Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 256: Using Doctrine And Bite Back



Zhang Xibao grabbed the golden awl and poked it on the floor, a hole the size of a fist was torn through the transparent floor, and the golden awl shot out, piercing the snake spirit's forehead.


The snake spirit was in pain, roared, and flicked the tip of its tail, sending a piece of the floor in the corner of the hall flying, and picking out a few unlucky supernatural beings by the way.


The wailing echoed in the hall, and the priest shouted: "Steady, continue to strengthen the ban!"

How could Zhang Xibao make him happy? He took out the Moya hand cannon from the Tongtianbao Curry, and began to stuff the bullets into the drum one by one.

"Inushan-kun, what are you doing?!"

"He's not Inuyama!"

The bullets were full, the drum rotated a few times, and then Zhang Xibao loaded it on the hand cannon with a click.

"Hey, if you got the answer right, you will be rewarded with a shot!"

Zhang Xibao pointed the muzzle of the black hole towards the floor, and with a bang, the magic circle on the floor was destroyed.

To fish in muddy water, you have to muddy the water before you can fish...

Prioritize breaking the prohibition and releasing the snake spirit, so as not to be besieged by the supernatural beings.

"It's you?!"

The priest's eyes were about to burst into flames.

He said before that if he meets Zhang Xibao again, he will be killed, but he didn't expect Zhang Xibao to jump in front of him again.

"What a coincidence, we meet again?"

Zhang Xibao casually blasted a superhuman who rushed towards him, and greeted the priest on the stage.

"I said, I will kill you!"

The priest jumped, and his body was miraculously suspended in mid-air.

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes, and guessed that this guy could fly in the air, which seemed to be the second ability of the mask.

"Hehe, kill me? Or take care of your big baby first?"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the snake spirit under the floor.

Once the restriction was broken, the program of the supernatural beings chanting the mantra was interrupted by the hand cannon, and the snake spirit was completely awake.

It smashed through the center of the floor, exposing half of the snake's head, staring at everyone with eyes bigger than a millstone.

The air seemed to be stagnant, and the supernatural beings in [Servant of the Gods] didn't even dare to breathe. At this moment, except for Zhang Xibao and the priest, no one was not food for the snake spirit.


The snake spirit didn't move at all, it just opened its mouth and roared, and several unlucky supernatural beings were blown into flying ash by lightning, and all their spirits were swallowed by the snake spirit.

It seemed that the smell was bad, and the snake spirit aimed at the beast spirits and strange beasts in the cage in the hall again. It swiped with the tip of its tail, and the restrictions fixed on the wall were broken one after another.

The snake spirit sucked in a big mouth, and all the beast spirits and strange beasts without substance were swallowed.

"The Cursed Dragon has awakened!"

The supernatural beings who reacted rushed out of the hall in a swarm.

The snake spirit that ate up all the beast spirits and strange beasts was still unsatisfied, and began to hit the ceiling of the hall crazily.




【Samurai House】The surrounding earth began to tremble, and the ground trembled like waves.

Zhang Xibao looked at the priest with a smile, pointed at himself, and pointed at the snake spirit.

The meaning is very simple, come and kill me, or control the snake spirit?

Being teased twice in one day, the priest was completely enraged, and he yelled, "I'll kill you first!"

The figure of the priest pulled out a phantom, flying towards Zhang Xibao.

"Well done!"

Zhang Xibao took out the thorn stick, Fang Rui transformed into a golden wing behind him, Zhang Xibao flapped his wings and flew towards the priest.

"Dharma shield, floating, whatever other tricks you have, feel free to use them, Lord Bao, blink your eyes, I'm the loser!" Zhang Xibao pointed at the priest with a thorn stick.

There was a bang.

In mid-air, the two figures collided, and the black thorns smashed on the priest's blue magic shield. The magic shield shattered and the priest was blown away.

In terms of strength, he was no match for Zhang Xibao.

"Heavenly Rank!"

"who are you?"

