Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 255: The Password Is The Big Fist


"You retreat first, Lord Ansheng is calling me..."

Fake [Tom] and [Du Juan] informed them, turned around and ran towards Zhang Xibao's direction.

As it ran, its body twisted for a while, transformed from a human into a phoenix, and flew towards Zhang Xibao with a cry.

Zhang Xibao charged up and jumped, sat on Fenghuang's back, pointed to the big hole in the [Shishen Liao]: "Come on, let's go and have a look!"

"I didn't get 'Hu Jun Neng Noodles', Master Bao, I don't want to leave, otherwise Qinglong will deduct the money, and the trip will make people worry, four bets, skr~skr~"

woo woo woo...

There is no wind, but there is a sound of wind in the big hole of [Shishen Liao].

A series of spirit bodies emerged from the big hole, like glowing dandelions in the dark night.

The explosion broke the restraint that bound the spirits, and the spirits scattered away.

"Why did [Shishen Liao] arrest so many souls underground? What are these guys doing?"

Zhang Xibao controlled the phoenix to fly down, and he found that there was still a lot of space under the original prison for supernatural beings!

"Dear fellow, you dug really deep!"

The phoenix landed and turned into a wristband again, wrapping around Zhang Xibao's arm.

"There are obvious traces of the magic circle on the wall, and the rank of the magic circle is even better than that in the prison. This shows that the things underground are very important, and I have to go back to check if the priest gave up hunting down."

Zhang Xibao sneaked in while thinking.

"The temple ghosts in the tunnel were destroyed. Except for the low-level cadres who were nervous for a while, the priests didn't seem to care. Could there be something more powerful down here?"

Zhang Xibao pinched his face while walking, changing Aoki's image.

This tourist account is abolished, create a new one!

"Who, password?!"

When Zhang Xibao passed a corner, a supernatural being wearing a black magic suit collided with him.

"The password is..."

It was Zhang Xibao's casserole-sized fist that answered the supernatural being.

"I'm careless, I didn't expect a password to be needed here..."

A burst of strange fire turned the body of the supernatural being into ashes, Zhang Xibao pinched a supernatural being's face, and embellished it.

He continued to walk inward with the face of the superhuman being, and as expected, he met another superhuman who hurried out.

This time, Zhang Xibao learned how to be smart, he jumped up with a stride, slapped two big pussies, grabbed the man by the collar, and asked preemptively: "Password?!"

The man replied with a confused face: "The black cat again! Response order?"

Nima, is there a return order?

Careless, careless!

Zhang Xibao killed this guy with one punch, scored twice, and a blast of strange fire destroyed the corpse and wiped out all traces.

He then walked inward, and after passing through a corridor, he bumped into a senior cadre in haori.

This time, Zhang Xibao learned to be smart, he kept his mouth shut and waited for the other party to ask first.

The senior cadres looked at Zhang Xibao and asked, "Password?"

Zhang Xibao replied: "Black cat again, return order?"

The high-ranking cadre came over, spitted and shouted: "Look carefully, I am a cadre, and I don't need to reply to you, Baga!"

Zhang Xibao sighed: "You idiots, my patience really has a limit..."

After scoring three goals, Zhang Xibao punched the high-ranking cadre against the wall, the kind that he couldn't even expose.

"Hey, let's pinch your face again..."

Zhang Xibao took off the feather, put it on his body, squeezed the face of this high-ranking cadre, and walked towards the interior swaggeringly.

A young man with an airplane head came towards him, his face was bandaged with gauze, it was Aoki's good friend Tsuruta, this boy was not dead in the explosion.

"Password?" Tsuruta asked warily.

The news that Aoki is an enemy pretending to be an enemy has probably already spread, so the underground began to enforce the password. Tsuruta looked at Zhang Xibao vigilantly and asked for the password.

Zhang Xibao glared at He Tian, ​​and said coldly: "The black cat again, return the order!"

"Crow Tengu!"

Tsuruta returned the order, and the two successfully matched the password, and Tsuruta relaxed.

"Master Inuyama, the priest has called all cadres above the Xuan rank to gather!"

Zhang Xibao nodded, showing the arrogance of a high-level cadre, and glanced at He Tian: "Understood, let's lead the way!"


After all, Inuyama played by Zhang Xibao was a high-level cadre, and Tsuruta didn't dare to complain, bowed his head slightly, and led the way ahead, and the two walked towards the place the priest said.

The destination was an underground hall, where thirty or so supernatural beings dressed in black feathers gathered together.

Zhang Xibao originally thought that most of the high-level cadres of [Shishenliao] died under the flames, but he didn't expect that there was still a lot of hidden combat power.

What made him feel even more difficult was the things around the hall, some beast spirits imprisoned in forbidden cages, and the experimental subjects of strange beasts and supernatural beings soaked in huge liquid tanks.

The people at [Servant of the Gods] are experimenting with strange beasts and people with supernatural powers...

The prohibition composed of clean air and the laboratory instruments made the hall full of a sense of science and technology in the fantasy, and even a little absurd.

bang bang bang...

It was like a heartbeat.

The priest did not know what control switch was turned on, and the floor of the hall turned transparent. Zhang Xibao saw a black snake-shaped beast under everyone's feet.

The body of the snake-shaped monster is very huge, and it is coiled together in a circle, which just fills this circular hall that can accommodate thousands of people, and everyone stands above the snake's head.

The snake's eyes are already lit up, but its body is ethereal and has no texture.

"No wonder, this snake-shaped beast is not an entity, but a snake spirit." Zhang Xibao muttered.

The introduction of "Tongtian Dabaojian" is:

"Thunderscale giant python: Heaven-rank C-level alien beast with an extremely huge body and a length of up to three hundred feet. It is one of the largest alien beasts in the wilderness. The material of the utensil, snake gall and snake meat are natural treasures. 』

"I don't know from which foreign land the people of [Servant God] found such a thing..."

"The spirit body used as nourishment has escaped, so we can only use the beast spirit to feed the Cursed Dragon first..."

The priest waved his hand, and several supernatural beings threw the beast spirit trapped in the restriction to the snake spirit under the floor.

The snake spirit opened its mouth slightly, and several beast spirits were torn apart and fused together.

bang bang!

Without a real heart, there was a drum-like heartbeat in the snake spirit's body.

"The curse dragon was woken up by the explosion, and the magic circle was destroyed. My purpose of gathering everyone is to re-pacify the curse dragon through the power of everyone!"


The priest gave an order, and the supernatural beings in the hall responded in unison.

Everyone has mastered the ceremony of sitting cross-legged in the magic circle, preparing to appease the cursed dragon. Zhang Xibao also imitated a cat like a tiger, sitting cross-legged on the ground, pretending to start preparations.

The so-called appeasement spell dragon should be chanting some kind of spell, and at the same time blowing air into the magic circle in the floor, so that the ban can suppress the snake spirit.

Zhang Xibao can't appease the curse dragon.

But Zhang Xibao can hold back.

"The front wheels don't turn, but the back wheels turn..."

Zhang Xibao was muttering something, and at the same time he took out a golden awl from the Tongtian Treasure House.

This awl is called "Suppressing Evil Golden Awl", which Xiao Ni obtained when he was in the corpse mountain. It is specially used to restrain the evil spirits of corpses, and it is also effective for spirit bodies.

"Peace the Curse Dragon, right? See if I tie it or not and it's over..."

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