing the roar of the flaming heavy machine gun above the ground, the fake [Tom] smiled strangely, and said to [Zigui]: "The talisman bomb is about to explode, we can rush out!"

"Brothers, kill!"

【Zi Gui】Be the first to bear the brunt, leading the crowd to kill on the ground.

Footsteps came from the front, everyone looked ahead vigilantly, and the informant [Du Juan] rushed out.

"Don't be nervous, I am [Du Juan], your successor!"

[Du Juan] raised his hands to show his identity, and made a secret sign with [Zi Gui].

【Zi Gui】Nodding his head: "It's one of our own!"

"Master Dark Saint has already started to act. When I was drinking, I slipped out with the excuse of going to the toilet, and there was already a fight over there!"

[Du Juan] waved to everyone: "The priest of [Serving God's Office] is at least a first-level prefecture, let's withdraw first, and don't let Lord Ansheng hold you back!"

"The talisman bomb is about to explode, let's go..." The fake [Tom] also reminded.

Everyone stopped delaying and rushed towards the ground.

After refining Fang Rui, Zhang Xibao had a certain connection with Fang Rui. He received a signal from the fake [Tom] that the talisman bomb was about to explode!

The informant withdrew the prisoners, Zhang Xibao didn't want to be bombed within the range of [Shishen Liao].

He smiled at the priest and asked, "Do you want me to perform a show for you?"

"If you chase me, if you catch me, I'll tell you, hehehe..."

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao retreated violently.

Of course, the priest refused to let Zhang Xibao go, and followed Zhang Xibao out of the range of [Serving God's Office].

"Get ready to listen!"

Zhang Xibao counted down while running:



Before counting to one, there was a loud bang, and [Shishen Liao] exploded!

The stone slabs laid in [Shishen Liao] flew out like meteors, and all the ground buildings were disintegrating and collapsing. The whole area of ​​the ground seemed to have been plowed, especially the ground area of ​​the underground prison, where a black paint was directly collapsed. Big hole in the paint!



A muffled sound like a heartbeat came from the ground, as if the priest had been struck by lightning, he stopped abruptly, and said viciously to Zhang Xibao: "Next time, I will kill you!"

After threatening Zhang Xibao, the priest turned and ran towards the big hole in the ground.

"Why didn't you fight all of a sudden?"

"What's in the big hole?"

Zhang Xibao was curious, and at the same time summoned the fake "Tom" to join him. He wanted to ride a phoenix to fly to the sky to see what was in the cave that made the priest so nervous.

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