The priest tore off the robe on his body, and the black pattern on the surface of the body suddenly burst into light.

The surrounding air quickly became cold, and Zhang Xibao's breath turned into white smoke.

Ice picks appeared out of thin air behind the priest. The priest pointed at Zhang Xibao, and thousands of sharp ice picks pierced Zhang Xibao.

"Wo nen stack!"

Zhang Xibao didn't retreat but advanced, brandishing a thorn stick and rushing towards the priest, while smashing the icicles denser than raindrops.

"Ice element!"

"Tiger Lord Nengmian" can control seven ghosts. The level of the mask He Xiansheng said is lower than the level given by Baojian, which means that the priests can't master seven kinds of abilities!


Zhang Xibao suddenly controlled the wings and retreated violently, the priest also quickly retreated to the side, a huge mouth suddenly appeared in the original position of the two.

It turned out that the two people who were fighting attracted the attention of the snake spirit, and the snake spirit found that the most delicious food was hidden under his nose.

Zhang Xibao and the priest were floating in the air, one left and one right, with a huge snake head in the middle, and the snake spirit seemed to be thinking about which side was tastier.

In other words, whichever side the snake spirit chooses, that side will bear the attacks of both sides at the same time.


The snake spirit suddenly turned and flew towards the priest.

From the perspective of the snake spirit, there are only two spirits on Zhang Xibao's side, one is Zhang Xibao himself, and the other is the weapon spirit in the thorn stick, and there are six spirits on the priest's side!

"Naughty animal!"

Seeing the snake spirit rushing towards him, the priest cursed loudly.

Zhang Xibao smiled: "It seems that the priest is more delicious than me?"

An enemy's enemy is a friend. Before the snake spirit ate the priest, it was Zhang Xibao's right-hand man.


There are electric arcs in the transparent air, and the snake spirit's innate supernatural power is thunder and lightning!


A thick electric arc slashed towards the priest, and the priest hurriedly took up the magic shield to resist, the snake spirit's head slammed into the magic shield and sent it flying.

The giant thunderscale python is a heavenly rank, but the snake spirit is just a rotting remnant soul. Although its rank has been greatly reduced, it cannot stop its huge body.

The power of this collision is three points greater than Zhang Xibao's power of smashing a stick.

The priest swallowed a mouthful of blood, passed the square-inch bracelet with his palm, and talismans flew out one by one.

It seems that the fourth ability he has mastered is the ancient talisman.

Zhang Xibao didn't intend to stop the priest, the snipe and the clam fought, and the fisherman benefited. Only after the priest and the snake spirit fought to the death, he could do it conveniently.

Otherwise, no matter whether the snake spirit swallowed the priest or the priest sealed the snake spirit, he would have to work hard to kill one of them.

"Sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, hehe!"

Zhang Xibao was suspended in mid-air, with Erlang's legs raised, only happy water in his left hand and popcorn in his right.

The talismans emerging from the priest's bracelet are much more than Zhang Laodao's talisman that sealed the heart ghost last time. There are thousands of them, and the quality is better. They are blood-red talismans that are stronger than the blue talismans. Fei.

Sealing the snake spirit, the priest also spent a lot of money.


The priest pushed with both hands, and the blood-red talisman rushed towards the snake spirit like a storm.


The surface of the snake spirit began to be coated with a layer of blood-red light, and the talisman was adsorbed on its surface.

From the snake's head to the snake's tail, the talismans were pasted all over the place without leaving any gaps, just like covering the body of the snake spirit with a layer of bread crumbs, Zhang Xibao next to him was crying.

"seal up!"

Palm-sized talismans began to stick together, and the snake spirit slammed on the floor with a bang, more and more talismans changed, suppressing the snake spirit to death.


The snake spirit raised its body and struggled, and the electric arc continuously struck the surrounding objects. Occasionally, some talismans were torn apart, and soon new talismans flew to fill the gap.

The five fingers of the priest form a hook, controlling the talisman to wrestle with the snake spirit.

"Do you want me to help you?"

Zhang Xibao took out a big black wooden box from Tongtian Treasure House.

"Yama Temple Enhanced Edition"

Qinglong gave Zhang Xibao this thing to deal with temple ghosts, but he didn't expect it to come in handy here!


Zhang Xibao activated the strange treasure with fresh air, and opened the big black wooden box.

"I knock, or the slide?"

Zhang Xibao always thought that the box was opened, or the lid was pushed and pulled, but unexpectedly the big box was torn open, and there was a sandwich inside!

The interior of the interlayer is engraved with numerous ancient scriptures, which is completely different from the ordinary appearance of the wooden box.


The ancient inscription was activated, and two golden chains emerged from the wooden box, and the chains automatically wound towards the snake spirit.

With the golden chains entangled, the snake spirit's huge body began to shrink gradually. When the chains were completely wrapped around the snake spirit, the two chains were pulled back, and the snake spirit flew towards the interlayer of the wooden box.

If it weren't for the grand array of talismans from the priests, it might not have been so easy for Yan Luodian to control the snake spirit!

Zhang Xibao picked up the wooden box with sharp eyes and quick hands, and looked into the box intently. The snake spirit wrapped in rice dumplings was curled up and struggling in the interlayer.

"Stop, the curse dragon is mine!"

The priest rushed towards Zhang Xibao desperately.

It doesn't matter if the top cadres are dead.

It doesn't matter if thousands of temple ghost statues are destroyed.

Even treasure Curry's treasures are stolen.

If the curse dragon is taken away again, he can't agree to it. This curse dragon is the foundation of [Samurai]!

"You call it, does it agree?"


Zhang Xibao closed the wooden box, took out a handful of ancient soul-suppressing script from Tongtianbao Curry with his backhand, and carefully pasted the talisman paper along the gap of the wooden box.

"The snake spirit is mine, and I have to take off the mask on your face!"

"This is not stealing, nor is it robbing, this is called returning things to their original owners!"

Zhang Xibao threw the big black box into Tongtian Treasure House, and rushed towards the priest.

"Bring it to me, you!"

Zhang Xibao let out a roar, and the phantom ghost horn inside the thorn stick flashed.

This stick, Zhang Xibao used all his strength!

The magic shield and thistle rod held up by the priest would shatter at the touch of a touch, the priest's arms exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and his body fell like a meteor.

Zhang Xibao pursued the victory and flew towards the direction where the priest fell.

The priest's remnant body smashed into a floor, and smashed another big hole in the magic circle where the snake spirit was sleeping.

"Ho ho ho..."

The priest lay in the pit with disheveled hair, and blood mixed with internal organs gushed out of his mouth.

"I took the mask."

Zhang Xibao reached out to take off the mask, and finally saw the priest's face behind the mask.

It was a young and handsome face, but at this moment it shattered like a mirror.

"why are you laughing?"

Zhang Xibao looked down at the priest, who laughed with bloody teeth.

"Aren't you curious... the fifth ability of the mask?"

The priest had an expression of a winner at this moment: "The fifth ability... is the curse that can never be escaped... the curse!"


"This body... collapses, I... will kill you in a dream... replace you, and you will become... the new priest!"

The priest completely lost his vitality, and the spirit in his eyes disappeared, replaced by cloudiness.

Zhang Xibao saw that the black pattern on the body of the priest was dissipating, and a strange black pattern appeared on the palm of his own hand holding the "Tiger Lord Nengmian".

"Fucking brat, son, you bit me back when you were about to die!"

Zhang Xibao squatted down and took off the square inch bracelet from the priest's wrist.

A strange fire burned the body of the priest to ashes, Zhang Xibao threw the "Tiger King Neng Noodles" into the Tongtian Treasure House, turned and left the [Serving God] angrily.

"It's a big loss, and the Five Dragons will have to compensate me for mental damage!"

"Nightmare! Nightmare! I can kill you if you're alive, but you can turn the world upside down when you're dead?!"

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